All Solutions Network

A World of Opportunity and Solutions!

Whatever the issue-- We have the solution... Free information and services on  a wide range of issues... Health, Finance, More Income, Legal, Real Estate, Family Support, Credit, Bankruptcy etc... 

We provide effective, low cost, even free solutions to today's pressing issues,

Plus-- a unique business opportunity that allows you to earn from each and every product or service that we provide!

The All Solutions Network   Where Opportunity Always Knocks!

Join Us!-- Be Part of The Solution!

Brought to you by


 Member Login

Lost Password?

Point Confirmation

Overview and Support

ASN Home Page Group Bonuses Big Commissions Training Bonuses Marketing Methods Profit Sharing Incredible Marketing Tools

* FAQs, Support & Misc

* How to earn more!

* Earn by Giving Gifts!

* Incredible Tools

* Why U Can't Fail!

 ASN System  

Overview of the many ways you earn.

 What Now?  

Step by Step instructions to get your business off to a lightening fast start.

How to Market

Scores of proven FREE marketing methods and Free advertising sites.

 Earn More Helping Others

NEW! $5,000 Monthly Bonus! Click Here to see how!

Shows the many ways that helping your downline earns you even more!

Earn Big Commissions

Lists our many financial products, how much they pay you, links and sample ads.

 Success Plan 

Step by Step guide to creating a long term success. 


Banners to help your business grow!  

See Below For Our Biggest Earners!

ASN Hosting Services.

Low Cost Bankruptcy

Free Credit Repair Manuals

What Earns Most!

ASN Financial Services

Health Products

Real Estate Solutions

No Down Home Loans

Free Foreclosure Lists

Mortgage Reduction

No Down Investments


Do You Need a Will?

U Pay 2 Much Taxes

Credit Repair Service

Free Credit Repair Kit


Free Bankruptcy Forms

Loans in 24 Hours!

How to Generate Consistent Business Volume and Income from Your Personal Store/Website.

Read the following.  They not only give valuable information regarding getting started but actual letters from other members and their experiences... Testimonials  

Marketing and Promoting Your Business

Make Money Giving Away FREE Services

New and Powerful!  Viral Marketing

  More Marketing Methods

9 Success Steps

Banners and Sample Ads

How to use Message Boards

Business Cards

Sample Business Card

Get a "TinyUrl"

How to Use Chat Rooms

How to Submit Your Site to Free Search Engines

Traffic Exchanges

Free Classified Advertising

Social Networking Sites i.e. Myspace, Twitter, etc...

Get Another Site and Get Paid For It

Sample of Possible Ads and Message Board Entries

Submit Articles to Blogs and Ezines

Instant Earnings with INFINITY FUNDS

Are you throwing away money?

How Sharing Triggers New Income Streams

Why ASN is Like a Car


See What to do now-

This page contains a series of about 10 steps.  Complete them.  One by one... do this and within 5 minutes and you will have earned your first check and have put in place a few systems that will have your business growing day after day on auto pilot!  And as you learn more and more about ASN, you'll see it's only the beginning of what you can really accomplish.



With the All Solutions Network, everyone starts with the same opportunity.  But equal opportunity does not mean equal result!

Everyone starts at the same place, the same system, the same Fast Start Guide, the same website, the same profit system.  Everyone has "the Same Bike"  As you can see by the many letters that we constantly receive, see unsoliticted testimonials, ASN works.  We all have the same bike, but not all are putting in the same effort.  Some members are pedaling with everything they have and are accomplishing great things.  Other members have joined and are trying to Coast.... UPHILL!  That doesn't work.  ASN works, but like any real business, it must be worked.


As many of our members can and do attest, This Is A Great Opportunity.  However, it is not a free lunch.


If you haven't done so yet; start following Your Fast Start Guide.  and What to Do!  Watch what happens!

Links to some of your most important training pages...

Step by Step Training!

Overview and Support

Claim Your Check

Points and Commissions

The ASN System

Your Fast Start Guide

Your Success Plan

ASN Basics and Beyond

Marketing Basics

Marketing Methods


No Credit Check Personal Loans

ASN Overview Video

Although, some aspects of the video are a bit out of date  (it is being updated), the overview of the system is correct. 

see ASN Tool Box

Free Marketing Methods

The marketing methods that we give you below are not only comprehensive, but FREE and effective.   If you consistently follow the principles provided below, you will need nothing else However, many members would rather take advantage of the incredible technologies that now exist, not all are free.  Realize, you can do this without spending a dime...  However, we want to make sure that you have access to the very best, fastest working tools available.  The tools offered in the banners, directly below, are not free.  However, they are affordable and they work!   You can build a remarkably successful business without them, by simply following the free marketing methods that we teach... but having these in your arsenal can help grow your business bigger, quicker.  Remember, we give you everything you need to build your business for free...   but the newest technologies, certainly can't hurt!                                                


Also, see more incredible marketing tools.


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Earning Basics

With ASN, you can always earn for free.  Free trials, quotes, surveys, etc... they all make you money... the combination of this and personal use will have you making money every month.  But understand, careers are not made from getting free quotes.   They are made by using the system.  But remember, it's always as simple as USE it and SHARE it.  see  Intro to earning basics.

  • You can earn, at least, $100 to $500 or more per month, with no investment by getting free quotes and trials... and if you have to spend anyway, you make money from that too.

  • You can earn thousands in commissions by marketing our many high paying, low cost financial services.  see ASN Financial Services.

  • You can build a huge monthly residual income that you receive month in and month out. All you have to do, is share the opportunity to earn for free.  see how

  • You can earn Training Bonuses of up to $5,000 monthly for making sure those you sponsored, know how to earn.  Remember, the more they earn, the more you earn.

  • We give you and all members, countless ways to earn for free; and to promote their business and services with no investment.  With ASN everything anyone could possibly need to succeed is at their fingertips... and they are FREE.  All anyone has to do is use them.   And remember, the more your downline uses them, the more they earn... and the more they earn, the more you earn.  There is nothing quite like ASN.  Make sure you provide your downline with the support they need.  See earn more by helping others

In sum, the ASN system really can give you financial independence, but it will require more than getting a free insurance quote :-)



If you owned a Ford Dealership, you wouldn't be shopping for a Chevy?.   If you owned a bakery, you wouldn't be shopping at your competition?

It's precisely the same thing with ASN Especially, when it comes to products you're ALREADY buying.  And think about it... there is virtually, nothing that you buy, that you can't get from YOUR STORE!  And you can probably get it cheaper!  Ever made a purchase from  That's now part of your store.  Amazon?  Wal-Mart?  BestBuy? Your store even sells Groceries!  And when you purchase from any of your corporate affiliates, you are buying from yourself accumulating points and increasing your share of Profit Sharing and Group Bonuses.



As we've discussed, an integral part of the success of your business is to become your own best customer.  But many members fail in that basic regard because of an inaccurate assumption that they can get a better price elsewhere.  When we examine the entire system, we see that simply is not true! 

In almost every case, buying from your own site gives you a much better deal!  Here is why...



You buy from Walmart, starting from your site, you get points that earn you money.

But, if you buy from your ASN Owned Sites, because we don't have to pay Walmart, Amazon, or BestBuy... we can pay much, much more.... to you!

Many members actually use our system to shop virtually for free!  See how...

See What pays you most.



When you have gift or shopping needs, Check your ASN Merchandise Sites First.

Get the most, earn the most with your ASN  Shopping sites. 

The amazing selections, values and commissions make them the most incredible values available ANYWHERE!

Almost anything you want you will find at one of your ASN sites. 

8 points per $25  plus

20% commission over $75 retail

The perfect gift for every occasion


See What pays you most.


Think about it...

Your ASN stores contain literally tens of thousands of great items for every occasion and earn points up to 8 per $25 retail and commissions of 20% for any purchase or sale of $75 or more retail.


If you shop and walmart for a gift for an upcoming birthday, valentines day, etc... and spend $350.  You earn about 7 points earning the Fast Start Bonus and 3 levels of downline.  If instead you had shopped from your one of your personal gift sites i.e., and spent the same mount, your earnings would be as follows.


You would have earned a $70 dollar commission (20%),  Plus,

earned 112 points  (We GUARANTEE that on 100 points we will pay, at least $100 to $500, but as of this writing it has never been less than about $140), so you would earn the following infinity profit sharing bonuses:

  • Intro Bonus

  • Fast Start Bonus

  • Eagle Bonus

  • Bronze Bonus

  • Silver Bonus

  • Gold Bonus

  • Platinum Bonus- Example of Infinity Bonus Income

  • PLUS, 10 Levels of Group Bonus Overrides (see sample of Group Bonuses)

    Group bonuses are the most profitable aspect of the ASN system.  So profitable that if you give away just 5 stores (sponsored new members), and then they give away 2 stores, etc... through 10 levels, with each generating only 25points, (personal use alone can do this)-- YOUR group overrides will be in excess of $7,500 per month.   see how.



Example of Infinity Bonus Income

Moral of the story?  It Always Pays to Shop from your site.    Back to Top



First we are going to talk about some of the items that you can and should promote to build your business and generate commissions, points and downline.  Then we will discuss some of the many free and low cost methods to actually get people to your site.


1. The first step to building a successful internet business is to get traffic to your site.  The best way to do that is to:

  • place advertisements or messages that get maximum exposure.  There are many ways to this simply and professionally with the social networks that you are already using.  See Viral Marketing

  • the nature of the ad provides an enticement that will motivate the public to visit you.  Once they are there, the site does the rest. 


A successful business man was once asked what is the key to success?

He answered without a moments hesitation.  "Find what they want... and GIVE it to them"

ASN lets you do just that!

Earn by giving away what we all want!

The public loves FREE stuff.  It also loves products and services that specifically solve issues that they are dealing with.  Your site provides all of this and more.  The question becomes what kind of marketing campaign do you want to concentrate on.


We provide not only many services for many issues but a huge amount of free information on a variety of services and issues.


The items and information that you GIVE AWAY ABSOLUTELY FOR FREE can be very profitable.

