fast start guide is easier to understand... but the most important
aspects have been combined at the
New Training Series
Important Video and Audio Training
a Quick synopsis of Products, Services, Commissions and Sample Ads please see
Your Personal Marketing Site.
Introduction to Your New Business
ASN Terms of Service
Believe it or not, building a business is much like
building a home. There are certain steps that must be adhered to and
completed in the proper order
if you want a
successful outcome. You wouldn't build a home by putting up
a wall and roof-- unless you had first laid the foundation.
Your ASN business is much the same. You first lay the foundation and then,
step by step in logical sequence, add the various aspects that turn that slab of
concrete and wood-- into a palace.
This Fast Start Guide and
your What to Do Page is
your foundation-- If you want to be successful with ASN, take few minutes to
build the foundational pieces :-) They create a strong
foundation that supports you as you as you
build the rest of your business. But unlike a house...
if you do nothing other than follow these steps, your business will grow and prosper.
As you will read below, if you just follow the first
steps of your Fast Start Guide your business can grow incredibly fast.
Without ever spending a dime. We have members that were new to
the internet with NO EXPERIENCE AT ALL that
followed the fast start guide and had great income and downlines in
excess of 1,000 in about 30 to 45 days.
Their secret
was simple. They followed instructions! :-)
Complete your fast start
guide. Then as you are building the many aspects of your
business, the foundation that you've already created will continue to give you a
base line level of growth and income that supports and continues to grow with
In addition to your fast start guide, we provide you
with tools and education that allow you to become a top notch internet
entrepreneur. These are the tools and information that separates the
novice from the expert and the success from the also ran. We give it
to you for free. And you can use it with ASN or any other business
endeavor that you may choose.
Our goal is simple.
We want to help as many people as possible to become financially
independent. But getting from there is always a step by step by step
process. Follow your fast start guide as outlined.
We will then direct you to the links that give you
the many free tools and information that will help you to really soar.
Basic Steps to Making Money Fast
Click Here to
Earn Your First Check Right Now!
You will have questions. Prior to
contacting your sponsor or us, please see the
FAQ section.
95% of all questions will be answered there.
Click Here to
Earn A Check Right Now!
Earning money with the
Solutions Network is so Fast and soooo Easy, that if you take just
15 minutes to take advantage of a few of these absolutely FREE
offers... You will already have earned the "Quick Start"
bonus AND the "Eagle Bonus". I
truly believe that no company allows you to make so much so quickly.
Follow the Fast Start
Guide, and just watch what happens!
Do, you or someone you
know have credit issues that need to be solved.
Click Here for a FREE Credit Report
AND the most comprehensive Credit Repair Manuals Available--
They are both FREE. Many who have used our
methods have improved their scores by 50 to 200 points! And
remember, these are free!
Oh, and by the way, by just getting
the free reports and manuals, you just earned the
Start Bonus
and are a hairs breath away from the
Eagle Bonus.
Their is no easier way to earn money. If you, or ANYONE needs
to SAVE money or EARN money. We, meaning YOU-- have the Solution.
Follow your fast start
guide and watch what happens!
The Best Values and Selection of EVERYTHING!
Get the very best prices and selections
by doing some of your shopping at You just got the
very best bargains available and you made money!
The Best Values and Selection of EVERYTHING!
Marketing Tools
Advertising Sites-
Scores of free advertising
Make sure you
take advantage of the following
advertising sources.
If you are in business you
want exposure. The
more the better. These are some
of the highest traffic and
most effective sites in the
world. Place normal
ads or use EasyHits4U
traffic exchange... and for
every ad you view, you get
your ad seen... for
Advertise for
commissions from
your financial services,
whatever you want.
Their free ads and services
are great... the premium
upgrades are even better!

You are in
business, So...
You need
cards.. You actually get paid for getting these free cards!
see Marketing methods for sample cards.
Please see these most
often asked questions and
training links.
Congratulations on your
decision to join one of the most profitable opportunities in existence; a rare
opportunity to achieve financial independence with
no investment-- EVER.
We've all heard people talk about businesses and situations that are "can't
lose" or "guaranteed", etc... we all know that in most cases, they are a
load of baloney. We truly believe that with ASN, you can't fail--
that this is a true can't lose proposition. But, of course,
we would say that! But as you begin to the absorb the ins
and outs of this system, you'll see why with a bit of consistent effort, your
success is truly guaranteed.
Iit's easy to
IMMEDIATELY see one of the many ways that we are different--- Unlike
most companies, we, not only, have not asked you for any money,
we will NEVER ask you to give us a
penny! What we do ask, is that you "invest" 10 to 15 minutes. Just follow the first few
steps of Fast Start Guide. It's the ONLY "investment" we will
EVER ask. It will require absolutely no money...
Take just a few minutes of your time to see just how fast and easily you can
build your business. After you see the results of this minimal effort, we are
confident that you will react with the enthusiasm of James Blake...
resource center and associated links will tell you EVERYTHING about this business.
But please,
until you
know everything before you
anything. Do like James B.(above letter). Take 10 minutes
and get started... then start really studying the business.
He already had a growing downline before he knew
anything about his business!
Like Driving a Car
Your business is
analogous to driving.
A car is a complicated piece of machinery.
But most people drive long before they
ever learn to BUILD a car or even know why it runs. They
just know that it gets you where you are going. ASN is sometimes
Just as
most people don't understand the physics of
driving... the workings of the transmission, the torque ratios, conversion of heat
to energy in the braking system or how the forces of angular momentum and centrifugal and centripetal
forces work to allow the auto to turn corners, etc... They just get in and
We may not completely
understand how the car works,
but we know that that by turning the key, punching
the gas and turning the wheel, the car will take us where ever we want to go.
