The ASN Commitment... "To provide the tools and resources to change and improve peoples' lives".

The ASN Philosophy... "You can get anything out of life you want, if you help enough others get what they want".

ASN Financial Services

The Fountain of Youth?!

Find it Here!

No Down Home Loans

Free Foreclosure Lists

Mortgage Reduction

No Down Investments


Do You Need a Will?

U Pay 2 Much Taxes

Credit Repair Service

Free Credit Repair Kit


Free Bankruptcy Forms

Loans in 24 Hours!


We are a Network of Nationwide Network of Real Estate, Financial, Legal and Credit Professionals who are committed to providing needed life changing services at affordable costs.   Our overriding philosophy is simple...

A service you can't afford...  Is no service at all!

      Because we encompasses many aspects of Real Estate, Law and Finance, we can afford to OBJECTIVELY ANALYZE your situation and advise you on the THE BEST solution to your issues... not just THE service we happen to provide. 

     The point is, we have no financial incentive to recommend any service over another.  We don't have the normal financial incentives that lead to the mind set that plagues so many companies... i.e.  "Our one solution fixes all your problems."  

     We are not plagued with the common mindset of "All we have is a hammer... so everything looks like a nail!"

For example:

  • If credit repair is a better solution for your situation than bankruptcy... we tell you. 

  • If bankruptcy is more beneficial for your situation than a Credit Fix.. we tell you.

We have but one bias-- one goal...  To provide you with the best information,  best options at the lowest fees... 

and then let you decide which is best for you

We Have Only One Goal... to Serve You

Tax Reduction


The vast majority of Americans miss out on legal deductions and write offs that could save them hundreds or even thousands in tax liability!  See simple and free ways to reduce your taxes and/or get bigger refunds. 

Mortgage Reduction

You Don't Have to Lose Your Home!  You Don't Have to be Burdened with Exorbitant House Payments!

You Don't Have to Be Stuck With High Interest Rates, If you owe too much, are paying too much, we can help.


It's an ongoing tragedy!  The government has put in place financial programs that will allow millions of families to save their homes, lower their payments, wipe out tens of thousands of dollars on their mortgages... What's the Tragedy? 


Actual statistics show that 75% of these MILLIONS of families who are struggling and losing their homes actually qualify for this life changing program but continue to into foreclosure while vainly attempting to make outrageous house payments...  They are fighting and losing their homes simply because they don't know help exists or don't know they qualify. 



Most people don't know the real options that they have to stop creditors and garnishments.  The FACT that you can often even get rid of back taxes!  Learn the facts... learn your rights.  You can find them all here... for FREE...


Few things in life are sadder than the breakup of a family.  Nevertheless, it happens and we are here to help in any way we can.  We give you free information, that can help understand the options and repercussions,  including Free Child Support Calculators and additional services and information that can help you and your family move forward as painfully as possible.   See divorce.


Incorporating or becoming an LLC is not for everyone.  But for the right person it is the BEST!   

For many it would accomplish nothing other than create the need for additional paperwork.  For others it can save them Tens of Thousands in Tax Liability and legal protection of personal assets.  For example, one recent client, he had a net income of about $100,000 dollars and a total State and Federal tax liability in excess of $35,000 dollars.  


After creating an S-Corp and reanalyzing what the tax liability would have been if the corporation had existed for that tax year and then implementing our Corporate tax strategies.  The total tax liability had been reduced to under $10,000.   Although, not for everyone, many people are in a position that would allow them to derive huge benefits of lower taxation and the protection of personal assets.


If you think that incorporating might be for you call us for a no obligation consultation.  

For a free No Obligation Consultation with one of our Service Specialists,

Call Toll Free 877 604 6636  EXT 3

When calling please reference Service ID Code [PERSONALID]



Not having a will and can and often does lead to disaster.

Having, at least, a Will is a must...

But creating a Living Will is even better.


Summary of what a Living Trust Accomplishes for You and Your Family

  • It avoids probate and the associated court costs.

  • It prevents court control of assets at incapacity.

  • It provides maximum security.  Only you and your heirs know the details.

  • Allows quick distribution of assets to your beneficiaries.

  • You control when or the age, at which and under what circumstances your heirs receive their full share.

    Do you want an incentive to insure your grandchild completes her education?

  • Prevents unintentional disinheriting.

  • Reduces or even eliminates estate taxes, if married.

For a free No Obligation Consultation with one of our Service Specialists,

Call Toll Free 877 604 6636  EXT 3

When calling please reference Service ID Code [PERSONALID]














































Today's Solutions for Today's Issues

Copyright © 2004-2014 Bruce Castro The All Solutions Network
Last modified: 01/29/2025 03:48:53 PM