Why? The items you advertise for free, bring people to your site, a lot of people! and each of the subject pages that you promoting is peppered with links and banners for products and services that are related and keyed to the Free Item that you advertised.  Also, the fact of giving away the huge amount of helpful information that we do, creates a trust that other companies can't compete with.  If a person gets to a point that they have to order a service.  Who are they going to use.  The company or person that does nothing but ask for their money?  Or the company that provides free information and assistance whether they get paid or not.  The answer is obvious.  They come to you!

We have a plethora of free information and services that allows you to earn for free, but the following is one of the most effective.

  • GIVE AWAY STUFF!- One of our programs has you earning Big points and commissions 24-7 for FREE... How? by just Giving away stuff!  see how this works.

    • Advertise and Place the following link and/or banner EVERYWHERE!

     Use this link-  Get Free gas, groceries, medical discounts, vacations, coupons, MP4, etc... Click Here to see how!

    and place this banner.



Make Money by Advertising This Link


Back to Top

Make money advertising these free services.

Let's assume that you use our free advertising sites to place an ad for a Free Credit Repair Kit.

If a person is going to fix their credit, there is no option.. they MUST have a copy of their credit report, it can not be done without it.  We give them the kit only if they get the report they need, from your site.   Every FREE report that a visitor gets from your site earns you 8 points.


If they already have a report and prefer to order the kit, the can (it truly is the best and most effective on the market)...  Every kit ordered earns you $10 and 8 points.


If, instead, they decide to order the credit repair services and have our professionals do it for them, every service ordered earns you $30 plus 15 points, qualifying you for the Fast Start, Eagle and Group Bonus Overrides. 

These commissions and points all came about simply because you were giving away something that is desperately needed in today's economy.

We provide a number of Free services, each of which gives much needed valuable information and assistance.  And by giving it away, you now have your foot in the door, have built trust, brought them your site (which gives you a great chance of their taking advantage of some product or service, that earns you commissions and points.


Other Free Items and services that earn you money.

Free Bankruptcy Forms and Manual-  Provides a free bankruptcy manual and all free forms necessary for filing BK.  The reality is that most people need help.  When they get to your site, see our low fees, (that fact that we take installment payments), the huge amount of information that we provide for free, there is a great chance that they will ultimately order the bankruptcy  service from us-- meaning you.  On each service ordered you earn $30 and 15 points.


NEW!! Free Online Creative Financing course-- This absolutely free course contains the same and more information in courses costing $150 to $500 or more.  The techniques work for anyone regardless of credit.  Each page of the course is has links to credit and related services that people needing creative financing often need.  Services ranging from Bankruptcy to Credit repair, to foreclosure lists to, mortgage negotiation, etc... they all make you money.  Again, give this away-- you are providing a great service and making money for doing so.


This is probably the most profitable of the Free Products and Services Method.

Free! $100 Gas, $100 Groceries, Health Discounts up to 70%, Restaurant Vouchers and Vacations.  Offers huge health discounts, Restaurant and Amazing Vacation and Cruise Certificates to any one of about 100 luxury locations. Just advertise that link or page and watch what happens!


What do they have to do for it?  Just take advantage of ANY Free Quote, FREE trial service or Make ANY purchase NO MATTER HOW SMALL! from ANY of the hundreds of ASN associated companies.


When your visitors request their gift, it automatically credits you and you automatically earn points that earn you money. 

What do you do to make it work?

It's as simple as placing some small ads in the many free advertising sites that we provide you.  See later in this page for advertising methods and sites.  A simple ad similar to this will suffice.


Sample Ad

FREE!  Try any product or service for FREE!  We'll give you unlimited $100 Gas Rebates, unlimited $100 Grocery Rebates, or any other of our array of gifts you choose! 


Your choice of any of our Luxury Vacation Certificates (Limit 1 Per Family per month), including Hawaii, Jamaica, Mexico, 7 Day Cruises, etc...  PLUS, Free Medical Discount Cards, plus,   $100's in Restaurant Vouchers, plus... HOW? Just get ANY FREE trial, quote or service or ANY Purchase of ANY KIND, from anywhere on the ASN site! just  

 Click Here for full details  No Purchase Necessary!"


You have a huge variety of products and services that you can market, and you can market anyone one of them in any of a number of methods ranging from message boards, site submission, to free advertising sites and traffic exchanges.


Below we provide the most trafficked advertising sites, search engines and traffic exchanges on the net.

Back to Top


Banners and Sample Ads can be found at these links.

Banners     Services and Sample Ads 



SECOND—Message boards,

Yahoo, Google, AOL, MSN, all have message boards that deal with a huge assortment of subjects ranging from credit problems, employment needs, business opportunities, real estate, etc...



You can always post information on how to get these various free services, but they can be used in other ways as well.


Visit message boards and post relevant messages as to where they can find answers to their questions, re- bankruptcy, real estate, etc... direct them to YOUR page that deals with that subject, for example, if in a credit message board, you may want to direct them to YOUR credit repair information page.  (just go to your site, go to the appropriate page, copy the url from your browser and paste it into your message.


Or you can just copy and paste the following links for the respective services.  They are all already coded to you!


But don't just paste a link.  Doing so will be considered nothing but spamming.  It must be combined with a relevant question or beneficial statement of the subject matter.

An example would be the following:

Millions of people are needlessly drowning in debt, needlessly suffering and struggling to make ends meet.

This site provides free financial advice and services that are needed by millions.

Then send a link with substantial information about the issue.

for example for bankruptcy, send the link...

"the truth about bankruptcy"


Other examples:

No Down Home Purchases

Credit Repair

Here are some of your many needed and profitable financial services you can provide.

Following are links, commissions and point values for a few of the ASN Services your site offers.

Service Commission Points
Home Loans $300- $1,500 40
Mortgage Reduction $300 25
Bankruptcy $30 - $65 20
Credit Repair $30 20

You can then send them to your free credit repair page, bankruptcy page, mortgage reduction page, etc...

You are doing them a favor by making the public aware of solutions the often don't even know exist. 

And you are building a successful business for you and your family.


Although, this is effective for any service that you offer, the one that you will find is the most profitable is probably loans. 

A huge number of people do not buy homes ONLY because they think that they don't qualify.  They've been told they need 5% or 10% down, or that because they have collections or a bankruptcy it's impossible.  Countless renters, who had been told by other "real estate professionals" that they couldn't buy, are now proud homeowners because of the All Solutions Network.  We really can help, and you really can profit with us.


This can be done for any of the many services that you offer.  The trick is simply to refer people to your site.  Your site does the rest.


NEW--- MAKE MONEY HELPING CHARITIES - This is program is being updated.  It is already useable and effective but soon will be fantastic!


Fund Raising Assistance


ASN Charity Assistance

Through our Charity Assistance Program, YOU can serve fund-raisers importantly... and capture your own share of this huge, lucrative market.  And you can do it almost entirely by email and internet!

The Charity receives 20% of all sales, and because they become your first level, you receive 10% of all CBV generated from the potentially hundreds of monthly purchases.

Click here to see how it works

Click Here to see what Fund Raising Organizations see



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Free Credit Repair Manual


In today's economy, millions of people need to improve their credit.  Credit Repair Works! And the manuals that we provide are cutting edge.  They include absolutely the most effective techniques available.  Many have used these techniques to improve their score by over 200 points.  We usually sell this for $49.95.  If your customers take advantage of this offer they get it for free-- AND YOU EARN 8 POINTS FOR EACH ONE YOU GIVE AWAY!


So how does it work?  To fix one's credit, it is absolutely necessary to have a copy of their credit report. 

If they get their credit report from any of our partner companies... FOR FREE-- they get, their choice of or promotional gifts, i.e. free gas, free groceries, Free Vacation Cert, etc... 


So, when they order their FREE CREDIT MANUALS, you make money 2 ways... 

#1, you earn 8 points that gets you into the guaranteed profit sharing pools.

#2, If they don't want to get the free report and instead just purchase the Kit, you earn $10 and 10 points.

Many people will decide that they need Credit Restoration Services.  So even though, all you did was give away a manual, you get paid $30 if they then purchase the services.

Others will decide that their situation is more in need of a Bankruptcy.  Again, you earn the commission and points plus, they get low cost professional services.

The more Manuals you give away, the more money you make and the more of your ASN services you sell!


No Down Creative Real Estate Course.


An online book that contains the same information and more that is routinely sold for upwards of $200 to $500 and more.  We give it away!  Why would we do that?  Because people that are in the creative financing market often have other financial information needs.  Each page of the course contains banners of other financial services and products that they may need and ALL OF THEM EARNS YOU MONEY.  Each of theses banners directs them directly to YOUR services page.  If they need Credit repair, you make the sale.

If they need Bankruptcy, you make the sale. and the same is true of everything else contained within this online course.


Because of the nature of the visitor and the abundance and variety of the services provided, there will be a substantial percentage of your visitors that will make a purchase that makes you money!


We even offer from this course Free Gas and Food for even the smallest purchase or even taking advantage of a free quote from your site.  (see Free Gas and Food) Promote this course and it will make you money.


NEW! Make Money Giving Away Gas, Food, and Vacations.

We've incorporated our promotional vacations, food and gas into one page that offers most of our biggest money making products and services.  Place banners and advertisements similar to " Yours FREE!  $300 Gas plus $300 Groceries and Free Vacation Certificate... click here to see how!"  

They click on it and there are taken to a page that explains that as our appreciation for their patronage in return for taking advantage of ANY product or service... even if it's free they receive these valuable gifts.  They register for their their gift, you earn points and commissions.

Back to Top



As with any business, you need cards.  You can get them for free and pay only the cost of shipping.  GIVE THEM TO EVERYONE!  You can get them for free and they actually earn points and money for getting them.

Your card  should highlight the links to products and services that have the most appeal and will entice the person it is handed to, to take a look at your site.  The site will usually do the rest. It should, at least contain your email address so that if they have questions or want reassurance that this is for real they can contact you.

A Sample Business Card Is Shown Below


Note: the actual links to your specific product pages are pretty cumbersome. 