ASN is the same.
Follow the system. Take
it step by step... USE, SHARE... even if you don't yet totally understand
why it works
or why these steps pay you... just realize they do--
If they
didn't work, they wouldn't be here. There is no upside to wasting your
success is depended on on your success. We make sure you have the
most effective tools available. They are FREE and they WORK!
Remember, USE and SHARE
If you do
nothing other than USE ASN for your personal needs, and...
this opportunity to earn for free with others, you will always be
earning. But if you then take that extra step and treat ASN like
the unique business it is... Great things will happen!
See what
members say. |
Just make sure to punch the gas... you'll get
where you are going.
It's important to understand the system, but I believe it's
even more important that
you earn a No Investment check today, than it is to know exactly
why you get it...
Don't wait... Get Started now!
Waiting to know
everything, before doing anything, just
means it takes longer to EARN anything.
Do it now!
Start by getting free quotes and trials.
The more you get the more you earn.
Free money making offers and quotes
United States
Up to $500 or more in the next
hour... Most are absolutely free!...
But remember, you Must Follow the
Simple Rules of Earning for FREE!
click here.
Needed Services
Click Here for Important Notes
More countries
and offers on
the way!
Put in place the 4 simple steps
Then Start building your
Personal Brand and your business.
Click Here
Another Excerpt from Another Member Letter
what more members say.)
From Karl B.,
KB1316 of Nebraska
"Man I am so excited at this moment. I couldn't hardly
believe my eyes when I saw your email that I have earned a Fast
Bonus. You don't know how many other
companies I have tried before without success. Usually all I did was
LOSE money. Now Thanks to your company I finally did it!"
With ASN, if you follow
the system you are guaranteed to earn money.
people will walk away from this opportunity. Not because they
don't think it's a great idea, but rather because they think "there
has to be a catch, they're not telling me something"
I just
want you to know... There is no Catch! This business is
exactly what it appears to be. You really can make money, and
you can do it right now, if you choose to do so... (see
How to Claim Your Check).
It requires no investment and we will never ask for money.
How many businesses can honestly say that?
we understand that in life and in business, there is no
such thing as a true "One Size Fits All". And as Great as I
and so many members believe ASN is--
We realize ASN is not for everyone.
Nothing is...
...I just want to
be sure that if you decide to not pursue this... it' really is
because it's just not your cup of tea...
Not because you think it won't work. Simply put... it
does and it will.
Whatever you decide, we wish you all the best.
This is a true story in the unedited
words of an ASN member...
Read this-- this can happen for you too. Just follow the
"I joined allsolutions only because a
good friend showed it to me..
I basically joined to humuor him....I
didn't even take the time to read the welcome e-mail...
I simply copied and pasted a part of the
free website and sent it out to a safelist.
Next morning I had 4 signups...Then I
sent e-mail to my friend saying Well signed up 4 members for
your program last night.. whatever that means ?
I then went back to the welcome e-mail
to have a look to see just exactly what I was involved in... because
I really had no clue
I took the time to read everything...
and I seen huge potential So I immediately dropped
everything else and totally focused on allsolutions...
Sure I was making money with other
things..but allsolutions will make me rich !
I joined
allsolutionsnetwork Just over 3 weeks ago My downline has exploded
to 3750 plus members through 10 Levels
I just received my 1st commission last
night... $118.35
Plus, I believe I may have reached 3rd
bonus level... So I have more money coming
Not bad considering it was payment
for the last 2 weeks of last month...
And a lot of people just joined within those 2 weeks...
including me-- Over
2200 people joined my downline in first 9 days of this month....
Next month's commissions will be awesome
My downline is growing by leaps and
And this can happen too for anyone...
Just give away the free website.. Put it in the right
hands and look out
Just so you know..I'm no guru...I
have no list to mail too I don't know how to create websites..I
don't have autoresponders..I don't spam. Many members are way better
internet marketer's than I am or ever will be
I simply made up an e-mail and post
everyday to safelists Plus I use traffic exchanges.
Get active and start building a huge
downline... it's the easiest thing I have ever done..Just give
away your website..Couldn't be any easier !
Everyone reading this please understand
you are right in the beginning of something very special....
You can make $5000 month...All it takes
it a little belief in yourself that you can do it.. You're not
selling anything or asking anyone to spend money on anything that
they wouldn't already be buying or thinking of buying.
You are simply giving away a free
website that will change lives !
I show it to everyone...If they see the
potential..fantastic..if not..their loss not mine !"
How Do I Make Money?
Solutions Network provides more ways to make money than any other business of
which I'm aware. There are other Sections in the resource center that will
detail the specifics of the many programs and the amounts of commission per
sale, and details of how you earn even from products or services that you just
give away. But for now, to make it simple, following are the basic
principles of how you you make money.
Points- the more you earn, the more you make! see "points
and commissions" and "Claim
Your Check" to see how to earn points and how much they pay.
Build an organization, (downline) of members from whom you earn
overrides on each and every purchase and sale made by everyone in
your organization through a full 10 levels. How do you build an
organization? JUST GIVE AWAY WEBSITES. As many as
you can. Your
Fast Start Guide shows you how!
Earning from your downline requires that you earned a total of 15 points in
that month.
Personal Use
what you always buy, Do what you always do... Just buy it
from your site!
Personal Use.
Just shop from YOUR Site.
Note: Gift Cards are not awarded
points until they are used.
