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S. Camden wrote
Hi Bruce,
I am so excited about my website.
When I first got in I didn't do anything with it.
Then about a week ago I started reading through the
site and what I read "lit a fire" under me.
I started advertising it and doing
what you told me to do in the Fast Start Section
.....and before I knew it I had 5 stores given away
and then there were 11 more that my downline had
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S. Camden wrote
Hi Bruce,
I am so excited about
my website. When I first got in I didn't do
anything with it. Then about a week ago I
started reading through the site and what I read
"lit a fire" under me.
I started advertising
it and doing what you told me to do in the Fast
Start Section .....and before I knew it I had 5 new
stores given away and then there were 11 more that
my downline had given away!!!
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S. Camden wrote
Hi Bruce,
I am so excited
about my website. When I first got in I didn't do
anything with it. Then about a week ago I started
reading through the site and what I read "lit a fire" under
I started
advertising it and doing what you told me to do in the Fast
Start Section .....and before I knew it I had 5 stores given
away and then there were 11 more that my downline had given

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S. Camden wrote
Hi Bruce,
I am so
excited about my website. When I first got in
I didn't do anything with it. Then about a
week ago I started reading through the site and what
I read "lit a fire" under me.
I started
advertising it and doing what you told me to do in
the Fast Start Section .....and before I knew it I
had 5 stores given away and then there were 11 more
that my downline had given away!!!
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Thank you for