Turn the above URL into something like this (which will fit on the cards)

There are a number of companies that can condense these for you into the shortened on that you see above.

For example go to    


2.paste the long bulky url like that above, into the form

3 hit the button that says "Make Tiny Url.

4. It will give you a small URL like that above that links directly to the page of your site that used.


And remember, you can make an individual tinyurl for each page of your site that you want to promote.


into this...

Why do we suggest that you get a tinyurl?

Because search engines and advertising sites are not as smart as you might think.  When an effective but free site such as sees hundreds of ads pointing to a specific domain, i.e. ASN, it often thinks it is being spammed and will sometimes automatically kick out any ads from that Domain.  Getting something like a tinyurl avoids this problem.  If you want to market with TWITTER this is how to do it.  Just make a shortened url for the page or information you want to promote and use it with twitter.

Below are a few companies that can do this for you... All Are free.

See below for companies that will shorten your URL.
The 10 best URL shortener services
  • Bitly for the best all-round URL shortener
  • Rebrandly for creating branded links
  • Polr for a minimal self-hosted URL shortener
  • TinyURL for fast and anonymous short URLs
  • BL.INK for small business owners
  • Hyperlink for tracking links via push notifications
  • T2M for creating QR codes and short URLs together
  • URL Shortener by Zapier for automatically creating links
  • Yourls for a highly customizable self-hosted URL shortener
  • Shorby for Instagram users


Many additional sources are coming soon!

1-50 US






The Solutions Network


Comprehensive Solutions For The Issues of Today


Make and Save on EVERYTHING!

Keep Smoking... Stop dying!              

FREE $300 Gas, $300 Food, Vacation.

FREE & Low Cost Financial Services...

Loans, Credit Repair, Foreclosure Relief,

Taxes, Bankruptcy, and more!          

Independent Distributor

Back to Top

 Back to Top

THIRD—Chat Rooms,

As above, the many portals, MSN, Yahoo, AOL, etc... have chat rooms that deal with many, different issues.  Enter a chat room and direct them to the page of your site that will help with whatever the issue at hand is.


Remember, anytime a purchase or sale is made from your store, you, your sponsor and theirs earn commissions.  That might not seem that exciting to you right now, it will be very exciting later, when you have a down line of 100's or even thousands of stores with you earning overrides on each and every purchase or sale they make!


Your Store has great potential for immediate profit, but remember, the beauty of this system, is that even with each store generating only minimal business, huge long term profits are possible.

Back to Top

Fourth- FREE Search Engine Submission,

Submitting your site to search engines is, in the long run, probably the most effective method of getting exposure for your site. 

This even works with your free ASN site, but is a much more effective method if you are using your own personal hosted site with your own domain of your choosing.  See ASN hosting.


Following are a couple of inexpensive paid inclusion services that we recommend in the event you don't feel that you have the time manually submit your sites.  Below the paid services are links that allow you to include them (most engines and directories are free), manually and usually for free.

You can either submit the "tinyurl" detailed blow or the full URL of the page you are submitting.


Also, some search engines will ask for "key words".  These are words that relate to the page that you are submitting. i.e. if you are submitting your "loan" page you would put things like, no down home loans, loans with bad credit, best home loans, etc...







It is very important for you to submit individually to the sites below. I realize that some of the sites charge for inclusion, but the majority do not, so work through the list and get the job done. Most important is the submission to Google,  , Yahoo! and MSN.COM. Many of these other smaller sites will be tomorrow's leaders, so don't neglect all the other engines listed on the page.  It's well worth all the effort! Here is a bit of advice on adding urls; Don't continually add the same url over and over to the same search engine. Do not submit different versions of the same url, and always use free ads on classified sites to advertise your url. Use creative and unique content in the ads, and never spam! I recommend that you go through this entire list and add urls.


Submitexpress is most effective if using ASNHosting  see how ASN Hosting works.

Search Engine Optimization and SEO Tools


Each of these sites earns points at the rate of...


1 point per each $10 advertising dollars spent.


  AdlandPro Worlds Classifieds
Get Linked from 76,000+ sites with one click.


FREE CLASSIFIEDSFree ClassifiedsFree ClassifiedsFree ClassifiedsFree Classifieds


Remember, consider getting a tinyurl to shorten your page addresses.  

This will allow you turn--[PERSONALID]/no_down_loans.htm

into something like this-- which is much easier to deal with.


2.paste the long bulky URL like that above, into the form

3 hit the button that says "Make Tiny Url.

4. It will give you a small URL like that above that links directly to the page of your site that used.

And remember, you can make an individual tinyurl for each page of your site that you want to promote!


Top 10 Most Popular Search Engines | Feb  2020

Here are the top 15 most Popular Search Engines continually updated average of each website's Alexa Global Traffic Rank, and U.S. Traffic Rank from both Compete and Quantcast."*#*" Denotes an estimate for sites with limited data.

Google1 | Google
1 -   Rank | 1,800,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 1 - Quantcast Rank | 1 - Alexa Rank | 1 - SimilarWeb Rank | Last Updated: February 1, 2020. The Best Search Engines | 

bing2 | Bing
33 -   Rank | 500,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 8 - Quantcast Rank | 40 - Alexa Rank | 43 - SimilarWeb Rank | Last Updated: February 1, 2020. The Best Search Engines | 

search.yahoo3 | Yahoo! Search
43 -   Rank | 490,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 8 - Quantcast Rank | *56* - Alexa Rank | *67* - SimilarWeb Rank | Last Updated: February 1, 2020. The Best Search Engines | 

baidu4 | Baidu
54 -  Rank | 480,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | *150* - Quantcast Rank | 4 - Alexa Rank | 9 - SimilarWeb Rank | Last Updated: February 1, 2020. The Best Search Engines | 

ask5 | Ask
205 -  Rank | 300,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 329 - Quantcast Rank | 110 - Alexa Rank | 177 - SimilarWeb Rank | Last Updated: February 1, 2020. The Best Search Engines | 

search.aol6 | Aol Search
273 -  Rank | 200,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | *350* - Quantcast Rank | 276 - Alexa Rank | *194* - SimilarWeb Rank | Last Updated: February 1, 2020. The Best Search Engines | 

duckduckgo7 | DuckDuckGo
392 -   Rank | 150,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 421 - Quantcast Rank | 505 - Alexa Rank | 251 - SimilarWeb Rank | Last Updated: February 1, 2020. The Best Search Engines | 

wolframalpha8 | WolframAlpha
1878 -   Rank | 35,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 1773 - Quantcast Rank | 1817 - Alexa Rank | 2044 - SimilarWeb Rank | Last Updated: February 1, 2020. The Best Search Engines | 

yandex9 | Yandex
2190 -   Rank | 30,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 3228 - Quantcast Rank | 2120 - Alexa Rank | 1221 - SimilarWeb Rank | Last Updated: February 1, 2020. The Best Search Engines | 

webcrawler10 | WebCrawler
2955 -   Rank | 25,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 1137 - Quantcast Rank | 2289 - Alexa Rank | 5438 - SimilarWeb Rank | Last Updated: February 1, 2020. The Best Search Engines | 

search11 | Search
3021 -   Rank | 20,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 221 - Quantcast Rank | 4513 - Alexa Rank | 4330 - SimilarWeb Rank | Last Updated: February 1, 2020. The Best Search Engines | 

1 | Google
1 - Rank | 1,100,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 1 - Compete Rank | 1 - Quantcast Rank | 1 - Alexa Rank | Last Updated: May 1, 2016.

2 | Bing
15 - Rank | 350,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 5 - Compete Rank | 19 - Quantcast Rank | 22 - Alexa Rank | Last Updated: May 1, 2016.

3 | Yahoo
18 - Rank | 300,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | *8* - Compete Rank | *28*- Quantcast Rank | NA - Alexa Rank | Last Updated: May 1, 2016.

4 | Ask
25 - Rank | 245,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 14 - Compete Rank | 31 - Quantcast Rank | 31 - Alexa Rank | Last Updated: May 1, 2016.

5 | Aol Search
245 - Rank | 125,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | *250* - Compete Rank |*240* - Quantcast Rank | NA - Alexa Rank | Last Updated: May 1, 2016.

6 | Wow
271 - Rank | 100,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 20 - Compete Rank | *26*- Quantcast Rank | 767 - Alexa Rank | Last Updated: May 1, 2016.

7 | WebCrawler
511 - Rank | 65,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 100 - Compete Rank | 759 - Quantcast Rank | 674 - Alexa Rank | Last Updated: May 1, 2016.

8 | MyWebSearch
545 - Rank | 60,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | *105* - Compete Rank |1,124 - Quantcast Rank | 405 - Alexa Rank | Last Updated: May 1, 2016.

9 | Infospace
892 - Rank | 24,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | *66* - Compete Rank |*500* - Quantcast Rank | 2,110 - Alexa Rank | Last Updated: May 1, 2016.

10 | Info
1,064 - Rank | 13,500,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 378 - Compete Rank | 877- Quantcast Rank | 1,938 - Alexa Rank | Last Updated: May 1, 2016.

11 | DuckDuckGo
1,605 - Rank | 13,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 1,898 - Compete Rank |2,290 - Quantcast Rank | 629 - Alexa Rank | Last Updated: May 1, 2016.

12 | Contenko
2,402 - Rank | 11,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | *200* - Compete Rank |*2,500* - Quantcast Rank | 4,505 - Alexa Rank | Last Updated: May 1, 2016.

13 | Dogpile
2,421 - Rank | 10,500,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 2,734 - Compete Rank |1,446 - Quantcast Rank | 3,084 - Alexa Rank | Last Updated: May 1, 2016.

14 | Alhea
4,300 - Rank | 7,500,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 451 - Compete Rank |*1,225* - Quantcast Rank | 11,225 - Alexa Rank | Last Updated: May 1, 2016.

15 | ixQuick
8,954 - Rank | 4,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 12,512 - Compete Rank |4,468 - Quantcast Rank | 9,857 - Alexa Rank | Last Updated: May 1, 2016.