Birthdays, Clothes,
Anniversaries, School Supplies, Vitamins, Computer
Supplies? Shop from your
own site! Virtually ANYTHING, you could
possibly want or need can be found at YOUR site...
And you will always make and save
money from any and all purchases! Here are a few of our most visited
and profitable pages...
Earn by Shopping From
Amazing New
What earns the most
Highest Paying ASN Products | | |
One of ASN's Highest
Paying Merchandise
Everything from
Electronics, Bedding,
Vests, Water Purifiers,
Swords, Cooking Ware,
and hundreds of other
exciting Items!
Purchases and Sales earn 8 points per $25 retail
value! PLUS...
20% Commissions on $75 or
more retail! |
Where Staying Healthy Pays!
One of our highest paying services.
Earns 5 points per $25 retail
I consider this the best formulation of
nutritional supplements available on the market.
Great products Great prices and another Great
Opportunity! |
One of ASN's Highest
Paying Merchandise
Unique and Exciting
Gifts from all over the
world! Everything from
Pictures, Brassware,
Fine China and 1000s of
other exciting Items!
The prefect gift for any
Purchases and Sales earn 8 points per $25 retail
value! PLUS...
20% Commissions on $75 or
more retail!
Remember, points and commissions are not earned on
shipping or sales tax.
So, on a purchase or sale of
$75 retail from
you earn...
even on your own purchase... PLUS,
24 points so you also earn...
Fast Start Bonus,
Eagle Bonus,
Bronze Bonus,
Qualify for
Start Up Bonuses
performance bonuses.
Qualify for
Mentor Bonuses
Qualify for
Performance Bonuses, Plus...
Full Group Bonuses! i.e.
i.e. a commission override through 10 levels on all
purchases and sales of your downline.
It's easy to see why our
motto is... ASN Where It
ALWAYS Pays to Shop!
Commissions, You earn varying amounts of commissions for each
product or service purchased from your website.
Anywhere from
making $10 for a CREDIT REPAIR KIT...
to $1,500 or so for a home loan.
You even make money on many of the absolutely free services that are
provided. So, use the many
free advertising sites that we provide for you to promote your
site, and it's many services.
Infinity Fund Bonuses, through our unique Infinity Fund system you
actually earn money from every purchase and sale that is made... not
just from YOUR site, or the sites of your downline, but from every
purchase and sale of every site in the entire ASN organization-- of over
100,000 sites. This system makes it so simple, that you can actually
earn your first check even before you've created ANY downline, Made ANY
sales, or even made any purchases.
Complete Step One!
If you do just this, by this
time tomorrow, you will see that you already have a profitable organization
developing. Then as time permits, but AT LEAST, 2 steps per day-- complete the
next steps.
I know of no business that
is simpler or can more easily create a substantial income. But remember, if you
don't do anything... you won't earn anything. Work this business it will
work for you!
Fast Start
Step 1-- Email to
Your Contact List and Everyone You Know.
Following are samples of
emails and links that you can send to your contact list.
This works! Do it right
Do this now, while you're thinking about it!---- Open your email,
(outlook, aol, msn, yahoo, etc) and write a letter similar to either of the following:
of your many pages should you send your visitors? Which is the best to use
to get sign ups?
It depends on the audience.
We have a couple of pages that are appropriate for this and will continue to
bring you more.
The most used signup up page is[PERSONALID]/moremoney.htm
Hi, this is [FIRSTNAME]
I'm writing to you because I just came across a business that I
think has great potential. It lets you make money from everything from home
loans to insurance to vitamin and car sales; and you make and save money on almost everything,
PLUS it helps
lower your taxes, you even make money for GIVING AWAY free vacations and
restaurant vouchers, medial discounts... best of all-- it requires absolutely no investment--
I've already earned a small check
and am just getting started.
I thought it was something
that you might find interesting. To check it out, just click here.
if clicking the link does not take you to the site, copy and
paste it into your
Talk to you later
The reality is many people
are skeptical about anything that sounds "too good to be
true" syndrome. Skepticism is natural and often
warranted. but Remember, ASN is free. We don't
want your money or your freinds money.
Our goal is to share in
the success of our members.
is not too
good to be true.
It is simply a unique
system that has synthesized proven business principles
with the best the internet has to offer. This has
created a one of a kind system that lets anyone
earn from everything... without investment.
When ASN's
principles are understood, it is obvious, not only, that
it DOES work,
but WHY it works!
If a friend or
acquaintance tells you this won't work, send them the below
Due to
the above preconceptions, some still won't join...
But no
OPEN MINDED individual fail to understand the power of the facts
in the below links. Namely, according to all rules of
economics and business, there is no reason that ASN shouldn't
work; and that it is, working for countless people who
had never earned even a penny on the internet before joining
ASN... and that there is no logical reason that it won't work
for you or for them.
Simply put, ASN works. Don't let anyone tell you
Why you can't Fail.
simple logical explanation of why ASN business gives you
everything and more that is required for a successful
ASN Testimonials.
Scores of unsolicited testimonials of members.
Businesses that don't work... don't receive these.[PERSONALID]/ASNTestimonials.htm
(we give you a
few options as to what site you sent them. The key is to get them to sign
up so they ultimately end up seeing the entire system. Use whichever
of these sales pages that you thing will be the most effective for your audience)...
Remember, because ASN does so much, there are a million ways that it can be
presented. We've given a couple of other
possible landing pages that you may want to send them to I would strongly consider the second (signupA).
It combines the excitement of the opportunity, with curiosity as to what it
encompasses, in addition to the assurance that it is always FREE.
you communicating with a friend? They already know and trust you.