Don't focus on
problems... Focus on
Goals and Solutions!
See how important
this really is!
If we refuse to put
ourselves in a
position to fail...
we are never in
a position to
Success and failure
are flip sides of
the same coin.
must be on
success... If
your focus in on
avoiding failure...
you will never
experience great
success. -- Bruce
I've missed more
than 9000 shots in
my career.
I've lost almost 300
games. 26 times I've
been trusted to take
the game winning
shot and missed.
I've failed over and
over and over again
in my life. And that
is why I succeed.
--Michael Jordan
If you're offered a
seat on a rocket
ship, don't ask what
seat! Just get on.
--Sheryl Sandberg
You can get anything
out of life you
want... if you just
help enough other
people get what they
want! Zig Ziglar
Consistently going
the extra mile guarantees
Fortunately, that
extra mile never has
traffic jams!. Bruce
In order to succeed,
your desire for
success should be
greater than your
fear of failure.
If you want to lift
yourself up, lift up
someone else.
--Booker T.
It's a fact...
You will never
FALL if you never
But where is the joy
in living your life
on the ground?
A life spent going
with the flow,
experiences neither
true success nor
happiness... Realize,
even a DEAD FISH can
The key to a
better future, a
fulfilling life
and continued
happiness is ACTION.
Life is a wonderful
game... but playing
the game
is more enjoyable than
watching it... And,
remember, it's
never too late to get
in the game! Bruce
A person who never
made a mistake never
tried anything new.
-- Albert Einstein
POSITIVE ACTION". Think about it... in your lifetime, how
many great ideas have you or someone you
know come up with?
And even told friends about?
But it was done over
a beer and no one
did anything abou
it... Then later you
someone on Oprah making their fortune
off "your"
idea? This
scenario plays out
over and over.
What's the lesson?
Ideas and Great Opportunities are useless...
Unless combined
with positive action!". B. Castro
No matter how great the opportunity or
idea... Doing
always earns nothing.
Success is not an
accident! Many people look at their doctor,
their realtor, their lawyer, the internet guru and say "he's so
lucky". or "He's so smart, I wish I could have done that", etc...
It's not
about Luck, Ideas, or Intelligence. It's about Action!
WHAT YOU DO is infinitely more important that
Action is always the key.
are those who are willing to
actually do the things that UNSUCCESSFUL
people are
to do.
Are good
ideas important? Of course. Are opportunities important?
Of course. But without action they are useless. If
you don't try... You Can't Succeed.
The ASN business
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ways to earn, easier marketing methods, all FREE. But like
any other business... You have to, at least, try. You have
everything to gain...
and because we never ask you for a dime, you have absolutely nothing to
If you are not already a member of this exciting business
Remember, ASN is always free to join and free to earn!
It is never too late
to become what you might
have been. --George
I didn't fail the
test. I just found
100 ways to do it
wrong. --Benjamin
There is only one
way to avoid
criticism: do
nothing, say
nothing, and BE
NOTHING. --Aristotle
In addition to ASN's letting anyone earn
from free quotes, trials, surveys, etc...
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You're already paying
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When I let go of
what I am, I become
what I might be.
--Lao Tzu
Too many of us are
not living our
dreams because we
are living our
fears. --Les Brown
Whether you think
you can or you think
you can't, you're
right. --Henry Ford
Being willing is not
enough; we must do.
--Leonardo da Vinci
You take your life
in your own hands,
and what happens? A
terrible thing, no
one to blame. --Erica
First, have a
definite, clear
practical ideal; a
goal, an objective.
Second, have the
necessary means to
achieve your ends;
wisdom, money,
materials, and
methods. Third,
adjust all your
means to that end.
Twenty years from
now you will be more
disappointed by the
things that you
didn't do than by
the ones you did do,
so throw off the
bowlines, sail away
from safe harbor,
catch the trade
winds in your sails.
Explore, Dream,
Discover. --Mark
People often say
that motivation
doesn't last. Well,
neither does
bathing. That's why
we recommend it
daily. --Zig Ziglar
Your time is
limited, so don't
waste it living
someone else's life.
--Steve Jobs
It's hard to move
ahead if you are
always looking
B Castro
The only person you
are destined to
become is the person
you decide to be.
--Ralph Waldo Emerson
Whatever the mind of
man can conceive and
believe, it can
achieve. --Napoleon
Believe you can and
you're halfway
there. --Theodore
Strive not to be a
success, but rather
to be of value.
--Albert Einstein
I attribute my
success to this: I
never gave or took
any excuse.
Everything you've
ever wanted is on
the other side of
fear. --George Addair
You miss 100% of the
shots you don't
take. --Wayne Gretzky
Every strike brings
me closer to the
next home run. --Babe
Fall seven times and
stand up eight.
--Japanese Proverb
Definiteness of
purpose is the
starting point of
all achievement. --W.
Clement Stone
Life is 10% what
happens to me and
90% of how I react
to it. --Charles
The best time to
plant a tree was 20
years ago. The
second best time is
now. --Chinese
An unexamined life
is not worth living.
Eighty percent of
success is showing
up. --Woody Allen
Winning isn't
everything, but
wanting to win is.
--Vince Lombardi
I am not a product
of my circumstances.
I am a product of my
decisions. --Stephen
few exceptions, our
lives are not
determined by where
we started... ...
it's what you do,
once you choose to
begin the race.
We don't always
choose to join the
race at the same
time in our lives...
but when we do, is
when we take control
of our lives.
Realize, From this
day forward, your
future, depends on
the decisions you
make and the actions
you take.
Better decisions,
better choices,
better actions
equals better
You can never cross
the ocean until you
have the courage to
lose sight of the
shore. --Christopher
I've learned that
people will forget
what you said,
people will forget
what you did, but
people will never
forget how you made
them feel. --Maya
Either you run the
day, or the day runs
you. --Jim Rohn
Life shrinks or
expands in
proportion to one's
courage. --Anais Nin
Ask and it will be
given to you;
search, and you will
find; knock and the
door will be opened
for you. --Jesus
How can you
successfully sail
into the future... if you are
constantly focusing
on the past?
B Castro
When I stand before
God at the end of my
life, I would hope
that I would not
have a single bit of
talent left and
could say, I used
everything you gave
me. --Erma Bombeck
Few things can help
an individual more
than to place
responsibility on
him, and to let him
know that you trust
him. --Booker T.
We can easily
forgive a child who
is afraid of the
dark; the real
tragedy of life is
when men are afraid
of the light. --Plato
Teach thy tongue to
say, "I do not
know," and thou
shall progress. --Maimonides
Start where you are.
Use what you have.
Do what you can.
--Arthur Ashe
When I was 5 years
old, my mother
always told me that
happiness was the
key to life. When I
went to school, they
asked me what I
wanted to be when I
grew up. I wrote
down ‘happy'. They
told me I didn't
understand the
assignment, and I
told them they
didn't understand
life. --John Lennon
How wonderful it is
that nobody need
wait a single moment
before starting to
improve the world.
--Anne Frank
Happiness is not
something readymade.
It comes from your
own actions. --Dalai
Success and the four letter word.
success habit that is common to EVERY person
who has
ever succeeded.
Click Here |
Overcoming Rejection and
Part I
How to ignore
other's opinions and how to overcome and
learn from Failure!
Click Here |
Rejection and Failure
Part II
failure is not defeat... it is but a lesson
that makes you better!
Click Here |

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Today's Solutions for Today's Issues
Copyright © 2004-2016 Bruce Castro The All Solutions Network
Last modified:
12/11/2024 03:27:00 PM