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Traffic Exchanges

Unless Otherwise noted

Traffic Exchanges DO NOT EARN POINTS

Historically, I have not been a fan of these.  Until one day while looking at member activity I saw that a brand new member had 11 people join under him that same morning.  I used our tracking software to determine where the activity came from.  Every new member had come from the below traffic exchanges.  Basically, the way traffic exchanges work is that, if you look at their ads, they'll look at yours.  But because your opportunity is a true opportunity to make great money with no risk or investment-- EVER... they will join yours!

These are some of the top trafficked exchanges.

Name     Hits     Recent Surfers     Reach     Alexa    
EasyHits4u 681374 86085 10.8% 8224
StartXchange 4161048 5990 0.7% 91305
I Love Hits 2753511 6432 0.8% 198645
Legacyhits 1555135 6793 0.8% 206447
Cool Cat Hits 354562 5879 0.7% 253220
TrafficG 96600 25106 3.1% 40832
Traffic-Splash 121218 5136 0.6% 139709
ThumbVu 2452885 3686 0.4% 193462
TE Search 195756 4572 0.5% 220669
Advertising Maximizer 177840 5118 0.6% 602789
Sweeva 669168 3737 0.4% 154245
SocialADSurf 770283 3750 0.4% 388652
Froggy Hits 84358 5442 0.6% 214348
RealHitz4u 79655 4834 0.6% 164086
Website-Traffic-Hog 103720 4326 0.5% 170333
Dragon Surf 119513 3847 0.4% 201690
Hot Flash Hits 76436 4631 0.5% 261211
Hit Safari 67820 4617 0.5% 128182
hotwebsitetraffic 92318 3807 0.4% 143746
TrafficSpeedway 62902 4478 0.5% 285817
Lobby Hits 447350 3012 0.3% 668430
Tower Traffic 188899 3470 0.4% 785902
SiteXplosion 359886 2730 0.3% 455285
Sakura-Traffic 74162 3912 0.4% 307117
Traffic Delivers 72157 3839 0.4% 182800
BigBeachHits 50754 4004 0.5% 223748
Awesome-Hits 111425 3473 0.4% 512148
Rewards4Surfing 79230 3778 0.4% 379098
Hits and List Cafe 182807 3216 0.4% 618740
SurfSkeleton 474287 2579 0.3% 573756
sotuktraffic 33082 4968 0.6% 114563
Surfers2u Traffic Exchange 187122 2793 0.3% 362382
SurfingOldSchool 168704 3164 0.3% 667953
Hit2Hit 70461 3557 0.4% 128000
Ant Surf 36739 3975 0.5% 245674
GlobalHits2U 106378 3099 0.3% 471986
VastHits 242050 2279 0.2% 301492
Traffic Royal 52555 3501 0.4% 209798
ListBuildSurf 305008 1708 0.2% 658954
Lords of Lothar 340798 1537 0.1% 774197
Traffic Exchange Wiz 69661 2688 0.3% 1131705
Zaney Clickes 35884 3004 0.3% 219289
Postman Hits 30550 3305 0.4% 277279
HitLink 23157 3421 0.4% 74796
Sound Surf Live 288251 1188 0.1% 952452
Soaring4Traffic 49759 2036 0.2% 338232
Downline Viral Traffic 29612 2717 0.3% 260736
Top 1 Hits 87477 1393 0.1% 359928
Traffic Fusion 78342 1664 0.2% 761541
Traffic Magician 23257 3178 0.3% 258214
Fast Easy Traffic 39791 1985 0.2% 319308
TESurfSocial 28973 2658 0.3% 481233
TrafficPharaoh 136575 1068 0.1% 1121020
Web Biz Insider 32769 1948 0.2% 295853
Froghits 86915 1358 0.1% 4068579
Click Voyager 32299 1866 0.2% 290436
Traffic Flying 23968 2503 0.3% 523286
The Traffic Hot Spot 25095 2275 0.2% 338596
List Surfing 24676 2132 0.2% 162570
TrafficTeams 22800 2380 0.2% 192197
SocialSurf4U 45973 1343 0.1% 239665
TopTierTraffic 34791 1533 0.1% 295810
Glacier Hits 22387 2579 0.3% 437828
VikingHits 33636 1723 0.2% 764974
Traffic Era 34582 1372 0.1% 259530
Deep Sea Hits 22324 2139 0.2% 266605
Hits4Surfers 32708 1522 0.1% 331266
Traffic Swirl 22259 2110 0.2% 61311
Speed-of-Light-Hits 22271 2293 0.2% 631022
Top 1 Surf 60884 1028 0.1% 373012
Shockwave-Traffic 192011 581 0.0% 584275
I-Pro-X 29763 1537 0.1% 661674
Click Your Face Off 104969 708 0.0% 803670
Social Viral Profits 49003 1255 0.1% 978965
Golden Glove Hits 26298 1749 0.2% 617808
1 Modern Solution 76167 805 0.1% 1006991
Hungry For Hits 17453 2042 0.2% 535593
Traffic Bonus 10095 2442 0.3% 128961
Aloha Traffic Discovery 24968 1537 0.1% 1001783
ShowBiz Hits 36431 1017 0.1% 860056
WildHogHits 29734 1129 0.1% 433915
DarkHits 90126 625 0.0% 3990121
CruisinXchange 47101 947 0.1% 1827155
The Traffic Dance 23820 1289 0.1% 395094
Splash Page Surfer 29537 1088 0.1% 637903
50miles 35889 848 0.1% 1242142
Cup of Traffic 35129 883 0.1% 1411973
Traffic Dodgems 84737 545 0.0% 3481144
Wealthbilderhits 16280 1838 0.2% 4677782
Traffic At The Races 49811 606 0.0% 1475714
Advertising Knowhow 23786 1109 0.1% 704532
ConversionSurf 16408 1263 0.1% 232642
ArkHits 24478 990 0.1% 505175
Traffic Pi 13032 1331 0.1% 429113
4x4hits 17289 1055 0.1% 332693
WebmasterQuest 8615 1356 0.1% 314070
ChessAds Traffic Exchange 11621 1181 0.1% 519287
ClickyHits 22864 634 0.0% 353511
SurfToCash 29003 564 0.0% 721667
InstantXchange 25467 579 0.0% 570425
HitsBoosterPro 17560 704 0.0% 410047
Astrology-Surf 48383 390 0.0% 2045946
You2Surf 14190 894 0.1% 797434
Biz Klix 14961 837 0.1% 735897
Surf to Earn 49932 256 0.0% 559391
Just Good Traffic 14540 697 0.0% 507383
Traffic Corps 9170 774 0.0% 484252
TS25 6982 812 0.1% 450651
Plus1TE 28012 379 0.0% 1254796
Traffic Wonderland 16881 511 0.0% 841765
Song Bird Clicks 9280 625 0.0% 515118
Forcehits 29683 279 0.0% 2516024
VegasHitz 29439 279 0.0% 1667969
Surfing Socially 45065 216 0.0% 3054937
Bellas Click Shack 34026 205 0.0% 2119729
High-Hits 7525 585 0.0% 1164023
DreamFuel Traffic 5564 652 0.0% 1146770
Surfing-USA 8635 544 0.0% 2514957
GladiatorHits 15993 287 0.0% 743403
AboutHits 97394 113 0.0% 16439216
CprHits 17679 273 0.0% 3241725
ProClickExchange 7553 398 0.0% 749527
Vinrasta Traffic Exchange 5872 537 0.0% 979633
GoGreenHits 6331 547 0.0% 5916777
Traffic Witch 16715 257 0.0% 1390256
Traffic Showdown 6159 424 0.0% 617122
Traffic Puck 10469 386 0.0% 2908517
Farm Traffic 12806 285 0.0% 2639087
AsylumHitz 21793 199 0.0% 2910427
Live Traffic Network 7418 349 0.0% 1762439
Traffic Bowling 13562 256 0.0% 2869300
Surfing Cats 6826 391 0.0% 6426759
Actual Hits 4U 4954 411 0.0% 678614
Free Traffic Lotto 5121 408 0.0% 1114936
XCell Traffic 17741 192 0.0% 3958652
MaxTrafficPro 3921 461 0.0% 939344
Traffic-Crypt 3310 512 0.0% 1299779
Viral Dynamyte 10932 235 0.0% 1810061
InstaPopSurf 11458 227 0.0% 2173358
Blue-Surf 5065 391 0.0% 1242656
Redman Surf 3228 496 0.0% 1478258
Traffic Punk 13982 204 0.0% 1821048
Eaglehitz 6714 283 0.0% 3654749
eTrafficFreedom 15386 184 0.0% 3488589
Traffic Zip 1939 479 0.0% 626455
SimpleXTraffic 18164 143 0.0% 3598999
Hit Bandit 1864 465 0.0% 688667
10Khits4Unow 3735 260 0.0% 1050785
Traffic Heroes 6050 224 0.0% 2279267
Marketing Surf 7158 162 0.0% 494388
Volcano Hits 10515 150 0.0% 2844032
PromoLotto 5274 223 0.0% 2493174
Fox Hits 3651 241 0.0% 1496332
SkyScraper Surf 3181 255 0.0% 3558920
Lords of Traffic 4361 184 0.0% 824145
Traffic Return 15239 85 0.0% 449461
Traffic Bunnies 2910 239 0.0% 1033047
Quality Hits 4U 8252 133 0.0% 2377160
Traffic Swap 4 U 799 288 0.0% 1005345
The Markters Edge 33995 48 0.0% 22904689
Traffic Surfers 4292 147 0.0% 290086
ClicknPutt 2620 198 0.0% 938414
Paddling4Traffic 3758 162 0.0% 14029736
Surf Clown 3024 161 0.0% 626626
Crystal Surf 1649 168 0.0% 355778
GrapeVine Traffic 4479 130 0.0% 2902224 2056 174 0.0% 3022649
TrafficJam Pro 5387 117 0.0% 3486829 4268 121 0.0% 2739447
Global Hits Plus 1154 175 0.0% 1390058
GreasedLightningHits 3150 132 0.0% 1179652
Deepspace Traffic 1903 142 0.0% 1127440
Hit Blitz 3073 121 0.0% 1730935
Visit Maniac 1486 148 0.0% 1929758
Giant Hits 2987 120 0.0% 1512353
RedDogSurfer 3301 110 0.0% 6761319
Spy Bubble Power 5433 80 0.0% 7781778
Krazy Exchange 6706 69 0.0% 4871442
quarterlysurf 1461 123 0.0% 835782
HitGator 6216 70 0.0% 8771835
Rain Forest Clicks 5267 73 0.0% 3504790 3660 96 0.0% 17145531
Super Party Clicks 665 164 0.0% 5506974
Surfing With The Oldies 1415 133 0.0% 3608427
SWAT Traffic 5354 70 0.0% 5135042
The happy pig Country TE 1399 108 0.0% 416987
Clicking Success 9872 36 0.0% 6497879
Prosperityhits4u 689 146 0.0% 2830578
HitPulse 454 162 0.0% 3087457
ShineLight-Traffic 3150 87 0.0% 4891874
Pro Fat Cat 2369 104 0.0% 21683015
Traffic Muscles 11001 26 0.0% 7204594
Traffic Taxis 1801 98 0.0% 4421877
Hit Hiefer 1569 83 0.0% 897760
Samurai Hitz 2486 72 0.0% 5204614
Flawless Hits 665 108 0.0% 2567076
WebCentre Surf 560 88 0.0% 359141
Mobster Hits 6463 29 0.0% 8229456
Hit Lion Traffic 1944 72 0.0% 14271171
New Way Surf 223 113 0.0% 713944
Traffic Pods 750 94 0.0% 10249025
The Traffic Dr 282 85 0.0% 138683
Traffic Gold Rush 2403 63 0.0% 7364596 3655 34 0.0% 5998468
Texas Size Traffic 878 64 0.0% 1092224
Lucid Leads 815 68 0.0% 4639921
Nexus Exchange 622 78 0.0% 6132804
Meerkat Traffic 588 61 0.0% 1514781
HIGH CLASS HITS 165 81 0.0% 3372249
Traffic-Deluge 778 55 0.0% 3239177
Generalen Traffic Empire 3202 8 0.0% 2593700
ClickAholics 742 57 0.0% 8369441
TrafficAlex 1326 34 0.0% 4949180
Beersudzsurf 769 49 0.0% 11054002
Buzzybiz Traffic 438 56 0.0% 1202546
Hits-A-Million 268 60 0.0% 826049
Web Advertising Traffic 1842 30 0.0% 8084354 136 67 0.0% 922737
The Hit Clinic 871 31 0.0% 7840377
Paragon Traffic 251 43 0.0% 775618
Kiwi Hits Plus 254 45 0.0% 1753070
LGTTraffic 437 39 0.0% 4488510
Barbarian Hits 962 20 0.0% 19917770
24-7-Traffic 501 31 0.0% 4779372
Traffic Empire 388 32 0.0% 6067430
Mysterious Scotland Traffic 438 26 0.0% 3219680
JungleClicksPro 604 20 0.0% 3519796
LotsMoreHits 376 31 0.0% 4743982
21stcenturysurf 161 24 0.0% 1077881
Hit Monster 360 6 0.0% 6849550 262 15 0.0% 24156629
Hits Impossible 126 13 0.0% 3214735
Traffic Soldiers 106 5 0.0% 1680891
Hitsilo 106 19 0.0% 8201407