What is needed is for them to trust the system. The best page for that
is probably the following:[PERSONALID]/ASNTestimonials.htm
do not tell anyone that you've earned a check if you haven't. Please, if
you haven't already done so, earn your first check below).
See Claim Your Check!
To See
How and Why You Can Earn for Free!
Take advantage of the many free
services contained in the links below.
immediately earns points and locks in your first
paychecks. The more points
you get, the more
Infinity bonuses.
you earn. 4 points earns you the fast
start bonus and 4 levels of Group bonuses; 15 points,
the fast start, eagle bonus, and commission overrides on
10 levels of your downline. see
Group Bonuses.
Think about it... You actually get paid...-
To see how much you can save on insurance, (whether you
buy or not!), for taking surveys, car quotes, free
credit kit, credit
cards, etc... for simply trying exciting products and services FOR
FREE, you get paid!
You don't have to spend a dime... and you still get
But Make
Sure You Know and follow the
"Simple Rules of Earning for FREE!"
Click Here For Rules
a Nutshell...
To assure payment, provide accurate information...
apply only for quotes or
trials specific to your country of
and only one free quote or
trial per company per 60 days.
We suggest that you
immediately get 15 points. You can
do it for free. It will take less than 15 minutes and
that immediately earns you the Fast Bonus, Eagle Bonus,
and Group
Bonuses Overrides.
remember, the more points you earn... the more money you
100 points GUARANTEES, at least, $100 to $500 Dollars.
Personal Use-
No investment, just do what you always
If you were going to do it anyway, why
not get paid for it?
Do you need... school
clothes, school supplies, computer supplies, cheaper
phone service, internet or cable services, health
products, vitamins, gifts, loans, etc... Virtually
anything you need is on your site.
And remember,
every time you make that purchase you would have made,
anyway... do it from your site and you earn points that
earn money!
See some of
ASN's most visited and profitable pages.
Amazing New
We suggest that you
immediately get 15 points. You can
do it for free. It will take less than 15 minutes and
that immediately earns you the Fast Bonus, Eagle Bonus,
and Group
Bonuses Overrides. |
Hi Bill,
I just got involved with this business that I'm
really excited about.
The company has been around over 15 years doing
everything from home loans, car loans, bankruptcies, merchandise sales and a
whole host of other products and services.
They just changed their business model so that we
can have the opportunity to basically work with them, making money from
everything they do. And it's completely in our spare time, at our leisure,
helping them market the hundreds of products and services they provide. It
never costs us a dime
and they do most of the work
i.e. they close the loans, they prepare the bankruptcy petitions, they complete
the credit repairs, they fill the merchandise orders...
and we make
money from EVERYTHING, How Much??...
Anywhere from about $40 for a Bankruptcy to
around $1,5000 for a home loan.
I've already earned my first check!
GIVE you,
your own FREE,
60 plus, page website, (like mine[PERSONALID]/moremoney.htm,
each page offers their many various products and
services but...
and every page is coded with YOUR
name and YOUR
personal ID that is automatically generated for you.
All you do is promote
your site
by placing FREE
ads (they even show us where and how to place them).
The business system is so fast and efficient that
within 15 minutes of joining, I was in business and had already earned a check.
I'm actually pretty excited. We make money
from everything product and service that they provide, no down
home loans, car loans, personal loans, credit cards, vitamins, merchandise,
personal loans even with bad credit, Bankruptcy, Credit
Repair, etc...
even make money for simply
giving away FREE vacation
packages and FREE credit repair kits.
This is how they put it-- and it makes a lot of
sense... It's their goal for us to make as much money as possible, because
The better we do... the better they do! They
make money WITH
us, not off us. So, we can
be pretty sure that they are doing their best to make this the most easily
workable, most effective business system possible.
For complete details, just go to my site[PERSONALID]/moremoney.htm
Obviously, I've already joined and it looks
pretty good to me. If nothing else, do me a favor and take a look at my site and let me know
what you think. It might be something that will work for you, too.
Your Name
Sample 3
Sample Letter:
"I'm writing to you because I just came across a business
that I'm really excited about. It lets you make money from everything from home
loans to insurance to vitamin and car sales.
We make and save money on almost everything,
It's so simple that, you even make money for GIVING AWAY free vacations and
gas card vouchers. Best of all-- it requires absolutely no investment--
I just got started and have already earned my
first check.
I think it's great and thought it was something
you might be able to use.
It takes about 10 seconds to
join. and you immediately a full member able to earn all profits without
having to spend a penny... up to $100 to $500 in your first hour... and to
top it off... the minute you sign up, you get you eligible to receive a Voucher
for a luxury vacation, 70% medical discounts and restaurant vouchers.
To check it out, just click here.
Now send the above
email to everyone in your address book and EVERYONE You Know!
They will then go to
your website, be presented with the same opportunity that you
have, get their own free website, email their address book,
then those members will go to their website, etc...
Thanks to the incredible
speed of the Internet, in almost no time at all, the completion of this first
simple step can, no time, give you an organization numbering in the hundreds. Do
the mailing now! Then, tomorrow, log into your admin site and see what you've
Member Login
We have many members who
in their first week have given away over 50 to 100 Websites.
We sometimes get email from members
similar to the following:
"How can I persuade others around me to do what I'm
doing? And I do have people around me looking, just like I am, for a way to
make money online. But they are skeptical.
In most cases, if you can
honestly tell them something positive, they will , at least give it a try.