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FIFTH- FREE Classified Advertising.

There are many sources of free classifieds.  Obviously, the paid advertisements that provide highlights and various methods of enhancing your ad get more exposure.  However, in most instances, free ads will be sufficient. 


Following are many sources of FREE Classifieds...


Click Here for a list of about 30 FREE High Traffic Advertising Sites.


ASN Classifieds our own advertising site One of the most effective sites available.


Each of these sites earns points at the rate of...


1 point per each $10 advertising dollars spent.


 Traffic Exchange with 700,000+ members

 Get Linked from thousands of Classifieds for FREE with one click.





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See Viral Marketing to see how this can explode your business.

Do you have a, Facebook, Twitter or other social networking account?  If not, get one, they are free, they are a great networking application and can be a lot of fun.  If you do not have one-- get one (just go to   or ), or if you already have one-- post a "bulletin".  It is a letter that will automatically go to everyone on your friends list.  Just make it simple add a link to your site or better yet, to the various pages within your site i.e. bankuptcy, credit repair, home loans, etc... and ask them to just check it out. 


Remember, because ASN does so much there are a million ways that it can be presented and advertised.  To the right is just one.  We've also, given a couple of other possible landing pages that you may want to use  (these can be found at your fast start guide.)  I would strongly consider the second (signupA).  It combines the excitement of the opportunity, with curiosity as to what it is, in addition to the assurance that it is always FREE and a very SIMPLE Signup form.

Make money from everything!

Can you give away Gas and Vacations?  Then you make money.

The more you give, the more you make!  It never costs you a dime!

Can you give away free trials and quotes?  Then you make even more money...

UP TO $500 or more in the first hour!

This business is so simple that you even make money for shopping!  Walmart, Kmart, Best Buy and hundreds more of the companies you already know and trust!


To get started right now, and earn your first $100 to $500 in the next hour, just click below.


To get your own, GUARANTEED, profitable, No Investment business Just Click HERE!

One member, who  did this (took advantage of their social site), ended up with a down line of over 3,000 within 4 months!  This is a great way to share this opportunity.



Use Twitter to Expand Your Business

When you join, with a click of a button, you can send a quick message to all contacts in your email contacts.  When they join twitter, they will be "following" you and seeing all updates and messages you pots.  Send a quick message "tweet" asking them to join your ASN site and also,  This way they will automatically receive all the money making info and updates that we send that will help make money for them AND you.

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We are often asked "Can I put one of the companies that I work with on my ASN site?"

The answer is no, but... what you can do is get the best valued web hosting service in existence that will guarantee income very month and provide features that have never before been available in any service!

 It will cost you little and earn points.  see ASN Hosting

For your new site, you can copy and paste Your entire Main ASN page, into it.  Yes, that works and all links will be fully functional.  Then with that being YOUR site, you can then add any and all affiliate links or companies you'd like and make any other programs you work with as prominently as you like.

You choose how many points!  From 1 to 24 per Month

IT'S HERE!   ASN Hosting Services

We will soon be providing hosting services for our members.  This will accomplish an number of things.

  • Allow for the flexibility noted above.

  • Provides a repeated monthly service at minimal costs and earns as many points as you choose as long as your service is active!  So each and every month that you have your ASN hosting service Active, you earn the Fast Start Bonuses, and qualify for the Mentor Bonus that leads to your earning all ASN Bonuses.

  • So the use of this services Guarantees you always earn Bonuses plus...

  • Guarantees the Qualification of the Mentor Bonus, (See Performance Bonuses), making it easy for NON US members to earn point and easily earn all Bonus Levels

Available NOW!

See ASN Hosting

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Due to the huge number of free services, information and products that we provide, you can write almost any ad—and it would be appropriate for your website, i.e....  When they visit your site, they not only have access to the product, information or service that you advertised, but this opportunity as well.


Small sample of possible subjects and ads:

For a Fast synopsis of Products, Services, Commissions and Sample Ads please see Your Personal Marketing Site.[PERSONALID]/Marketing_Basics.htm


Free creative financing course.  Learn to buy real estate with no money, no job, no credit, even bad credit!  Click here . 

Free Creative Financing Course


Credit Repair and Improvement.-- This is an very important and valuable service.  Our services constantly improve people's scores from 20 to 100 points with 45 days.  More than enough for them to purchase that home or care with nothing down.  Additionally, the free information given to them can show how dramatically increase their scores on their own.

Fix Your Credit Today!


Free forms and complete pros and cons of bankruptcy.

Free Bankruptcy Help


No down home purchases, even with bad credit or bankruptcy.

No Down Home Purchases


Proven free tips on lowering your tax burden

Lower Your Taxes




There are hundreds of blogs and emagazines that allow the submission of articles.  It gives them content, and provides links back to your websites-- whether to you ASN site or any personal site.  This increases the amount of attention that your sites will be given by the various search engines.


Feel free to use, derivatives, or even verbatim the many various articles regarding Home purchases, loans, bankruptcy, credit repair, and anything else within our sites as articles.  You can then submit them to the many ezines and blogs.


The following site provides an wonderful program that automates the submission of articles to over 600 ezines and blogs!



also, follow this link for many incredibly effective internet marketing programs.


So, now we've seen how a very small amount of business from each store can generate great profits.  In the next session we'll talk about the minimal but consistent effort that assures your success.


If you work this system and take advantage of the many programs we provide, You Will Make Money!   We Guarantee it.

You literally have nothing to lose, a world of opportunity to gain.

Just try it and see what happens.

  • RIGHT NOW, This Very Moment...  

  • If you haven't already done so, take a few minutes to "Claim Your Check" and put in place the steps located at

    "Fast Start Guide" and What to Do.


  • Place a couple of  FREE ADS

    See Free Advertising Sites


    Doing the above will require less than an hour and accomplished, at least, the following:

    • You will have earned, at least, your first check and possibly more...

    •  and by this time tomorrow you will see the beginnings of a growing business...  

  • Then, take a day or two off.  You deserve it, you've been working hard!  :-)

  • Tomorrow, take a moment to log into your admin panel.  If you've followed the system, you will see the beginnings of a profitable growing downline that can create a lifetime of residual income. 

I can't express strongly enough the importance of doing this.  Please, utilize ALL fast start and what to do steps. 

Your ASN business is much like a snow ball rolling down the hill. Once it gets moving it generates a momentum of it's own. When it's going, you can barely stop it if you wanted to. But the trick is in exercising the commitment to get it rolling in the first place.

Fast start and what to do are what gets your snowball rolling!  These steps erect a structure that puts many aspects of your business on auto pilot, generating points and creating a downline even while you sleep... a downline that that generates Business Volume from which you earn commission overrides on each and every purchase, sale, trial, quote, survey made by ever member and visitor to every site in your downline!   Put the steps in place and then just give your business an occasional nudge! 


Remember, You can get everything in life you want....  If you just help enough other people get what they want

and that's exactly what we at The All Solutions Network do.

Testimonials   News Letters

To see your growing downline, go to your Admin Panel, below. (or just click on " Member Login"


Login with your ID#  [PERSONALID] and the password that you chose.

Remember-- ID# and Passwords are Case Sensitive. i.e.  BC1002, works.  bc1002, doesn't.

Also, due to added security protocols that have been added you might get an "not found or authorized" message when you try to into the member's area.  If this happens, simply REFRESH your browser, and reenter your login information.  99 times out of a hundred you can login thereafter.


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If any of this seems complicated, just remember... it's this simple; the more points you get, the more profit sharing pools you are paid and the money you earn.  It really is that simple.

 100 points ALWAYS pays you, at least, $100 to $500.  (see what are points and How many points does an item earn), and getting points is always as simple as getting free quotes and trials. 

See How to Claim Your Check!

By following our simple system, you earn even if you never spend a dime.

We have scores of companies that will let you earn points and money absolutely for FREE, But you MUST FOLLOW THEIR RULES  See Important Rules.   Our system lets you earn points and money from every free quote, free trial, free survey, purchase or sale made by you or any of the thousands of visitors to your site.   The more points your site gets, the more profit sharing bonuses you earn.  100 points ALWAYS pays you, at least, $100 to $500.   See What Are Points?

And remember, Profit Sharing bonuses are in addition to Group Bonuses, Financial Service Commissions and the many other income streams we give you. 

Building a build a long term successful business and putting your income on an every growing upward spiral is easy.  But it requires the utilization of, at least, one additional component of the system... SHARING! 

See Important Success Steps

4 Simple Steps to Success

1. Help Others Earn for Free.

2. Claim Your Checks

3. Earn Big Commissions.

4. How to Never Miss a Check!

Countless Members are Losing Thousands of Dollars Every Month!

Earning points for free is great, but it's only the starting point.   Why settle for just a check?... Why Not Build a Successful Growing Business!



The most important and profitable aspect of ASN is Sharing.

Getting free points and profit sharing bonuses are great!  It's simple, free and profitable... but if it's all do... are throwing away thousands of dollars every month!  See Why


When you build your downline through Sharing, You are giving others a way to earn for free; you've just given them away to build a business that guarantees income and requires no investment, whatsoever.   They can now earn at any time, for free... and every time they earn... you earn.  The more they earn, the more you earn... and the more people who earn because you shared, the more you earn.  Then by Helping them earn even more through emails we provide...  Your income increases by leaps and bounds!   Sharing is the path to a successful, profitable business.


By Sharing and  Helping, an array of profit streams kick in that can explode your income.  You don't have to do anything extra.  These bonuses are scripted into the system so as to pay you automatically.  All you do?  Follow the system.  ASN does the rest!  See How

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Remember, the more points you get, the more bonuses you earn.  100 Points, always pays, at least, $100 to $500 or more!


Profit sharing bonuses are divided into 7 separate bonus pools. How much you earn from of each Profit Sharing pool is determined by the amount of revenue placed into to each fund, divided by the number of members who qualified to share in that particular fund. 

  • Example:

  • Assume there is $500 in a particular fund i.e. Fast Start...  and in the fund you qualified for (fast start), only you qualify for it; you would earn the entire $500.  

  • If 5 qualify, you each earns $100

  • if 50 qualify you each earns $10 from the particular fund).  

  • You are paid on each level for which you qualify.  Earn 4 points, you earn the Fast Start Fund.  15 points, you earn the Fast Start and Eagle fund, etc...  For purposes of simplicity we will use a figure of $1,000,000 being deposited into the Profit Sharing Pools and show hypothetical incomes of qualifying distributors.

Note Samples of Infinity bonus Income

 The samples below are in no way intended or to be construed as estimates of income to be expected from the various bonus pools.  The following hypotheticals are solely for the purpose of illustrating the manner in which said bonuses are calculated.  Actual payments vary dramatically and can be much more or less depending on the amount in each fund and the number of members that qualify for each fund in any particular month.  For example the smallest profit sharing pool (Fast Start Bonus) has been as high as about $50 and as low as about $5.

The Following Chart Shows the Point Requirements per Each Profit Sharing Bonus...

And how many levels of downline you earn, based on your points.

Point  # and Threshold

What You Earn in Profit Sharing (PS), and Downline Levels

1   Points  =  IPS Bonus Intro Profit Sharing (IPS) AND Pays Commission Overrides on 3 levels of downline.
2   Points =  IPS Bonus Intro Profit Sharing (IPS) AND Pays Commission Overrides on 3 levels of downline.
4   Points =  IPS &Fast Start I Intro PS, Fast Start Bonus and Commission Overrides on 3 levels of downline activities
8   Points (IPS), Fast Start Bonus and Commission Overrides 6 levels of downline activities
15 Points = Eagle   bonus (IPS), Fast Start, Eagle Bonus and Commission Overrides 10 levels of downline
24 Points = Bronze bonus (IPS), Fast Start, Eagle Bonus, Bronze Bonus and Commission Overrides 10 levels of downline
50 Points = Silver   bonus (IPS), Fast Start, Eagle Bonus, Bronze Bonus Silver Bonus and Commission Overrides 10 levels of downline
75 Points = Gold    bonus (IPS), Fast Start, Eagle Bonus, Bronze Bonus Silver Bonus, Gold Bonus and 10 levels of downline
100 Points = Platinum  bonus (IPS), Fast Start, Eagle Bonus, Bronze Bonus Silver Bonus, Gold Bonus Platinum Bonus and 10 levels.

ASN Profit Sharing is Unique!


The The Infinity Fund Bonus System is so simple that, right now, even before your site has made a sale, a purchase, given away a website, created a downline, or done any FREE marketing of your business, by just taking advantage of a few free quotes and trials, you can accumulate over 25 points and Qualify for the Fast Start, Eagle, and Bronze Bonus!... and remember, this is before you've even thought about promoting your business or earned commissions from your site, or even taken one step towards building a downline! 

There really is no easier, quicker way to earn money.


Profit sharing is GREAT!  But it will not create a career.  It will not make you rich.  If you do nothing but get points and neglect the rest of the system, you will never reach your full potential.  Don't forget to SHARE and to Market! 

The most profitable aspect of ASN is sharing.   The more you share, the more you help, the more you earn!  A long and continued success comes from sharing the system and following it! 

CLICK HERE  to see the many ways that Sharing automatically triggers additional income streams!



Note Samples of Infinity bonus Income and how it is Calculated

 the samples below are in no way intended or to be construed as estimates of income to be expected from the various bonus pools.  The following hypotheticals are solely for the purpose of illustrating the manner in which said bonuses are calculated.  Actual payments vary dramatically and can be much more or less depending on the amount in each fund and the number of members that qualify for each fund in any particular month.  For example the smallest profit sharing pool (Fast Start Bonus) has been as high as about $50 and as low as about $5.  However, we GUARANTEE that 100 points ALWAYS earns, at least, $100 to $500 dollars.   

Remember, there is a $20 minimum payout for Group and Profit sharing bonuses.

INTRO PROFIT SHARING  BONUS  2 points to qualify

EAGLE BONUS  15 points to qualify

Receives 9% of all Infinity Revenues.  Also earns 3 levels of downline.

Qualification Requirements-- 2 points accumulated through a combination of sales or purchases of ASN products or services from their personal web site or through personal use of products, services, or quote requests, i.e. insurance, loans, vacation leads, etc....



Sample Income-- 10% of 1mil= $100,000 Allotted to Fast Start Fund.

Assuming as many as 10,000 members qualified for the fund, each member would receive

$10 per qualifying member.

How to earn a GUARANTEED EXTRA $20 RIGHT NOW!!! click here

FAST START BONUS  4 points to qualify

Receives 35% of all Infinity Revenues.  4 points also earns 3 levels of downline.

Qualification Requirements-- 4 points accumulated through a combination of sales or purchases of ASN products or services from their personal web site or through personal use of products, services, or quote requests, i.e. insurance, loans, vacation leads, etc....



Sample Income-- 35% of 1mil= $350,000 Allotted to Fast Start Fund.

Assuming as many as 10,000 members qualified for the fund, each member would receive $35 per qualifying member.

Receives 20% of all Infinity Revenues.


8 points earns the IP, fast start bonus, plus 6 levels of downline.

15 points also earns the eagle bonus AND 10 levels of downline.

Qualification Requirements-- 15 points accumulated through a combination of sales or purchases of ASN products or services from their personal web site or through personal use of products, services, or quote requests, i.e. insurance, loans, vacation leads, etc....


Sample Income-- 20% of 1mil= $200,000  Allotted to Eagle Bonus Fund.

Assuming as many as 4,000 members qualified for the fund, each member would receive  an Eagle Bonus of $50 per qualifying member.


the $45 per member for the Intro and Fast Start Bonus.


So you would earn...

Total $95 

ALSO-- Remember that with15 points, you also earn Group Bonuses (overrides on your downline activities).

BRONZE BONUS   24 points to qualify

SILVER BONUS  50 points to qualify

Receives 10% of all Infinity Revenues.

Qualification Requirements-- 24 points accumulated through a combination of sales or purchases of ASN products or services from their personal web site or through personal use of products, services, or quote requests, i.e. insurance, loans, vacation leads, etc....



Sample Income-- 10% of 1mil= $100,000  Allotted to Bronze Bonus Fund.

Assuming as many as 1,600 members qualified for the fund, each member would receive 

Bronze Bonus of $60, Plus,

Eagle Bonus of $50 Plus,

Intro and Fast StartStart Bonus $45 


So you would earn...

Total of $155.

ALSO, you now earn Group Bonuses on every purchase and every sale made from every website in your personal organization.


Receives 10% of all Infinity Revenues.

Qualification Requirements-- 50 points accumulated through a combination of sales or purchases of ASN products or services from their personal web site or through personal use of products, services, or quote requests, i.e. insurance, loans, vacation leads, etc.....