Why not... It's FREE and only takes a couple of minutes to earn a
The most effective thing you
can do is to be able to honestly say, "I'm already earning
money and I didn't have to spend a dime".
How do you do that? Simple,
just go
Claim Your Check. Take advantage of the free quotes, trials or
services to get your first points. Do that and you've earned your first
Do this and you can honestly say...
"I've already earned my first
check. I did it in 3 minutes and it didn't cost me anything. I'm not
saying I can quit my job yet, but I can say that I see that this has great
potential and I think it's something that you can use. It's totally up to
you, but I'd just sign up. It's free and it will give you the opportunity
to take a closer look. If it's not for you, I understand. I'd just hate
to see you pass something up and then have it turn out that it would have
been perfect for you.
After sending your first email, you
will almost immediately begin to get emails sent to you saying "Congratulations!
You have a new All Solutions Signup!"
To each of these people send a
letter similar, if not exactly like the the one below. It addresses a
couple of issues that might arise and shows them how they too, can earn a
check immediately. And remember, the faster they get started, the
more enthusiasm that is generated by earning a quick check, the quicker
they will build their organization and in turn, the quicker and larger your
business grows.
This system incorporates a
timeless principle... "You get anything in life you want, if you help enough
other people get what they want"
Take just a moment to help them... Show
them how they can use ASN to improve their lives and your business will grow
like lightening.
and congratulations on joining the Solutions Network.
I'm [FIRSTNAME] and I'm here to
make sure that you have
everything you need to succeed in this business.
There are couple of things that
I want to make sure you are made aware of immediately that will let you earn
your first check in about 5 minutes from now!
Your Guaranteed Check.
Getting off to a
Lightening Fast Start
Your Website
Signature Line
The Solutions Network is
constantly updating and improving the system and there are a couple of
improvements and enhancements that may not yet be included in your training
emails so I wanted to personally let you know about them.
To make sure that you are always up to date
on new programs, products and profits please do the following:
is VERY possible that some of your training emails are going into your spam
box or that important messages will end up there. Please check for anything
coming from If anything is there from
The Solutions Network, immediately
mark it as NOT SPAM. Many members that have failed to so this are going
to miss a check due to missing important messages.
First- Your Guaranteed Check
This aspect of the program is
brand new, literally put into place only a very short while ago, 10-30-08.
Take 10 minutes to read it, and 5
minutes to follow it, and you will have earned your first check. And it
will not have cost you a dime!
Log in to your site and go to "Claim Your
Check". The information
there, not only guarantees your first check, it gives you an easily
understandable synopsis of the many facets of this system.
Second--Lightening Fast Start
Go to your Resource
Center and make sure you follow your fast start guide,
also located in your back office. It
will take you 20 minutes and as the name says, it will get you a lightening
fast and FREE start to building your business.
If you do these 2 things, you will be well on your way!
Next.. Signature
Last but not
least... See the colored message below? This is what is referred to when you
read about creating a signature line. On virtually all mail servers, you
can do this and then automatically you are sending a small add for your
business any time you respond or sent ANY email.
By using
this, you will find yourself automatically, without even thinking about
it... working and building your business.
lied! This is last but not least.
If you have any questions, feel free to write to me at (your email address).
I'll do my level best to answer any question or at least point you in the
right direction.
I want you
to know, The All Solutions Network is a team--you never have to go it alone.
Welcome Aboard!
Make and Save money on EVERYTHING! Taxes, Loans, Cars, Legal
Services, Insurance... and you do it from home, in your spare time, with
Guaranteed Income, and NO investment--- EVER! Click here to see
A few days after sending your first
letter, send out another letter similar to
the following, to those that haven't joined...
Hey, this is Bill again, I was just wondering if
you had a chance to check out that website I told you about,[PERSONALID]/moremoney.htm
it really is something else. I've
already qualified for my first check! (only
if you have. If you haven't qualified for your first Check--
click here
to earn it now).
By the way, if clicking the
link does not take you to the site, just copy and paste it into your
Realize, for every
person that you sponsor who sponsors just 2 who sponsor 2, etc, who have a CBV
of just $20 each--You will earn over $3,000 per month!
(see spreadsheet towards bottom of page)
Spamming is strictly prohibited. Do not send emails from purchased email
lists unless they are "safe lists". Send emails only to those in your personal address book or to those who
have written to you or responded to your ads (detailed later).
Communication is an
incredibly simple, but important component of your
See Performance Bonuses,
for extra income and sample emails for your downline.
Learn to EARN.
Teach your downline to
earn. Just an occasional email to your first
level and possibly second level members, letting them know what you are accomplishing,
reminding them that getting a a simple free quote earns a
help your downline
to teach theirs to do the same. i.e. You help A to
help B, who then helps C, who helps D, etc... your income
will skyrocket.
your downline. Do
this, you will have an incredibly successful ASN
business. By doing so, not only, do
you build your downline, your
downline builds their downline and
THEIR downline builds their
downline, etc... This simple concept unleashes the
incredible power of the geometric growth that the FREE
ASN opportunity provides.
What You Have
Your computer
almost certainly already has a simple email
program, such as outlook express. It
should be enough. Just follow the
directions that it will proved for setting
it up. Then...
Create a contact group. (it will tell you
Then every time that you are notified of a
new member of your downline, just enter that
email into your contact list...
From then on, anytime that you want to send
them an email all you have to do is
basically choose the group and select all
members and send the email to them.
Or, you can log
into your back office
Enter your ASN
ID [PERSONALID] and password.
Click on View
your downline.
From there you
can have a download report emailed to
your, or directly from the back office copy
and paste the email addresses of the first 2
or 3 levels of your downline into your
computer program's contact list.