Sample Income-- 10% of 1mil= $100,000  Allotted to Silver Bonus Fund.

Assuming as many as 800 members qualified for the fund, each member would receive 

Silver Bonus of $125 Plus,

Bronze Bonus of $60, Plus,

Eagle Bonus of $50 Plus,

Intro and Fast Start Bonus $45 


So you would earn...

Total of $280.

ALSO, you now earn Group Bonuses on every purchase and every sale made from every website in your personal organization.

GOLD BONUS   75 points to qualify

PLATINUM BONUS   100 points to qualify  

Receives 8% of all Infinity Revenues.

Qualification Requirements-- 75 points accumulated through a combination of sales or purchases of ASN products or services from their personal web site or through personal use of products, services, or quote requests, i.e. insurance, loans, vacation leads, etc....


Sample Income-- 8% of 1mil= $80,000  Allotted to Silver Bonus Fund.

Assuming as many as 400 members qualified for the fund, each member would receive 

Gold Bonus of $200

Silver Bonus of $125 Plus,

Bronze Bonus of $60, Plus,

Eagle Bonus of $50 Plus,

Intro and Fast Start Bonus $45 


So you would earn...

Total of $480.

ALSO, you now earn Group Bonuses on every purchase and every sale made from every website in your personal organization.


Receives 7% of all Infinity Revenues.

Qualification Requirements-- 100 points accumulated through a combination of sales or purchases of ASN products or services from their personal web site or through personal use of products, services, or quote requests, i.e. insurance, loans, vacation leads, etc....


Sample Income-- 7% of 1mil= $70,000  Allotted to Silver Bonus Fund.

Assuming as many as 200 members qualified for the fund, each member would receive 

Platinum Bonus $350

Gold Bonus of $200

Silver Bonus of $125 Plus,

Bronze Bonus of $60, Plus,

Eagle Bonus of $50 Plus,

Intro and Fast Start Bonus $45


So you would earn...

Total of $830.

ALSO, you now earn Group Bonuses on every purchase and every sale made from every website in your personal organization through a full 10 levels..

As you can see, this system makes it is incredibly easy to earn a check.  The only question is-- how large will it be?

But Remember, profit sharing is a great start! but it is not the key to BIG money... the key is sharing! 

Remember, through, sharing many of our members had over 100 first level members and over 500 in their organization in less than one month!-- some have done this in less than 10 days!

Sharing is not only the key to building a huge residual monthly income...  it also kick starts many  additional ASN bonus Enhancement Mechanisms kick in!  click Here to see How.

If you work the ASN system... YOU WILL MAKE MONEY!

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Free money making offers and quotes for United States and the world!

Up to $500 or more in the next hour... for free!...  But remember, you Must Follow the Simple Rules of Earning for FREE!  click here.

INTERNATIONAL Universally Needed Services

Click Here for Important Notes for International Members

Getting free quotes and trials from the above links will always earn, but there's so much more...

Click Here to see what members are saying...

As a member, you already know that personal use; and getting free quotes and trials is great way to always earn a check... 

You also know that 100 points will ALWAYS pay you, at least, $100 to $500 however...


Many Members are Throwing Away THOUSANDS of Dollars Every Month!

We've found that many members are actually losing thousands of dollars every month because they are doing nothing other than getting points.  It's our fault, but we are going to fix it right now!  It appears that we failed to properly convey that simply earning points will not build a successful business.  It will always earn a check...  but a profitable long term business comes from using additional components of your free ASN system.  What most members have missed is that when points are combined with Sharing, it automatically triggers an array of powerful new profit streams that automatically increase your income by thousands per month.  You don't even have to do anything extra.  Just Share and Help... the system does the rest!


The fact is that we've found that many members are losing a huge amount of income simply because they concentrate on virtually nothing other than personal points.  For many a couple of hundred dollars is enough... there is nothing wrong with that, but many simply do not realize how much they are losing or how easily they could earn so much more.  We take responsibility for any confusion, but we to rectify that, right now.  Please read the below.  But simply put... 

If you aren't Sharing and Helping you are throwing away thousands of dollars every month!

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Sharing and Helping increases your income in many, many ways! 

As a member, you already know that personal use; and getting free quotes and trials is great way to always earn a check... 

You also know that 100 points will ALWAYS pay you, at least, $100 to $500,  however..

Many members are throwing away thousands of dollars every month, because they are focusing only on free quotes and trials.  Earning free points is great, but when you add to your business arsenal the sharing of opportunity, a whole new world of profit opens up.

Click Here to see what members are saying...


Sharing not only pays you group bonus overrides on every activity from every member and every visitor to every site in your downline, sharing also triggers automatic programs that give you many additional income streams.   We have built in certain mechanisms into the ASN system so that by consistently Sharing and Helping, the system automatically calculates and adds these many bonuses to your income. 


Just follow the system by sharing and helping (see what to do)... the system will do the rest!  These bonuses include training bonuses, Mentor bonuses, and Group bonus factoring that can automatically add $5,000 and more to your income every month.  Just Share and Help; then watch what happens!



Consistently, use the system to get your free points, that's where it all starts. Nothing is simpler. 

But if you don't also use our simple free methods of Sharing and Helping, you will be throwing away thousands of dollars every month!



At first, understanding the details of your automatic income enhancements can be confusing.  But remember, they kick in mechanically without any additional action by you. Just follow the system; the bonuses take care of themselves.


By consistently Sharing and Helping, you automatically earn additional income streams that consist of Training bonuses of up to $5,000 per month, plus mentor bonuses and Group bonus enhancements that can triple your normal commission overrides...  This is all over and above your normal profit sharing, financial services commissions and normal group bonuses.


If you don't understand the math right away, don't worry about it... (each link, within the below bonus overview, takes you to a detailed explanation of that particular bonus).


Follow the steps; the system automatically does the rest! 

See Why ASN is Like Driving a Car!

  • Remember, with ASN everyone can join for free and earn for free.

  • You already know that through Group bonuses, the more people who join you and start earning for free, the more you earn in Group bonuses.  But there's more... Activities of your first level members trigger additional bonuses of up to $5,000 monthly and more!

  • First-  Each first level site that earns, even one point, earns you an additional point. This increases your personal points, which increases the number of profit sharing bonuses you are paid. See Training Bonuses.  

  • Second- As your first level members earn more for themselves, you earn even more points, earning you even more bonuses, via "mentoring bonuses",

  • Third- the more of your first level members that are earning for themselves, the more "training bonuses" you receive.  they range from $30 to $5,000 per month!

  • Fourth- by simply having a small number of active first level members, the system automatically increases your Group bonuses by up to 250%.  so...

    • If you originally earn $100, we increase it to $350! 

    • If you originally earn $400, we increase it to $1,000!

If you are serious about making money, by all means use your site, get points with free trials and quotes; the more you do, the more you earn...

But also make sure you share and let your people know that their real key to success is more than points but also sharing.  Remember, the more your people earn, the more you earn... and the larger number of people you help to earn by sharing... the more you earn!  Sharing and Helping is the Key.

We have many members who have been in the business for only 2 months, who now have downlines in excess of 2,000 members... This means that from now on...  they earn commission overrides on every free quote, trial, survey, purchase and sale made by every member and every visitor to every site in their downline of over 2,000 members.  We will help you do the same.  See What to Do!

Click Here to see what members are saying...

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The ASN system is like a Car and an Engine... 

Like any engine, the more of the parts that are assembled, the better it runs.   

Like your car's motor, the ASN engine does not assemble itself.  In other words, the parts have to be put place.  Just take a little time to put in action the steps we provide then watch what happens!  These steps are the equivalent of building your engine in a manner that many aspects of your business will work on auto pilot.

The "4 Simple Steps to Success" that are below, consist of activities that when consistently undertaken result in continually expanding group bonuses, weekly commissions and larger profit sharing bonuses. 

ASN is also like a High Performance Car...

We all know a car is a sophisticated piece of machinery.  But most people drive even though they've never learned to BUILD one or even really understand why it runs.  They just know if you get in and follow a few simple steps, you get get where you're going. That's exactly how ASN works. 


Most people don't understand the physics of driving... the workings of the transmission, the torque ratios, conversion of heat to energy in the braking system or how the forces of angular momentum, centrifugal and centripetal forces work to allow you to take those corners, etc...  You just get in, turn the key... and drive! 

Following is the downline organization of one of our members, after being with us a little over 2 months... 

1st LVL Points

2d LVL Points

3rd LVL Points

4th LVL Points

5th LVL Points

6th LVL Points

7th LVL Points

8th LVL Points

9th LVL Points

10th LVL Points

Mentor Points

Total Active Downline













This means that every month, he earns commission overrides on every...

free quote, trial, survey, purchase and sale made by every visitor to every site in his downline of about 2,000 members. 

How did his business grow so much, so quickly?...  He simply followed the system...

We will help you do the same.  See What to Do!


Click Here to see what members are saying...

You don't have to use all of the system.  If you just Use and Share you will always be earning. 

But like an engine, the more parts you put in place, the better it will run. 

The degree of success and earnings you ultimately achieve will be directly proportional to the degree you follow the system.


Even if you don't yet completely understand how or why your ASN car works or accomplishes what it does... we promise,  take the time to turn the key, punch the gas and do a little bit of steering and ASN will take you wherever you want to go!  We don't even charge for gas :-)


Follow the system: 

Take it step by step... USE it; SHARE it... even if you don't yet totally understand why it works or why the steps build your  business or why they result in consistent monthly and weekly income... just realize they do--


There is no upside to ASN for wasting your time!  If they didn't work, I promise, they wouldn't be here. 

Our success is dependent on on your success.  Consequently, we are on a never ending quest to make sure you always have the simplest, most effective tools available.  They are FREE and they WORK!

See just how simple earning can be!  click here.

Remember, USE and SHARE

If you do nothing other than USE ASN for your personal needs, see how   and...

share see how this opportunity to earn for free with others, you will always be earning... 


But if you then take that extra step and treat ASN like the unique business it is... Great things will happen!  See what members say.