Then about once
a week send an email to the entire group. |
You Don't Have a Contact
List? You Don't Know Anyone?
It doesn't matter.
Later we'll give you scores of FREE advertising sites and FREE traffic
exchanges that will allow you to build a huge successful business with no
We realize that some people shy
away from promoting the All Solutions Network to their friends, family, or
associates. Some people are simply uncomfortable presenting a
business opportunity to a friend or family member. Others may not know
what to say... or fear being rejected. Or maybe they are afraid that the
friend might think they are trying to "take advantage".
Always remember, you are never asking for
anything. You are simply offering opportunity to save money
and to make money, and showing them where they can find a huge amount of
valuable but free information.
Here's how I see it. If you found
a gold mine that contained more gold than you could ever mine for yourself, who
would you tell about it? Probably, your friends and family members.
The All Solutions Network is just like that gold mine. Except the more people you share it with--- The More
Valuable It Becomes!
Virtually all email systems, i.e. gmail,
yahoo, hotmail, comcast, etc... give you the ability to create an auto
responder or vacation message so that every single email that you receive, is
replied to with a short automatic email created by you.
This fact can be used to great advantage to put the
growing of your business on auto pilot. It
lets you present this FREE Guaranteed business to 100's of people a week, all
with no effort, completely automatically, 24 hours a day, 7 days
a week... It allows you to build your business even in your sleep, without ever
being accused of spam because all you are doing is giving a quick automatic
reply to people that have emailed you.
We all receive huge amounts of email that we usually
don't read. How many emails from strangers do you receive everyday?
Often these are emails from people trying to make a living on the internet,
trying to sell worthless programs that they've already bought and figure that
since they've already made the purchase, they may as well give it a shot.
Most of what they are working, sending and offering
is worthless, but expensive garbage. Why not automatically send them a
true opportunity that's
Free and Guaranteed.
You and I probably don't read most of their spam,
but even if they are spamming you, they will read your email, because you are
replying to what they sent.
They are already working to try to build an internet
business, why not automatically send them something that has actual value?
You're not sending them money, which is what they
are hoping for, but you are sending them something even better. A business
that actually works!
Each email system has it's own protocol so details
will differ, but they are all similar to how "yahoo classic" operates.
Log in and check your email.
At the upper right of the page is a link with a
drop down box that says "Options".
Click on it and choose "Mail
At the far left are a number of links. One
of them says "Vacation Response".
Click on it.
Up pops a page that gives you a few options, Do
check to enable auto response during
Choose a date range. (Make it as long as
Create the message that you want to send.
The possibilities are limited only by your creativity, but I would
suggest something similar to the following samples:
Thank you for contacting us. We'll get
back to you as soon as possible.
Also, if you'd be interested in earning $500 or more per month
part time no investment ever and we guarantee you will make money,
just click here.[PERSONALID]/signupa.htm
Thank you for contacting us. We'll get
back to you as soon as possible.
Also, would
you or anyone you know be interested in earning $500 to $5,000
per month, full or part time, profiting on everything from
homes, to cars, TV's, and legal services and more... all with
absolutely no investment, EVER, also, complete training is provided.
and we Guarantee you will make money. please see...[PERSONALID]/signupa.htm
Step 2 Place Links on
Your Personal WebPage
Do you have a or Facebook
If not, get one, they are free, they are a great networking application and
can be a lot of fun. If you do not have one--
get one
(just go to, or if you already have one-- post a "bulletin".
It is a letter that will automatically go to everyone on your friends list.
Just make it simple add a link to your site, and ask them to just check it out.
One member, who did this, ended up with a down line of over 3,000 within 4
months! This is a great way to share this opportunity.
Also, if you have your own
website, facebook, etc... if you'd like, you can also embed the ASN quick sales
presentation into it by just adding this code. Just copy and paste the
entire code and insert it into the appropriate section of your site...
<iframe title="YouTube
video player" width="425" height="349" src=""
frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> |
OR, purchase the and have earned your
Fast Start, Eagle, Bronze and Group bonuses.
You can even copy your own ASN site into it then personally edit it as you
Here for Banners to Promote Your Business and Services
Mail your website
address and personal ID and password to yourself. If you are
anything like me, you might forget or lose them! Do whatever it takes so
that you DON'T LOSE THEM :-)
Make[PERSONALID]/myhomepage.htm your home page.
I can't overly
stress the importance of this. This is your daily reminder that
you are in business and have a way to
make that extra money that will improve your life. The reality is that unless
you decide to work this business full time (which you can,
but actually do not need to), every day that you don't examine your site and
check on your progress, this opportunity will
recede further and further into the back of your mind and become less and less a
priority. Don't let that happen.
Make this your home page so
that every time you log on to the internet you will be taken to your website and
be reminded that you now own a business and that check is always but a "click"
Make ASN Your Home Page
just create the perfect home page
for our members. It contains
constantly updated world news
feeds, one click links to the
major internet sites and
social sites, training links
and Google Web search and
SITE search
so that you can now find
anything that your site has
available to you.
How to Get Your ASN Home Page
If you are
using Internet Explorer as your
browser, go to your ASN home page.
click here,
then simply click on the link at the
upper right hand corner of the site and
follow the simple instructions.
If you are
Fire Fox,
Google Chrome or another
browser, please
Click Here for
simple directions. |
get credit, the purchase, trial or quote
have originated from the banner or link on
your site.
ASN can only
award points and commissions based on what
the various companies remit to us. If a
purchase does not originate from the banner
or link on your site, the various
companies do not give you or ASN credit, so
it is impossible to award credit.
Even if the purchase, quote or trial is from
the same company, the same product, etc...
if it does not directly originate from the
banner on your site, no
credit can ever be awarded.
We Want to Pay You!
We don't want you to lose money!
So, please, make
sure that you and your downline, get their
ASN Home page.
Remember, you receive commission overrides
on everything they do through up to 10
We stress this,
because if you are not careful, you will
lose money!
Remember, when
you buy from your site, you always get the
same product, the same prices, the same
discounts, etc... the only thing that
changes is that now, you get paid for doing
Unfortunately, members often forget,
that's why making this your home page is so
important. Here are a
couple of common mistakes that don't earn
that I've seen many members make (including
my own wife). Don't let this happen to
You made a
vitamin purchase from puritan's pride.
Your products show up. Then, at the
bottom of the box is an advertisement
for a new product that sounds great.
Without thinking you go to your
computer, go to puritan's pride and buy
that product. It didn't originate
from a banner on your site so...
purchase did not earn any points!
You go to your computer and
type in
Amazon or Wal-mart. You do
some researching and finally find just
what you were looking for, so you buy
it. Because you "typed" in Amazon
or Wal'mart, rather than clicking on
your site's banner,
as far as amazon or
walmart are concerned, it didn't
originate from your site
the purchase did not earn any
if you had gone to your computer and
your site, and clicked
on your Wal-mart or Amazon banner
and then
made the purchase,
you do earn
Go to your Personal Control Panel
BACK TO TOP (or just click
on "Member Login")
just login with your ID# i.e. BC1002 and the password that you chose.
Remember-- ID# and Passwords
are Case Sensitive. BC1002, works. bc1002, doesn't.
Why? To remind yourself, just how quickly your business can grow, with just
a bit of effort. If you emailed to your address book, there's a good chance
you've already sponsored 5 to 10 people. ( remember what can happen with
just 2)? Day after tomorrow, when they email to their address books, you can
have 30 or more in your down line. When you see this type of explosive growth,
that's what will help you understand the potential that you really have. And
it's only when you actually believe and understand the true potential, that a
person is able to put forth consistent effort and realize consistent success.
The bottom line is this--Make sure that you
constantly pay attention to what is happening in your business so that you will
be certain to take the actions that will allow you to continue to realize
maximum benefits.
If you have problems
logging into your back office, it's virtually always one or both of the
A cAsE sEnSItiVItY issue
or browser issue.
URLs, Logins and passwords are all cAsE sEnsiTive.
example your ASN login ID is NEVER mn9486 it would always be MN...
due to added security protocols that have been added you might get an "not
found or authorized" message when you try to into
the member's area.
If this happens,
close the login
REFRESH your browser...
re enter
your info
then hit submit.
99 times out of a
hundred you will then be in!
If after trying the above, it still doesn't work, please email me and let me
know EXACTLY what you are using to try to sign in. The EXACT ASN LOG IN you are
using and the EXACT Password.
All Internet providers or email services (yahoo, msn, aol, earthlink, outlook,
etc) give you the ability to add an automatic "Signature" to your outgoing
email. This means that every email that you send or every email to which you
reply has a pre-made signature line of your choice. Use it, and you'll
find yourself building your business without even trying!
How to Do it.
Because different companies have slightly varying
procedures, we can be precise, but in general...
With most email servers i.e. yahoo, google, or even
outlook on your computer you go to
"Options". You
will see various types of options that you have available. Look for...
"Mail Options"
(or something like that)
Then you should be able to find something along the
lines of Signature options. From there just follow the instructions.
Make money from Everything...
Loans, cars, meds, taxes, credit cards, vacations, etc
Not only can you make money for
giving away free vacation packages, you get a free vacation
certificate for just visiting the site!
Why not??... Make and Save on
everything? It's Totally automated and no investment-- EVER!
Click here (Your website
Provide only enough information on the signature
line to create enough curiosity for the recipients to click to your site.
Don't try to sell the business in your signature line-- just get them to
the site so they have an opportunity to see the entire system.
Using the Signature Line method is critically important to your success.
Remember, Hotmail used this one method to go from zero customers to 80
million. AOL, Yahoo, and a score of others are still doing it.
Doing this puts you almost on auto pilot.
Make sure that the URL on your emails is to YOUR personal
website. After you've set the signature line, click on the URL. When the site
opens, click to go immediately to the sign up page. Next examine the
"Sponsor Information", on the form, it should be your name and ID.
If, after clicking on your
URL, you got a "Page not Found" or some other such message, try adding a /
forward slash to your URL-- i.e. instead of,
Remember, your URL is cAsE sEnsItive.
Step 6 Do
You Have Your Own Personal or Business Website?
Use it to your advantage. The key to your business--like all businesses is
Place somewhere
conspicuously on your site something like...
Free information & advice on
finance, debt and legal issues, PLUS...
Learn to buy homes with
nothing down, even no job!
For all this and more, click
here .[PERSONALID]/moremoney.htm
Remember, success is directly proportional to exposure. There are many free
sites for advertising on the Internet. Go to the various search engines, yahoo,
msn, google, and type as a search phrase something like "free advertising
sites". Or "place free classifieds"-- Many sites that accept free ads will come
NOTE: We have our own free advertising
site. However, as it will be utilized substantially by members--
advertising your business here will probably be largely ineffective.)
Historically, I
have not been a fan of these. Until 11-06-08, when while looking at member
activity I saw that a brand new member had 11 people join under him that same
morning. I used our tracking software to determine where the activity came
from. Every new member had come from traffic exchanges.