   Get in the car, take a test drive.  Just punch the gas... you'll be amazed where your ASN car can take you!


Don't get me wrong.  It's important to understand the system, but it's even more important earn your first No Investment checks today, than it is to know exactly why you get them...  Don't wait... Get Started now!

Waiting to know everything...

Before doing anything...

Just takes longer to EARN anything. 

Start earning now!

Click Here to see what members are saying...

Keys to continued monthly income and long term success...

4 Simple Steps to Success

1. Help Others Earn for Free.

2. Claim Your Checks

3. Earn Big Commissions.

4. How to Never Miss a Check!





How to build YOUR Brand        click here!

Earn BIG COMMISSIONS!              click Here!

ASN Works Lightening Fast!         click here!

Don't  Lose Thousands!                 click here!

Misc Training Links

9 Vital Steps

Be Consistent

Not Earning?

Marketing Tools


ASN Overview Video

Although, some aspects of the video are a bit out of date  (it is being updated), the overview of the system is correct. 

see ASN Tool Box

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If you've been a member for, at least, 2 pay cycles and aren't seeing the organization and income growth you want...

Review your training pages; Intro to Earning, Start Guide, and What Now!   then ask yourself this question... 


If your business isn't growing...  you haven't been consistently following the system!

You have left out pieces of the engine.

Realize, no matter how simple or great any system or business plan is...  WITHOUT CONSISTENT POSITIVE ACTION, NOTHING HAPPENS!


Make no mistake... we GIVE you the perfect tools for digging!


If you are not earning enough, ask Yourself, How Many of These Steps Have You Implemented?  See What to Do

Put these steps in place and just watch what happens!  They put many aspects of your business on auto pilot.

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Achievement requires more than one or two positive actions.  You can't create a successful career by getting a few free quotes or pacing a couple of free ads.  Nor can you get rich by ordering a hosting package... With ASN, each of these activities guarantees you will earn; but why earn just a check.. when with simple free consistent actions can build a successful career?  A few of positive actions Right Now, guarantees a check...

See claim your check

...but a few simple actions per week, can build a profitable career that you can operate all over the world, from the comfort of your home... or anywhere in the world... all you need is an internet connection and requires absolutely no investment!  As you will soon see, there is nothing quite like ASN.  It's a real business, just treat it as such. Just put forth consistent effort, Not a lot... certainly much less time and effort than your job... but the ASN payoff can be so much greater! 


There are fundamental ideas that always lead to success... no matter your objective...

 See Universal Success Principles



First:       Realize Success is a Choice

Second:  FOCUS relentlessly on your objectives.

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Success is never accomplished with NO EFFORTIf anyone ever tells you otherwise, grab your wallet and run!  You can never achieve success with no effort.  But if you have the right tools and work SMART, success can be achieved with minimal effort.  The marketing principles and methods we give you require minimal effortWe utilize the very same principles that created the fastest growing companies in history.  We all know that the key to success is not simply hard work...  (we all know people who work long and hard but have little to show for it).  The real key has always been to work smart.  The principles that our system utilizes, epitomize working smart.

The Financial Chainsaw

If you want to cook an egg, you can put it in the frying pan and hold a match to it.  In time your egg will be cooked.  Or you can accomplish the same thing quicker, easier and more effectively by using the stove. That's working smart. 

You can chop down a tree with a hatchet.  Or you can cut it down more quickly, easily and effectively by using a chain saw. 

You can also work 40 to 60 hours a week earning $15, $20, even $50 an hour or more, but you can do better by doing what the largest, most profitable companies in the world do.  Wal-Mart, McDonald's, Denney's, etc... They maximize their profits by duplicating, leveraging and sharing in the production of hundreds stores, restaurants and people.  This is precisely what the ASN system allows you to do.  But you can do it for free, with no employees to hire, no office space to rent, no merchandise to buy or stock, no licenses to acquire.  Why not do work like the most successful companies in the world.  Don't use an ax, use a chainsaw...   

Our system allows you to do exactly that.  ASN is the equivalent of a Financial Chain Saw. 

But this chain saw is FREE!

You've already taken the most important step.  You've joined

Now, take the next steps; actually start following this proven system and watch what happens! 

Honestly, even THREE minutes a day, while on Facebook or your other social media sites can accomplish Great Things for you and your family!   Click Here to see just one simple example!

Click Here to see what members are saying...

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What's more difficult? 

Working 40 hours a week for a boss you don't respect and a job you don't like?  Or a tenth the time, working from your own home at your own pace following simple free steps that we give you? 

Now Ask Yourself... How much more will you earn, if you spend an hour a week extra at your job?  Not much... 

But what if you actually spent that one hour a week following the ASN system?  Promoting and earning commissions of  $300, $500,  $1,500 from our high paying financial services, mortgage reduction, home loans, etc... See a few samples:


  • Profit Sharing-  $100 to $500 in an hour!  Use the ASN system to get free quotes, trials, surveys, etc... and you are GUARANTEED, at least, $100 to $500 per month... over and above, commissions, group bonuses and training bonuses.  How to Claim Your Check and  How profit sharing works. 


  • Commission overrides SHARING (Group Bonuses),

    Sharing is the Most Profitable Aspect of ASN. Simply let others know they can earn for doing what they already do. Click Here to see how simple it is!, When they start earning for free, personal use or by promoting our many high paying financial services, you earn Commission Overrides on everything!  Every free quote, free trial, survey, purchase or sale made by every member and every visitor to every site in your entire downline through a full 10 levels pays you!

    The Group Bonus override system is so profitable that if you share this with just 5 people and they share with 2, etc... through 10 levels, and each generates only 25 points, (personal use alone can do this)-- 

    YOUR group bonus overrides are in excess of $7,500 per month, Click Here to See How Profitable Sharing is.  And this is not hard to do!

    Following is the downline of one of our newer members. He's been working with us a little over 2 months...

    1st LVL Points

    2nd LVL Points

    3rd LVL Points

    4th LVL Points

    5th LVL Points

    6th LVL Points

    7th LVL Points

    8th LVL Points

    9th LVL Points

    10th LVL Points

    Mentor Points

    Total Active Downline













     As you can see, when you start helping others to earn, the sky is the limit! 

    When you start sharing, our many other bonuses come into play!  See how training bonuses can increase your income by up to $5,000 per month! 

    see    Earn More By Helping Others.


It couldn't be simpler... You place the ad, we do everything else! 

We answer the phones, make the sales, provide the services, etc... and you get paid for simply placing the free ads!

We give you a vast array of free ways to market and earn.  See  Marketing TOOLS and Marketing METHODS

Following are links, commissions and point values for a few of the ASN Services your site offers.

The links are already coded to you for credit!

Service Your Commission Points
Home Loans $300- $1,500 40
Mortgage Reduction $300 25
Bankruptcy $30 - $65 20
Credit Repair $30 20
Charity Assistance 20% 8-25

See Marketing Tools and Intro to Earning


See how simple it is for you to earn big with these high paying services  Click Here.


Remember, you don't have to spend money for advertising programs or upgrades, all you need to do is to it follow the simple free system as we laid it out for you.  Do just this and you can and WILL accomplish GREAT things!  All you have to do is be consistent. 


Our goal is to share in your success, not your wallet.  We provide the opportunity, we provide the tools, you provide the most important ingredient, commitment.  Our success depends on your success, that's why we provide such a vast array of free money making methods to help you build your business.  We really do make it easy.  We give you detailed steps for doing almost everything.  Just implement them, step by step by step.

Remember, with ASN, you don't have to code.  You don't have to invest anything.  You don't even have to pay for your website!  Just follow the free steps of our marketing system you will make money and many aspects of your growth will be on auto pilot.  see   Intro to Earning, Start Guide, and What Now!

Click Here to see what members are saying...


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With a little bit of thought and creativity there is no question that you can think of many additional ways that you can promote your website and build your business—and you are always free to do so.  And when you do, TELL YOUR DOWN LINE!  Remember—helping them become successful, increases your success.  


  • WHAT ARE PROFIT SHARING POOLS?  Understanding the details of Profit Sharing

  • In addition to your Monthly Group Bonuses (overrides on your downline), and Commissions on merchandise, loans, bankruptcies, etc...  about 80 % of the total income derived from every quote trial, survey, purchase, sale, etc...  M ade by every member and visitor to every website in the entire ASN Network, is placed into separate ASN Profit Sharing Bonus Pools (Infinity Funds). 

  • This total ASN income is divided and placed into 6 separate bonus pools.  See How Much Profit Sharing Can Earn

    How many of the 6 profit sharing funds a member receives, is dependent upon how many points are generated (i.e. sales, surveys, free quotes, free trials, etc...), by their site, personal use, plus, the points they also earn from their first level members and their site's activities.  Remember, sharing more earns more.


    Each month, the entire amount in each pool is divided equally among the members who qualified for each fund.

          Just 4 points qualifies you for the Fast Start Bonus;

          15 points and you earn the Fast Start and Eagle Bonus, etc... 

    • Remember, 4 points is as simple as getting a free insurance quote... and you don't even have to purchase the policy!

    For a Simplified Example:

    If at the end of November, there was $1,000 in the Platinum Bonus Pool and only you qualified for that fund, you are paid the entire $1,000. 

    If at the end of December, there was $1,000 in the Fast Start Bonus Pool and 20 members had qualified, you would each receive $50. 

    Click Here to see How to IMMEDIATELY claim your FULL share of this months infinity funds right now.

    Remember one of the many unique aspect of the ASN System is that

    you can control how many bonuses you earn...   and it never has to cost you a dime.

    We always suggest that new members get, at least, to the Bronze Level  (24 points and requires about 30 minutes), to assure the fastest most profitable start.

  • The more points a member and their site earns, the more profit sharing funds they earn. 100 points and you earn a share of all 6 Profit Sharing funds and that Guarantees that you earn, AT LEAST, $100 to $500 or more. 

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Today's Solutions for Today's Issues

Send mail to bruce at with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 2004-2016 Bruce Castro The All Solutions Network
Last modified: 05/28/2021 02:46:02 PM