What it amounts to is that, if you look at their ads, they'll look at yours.
But because your opportunity is a true opportunity to make great money with no
risk or investment-- EVER... they will join yours!
Sign up for
these-- They are FREE and it will get you exposure.
Due to the
huge number of free services, information and products that we provide, you can
write almost any ad--and it would be appropriate for your website,
i.e.... When they visit your site, they not only have access to the product,
information or service that you advertised, but this opportunity as well.
Step 8-- Create
Small sample of possible
subjects and ads:
ASN Charity Assistance
Through our
Charity Assistance Program,
YOU can serve fund-raisers importantly... and capture your own share of this
huge, lucrative market. And you can do it almost entirely by email and
The Charity receives 20% of all sales, and
because they become your first level, you receive 10% of all CBV generated from
the potentially hundreds of monthly purchases.
Click here to see how it works
Click Here to see what Fund Raising Organizations see
HUGE POTENTIAL-- Following is a letter from a new member, and how they are going
to use this program. My responses are in yellow...
I like the idea of helping organizations. I
am planning on eventually forming a non-profit to help those in need so ASN
would be something that I could use.
What I love about the program is
that it is something that these organizations need. You help them and it
helps you!
I can email my website URL to my church but I
don't know if they would be interested. Do you have any idea what I could
tell them about it so that maybe they would be interested in it???
Not all will be interested, but
this, like everything else, is a numbers game. Just send out enough emails
to various churches and other fund raising organizations and many will be
very excited to participate.
I would send an email something like,
Subject Line--
I'd like to help you with your fund raising
efforts or
Can I help you with your Fund Raising Efforts?
I'd like to introduce you to a
program that was designed specifically to help Charitable Groups like yours
continue, and even expand their fine works. If increasing your
organization's revenues would be helpful, please click on the link below.
If you have any questions, feel free to give me a call at *** *** ****.[PERSONALID]/ASN_Fund_Raising_Assistance.htm
Your Name
How to find churches that might need your
I just went to and typed in
"churches in Sacramento" scores of them came up. You can do the same
for your area, or all over the nation. Just find a contact within the
churches website... I would send one to the main email contact and one to
the pastor. Then just see what happens.
If they could get the people in their church
involved in this especially around Christmas they could really bring in
some money for their church and also it would help me as well.
Yes it would... I can tell you are
a true entrepreneur at heart!
Remember, the churches earn 20% of every purchase made- no need for
cookie sales, no danger in having kids go out at night trying to sell to the
public. With this system... The fund raiser sends an email to their
organization and they're done. We fill, track, and deliver all orders
right to the door step of the members-- and then send the fund raising
organization their check. It couldn't be easier.
What do you, as an ASN member earn?... For just introducing them to
the program, you earn 10% of the CBV that is generated by that
organization... 10% of every purchase or sale from the entire group.
And if the fundraiser decides to introduce it to other organizations? (which
they will), they earn 10% of that organizations CBV and you earn 5%
of their CBV! All for just sending an email trying to help a charity!
In today's economy, millions of
people need to improve their credit. Credit Repair Works! And the manuals
that we provide are cutting edge. They include absolutely the most
effective techniques available. Many have used these techniques to improve
their score by over 200 points. We usually sell this for $49.95.
If your customers take advantage of
this offer they get it for free-- AND YOU EARN Accumulate
So how does it work? To fix
one's credit, it is absolutely necessary to have a copy of their credit report.
If they get their credit report from
us... FOR FREE-- they get, not only a Free Vacation Cert, but a voucher
for $300 in gas.
Many people will decide that
they need Credit Restoration Services. They go to your link and
you earn an additional $30 if they order services... just because you gave away a FREE Credit
Repair Manual.
Others will decide that
their situation is more in need of a Bankruptcy. Again, you earn
money, and they get low cost professional services.
The more Manuals you give away, the
more money you make and the more of you ASN services you sell!
ANY service or page in your site and you Guarantee Profit!
How Do You
Get Credit Affiliate Purchases Made By Customers?
Ultimately, many people who visit
your site will either buy (making you money) or join, (also, ultimately, making
you money).
Members are not paid for signups, but any and all generated
business from signups, does earn you money.)
On each and every one of your pages,
whether loans, department stores, pet supplies, amazon, etc... you are assured
of making money.
We've now created a Free Vacation
and Gas Rebates worth $300 AND $300 in Grocery Rebates, as an added incentive for anyone who goes to ANY
page of your site to do business with YOU, rather than anyone or anywhere else.
How does it
On all relevant pages of your site is the following...
As a token of our appreciation for
your, patronage, upon completing a
purchase, completed application, or
even simple request for a FREE QUOTE
from anywhere within this ASN
Site... So look around--
find anything you want or need...
even if it is FREE and...
We GIVE you Absolutely
$300 in
Gas Rebates Certificate, plus,
$300 in
Grocery Rebate Certificate,
Plus, your choice of any of
numerous Free Vacation Certificates,
including Hawaii, Jamaica, Mexico, 7
Day Cruises, etc...
Completion of your Purchase, just
CLICK HERE for your Free Gas, Free
Groceries and Free Vacation
On any purchase, completed application, or even request for
a free Quote for Insurance, Autos, Credit Cards, etc.... They just click the
link to register their purchase or quote and they are then directed to download
their Gas, Grocery and Vacation Certificate... and you get credit for the Commission or Points.
The incentive guarantees sales and income!
Go to your website and take a look
at how it works!
What if they forget to Register the
activity. How Do I Get Paid?
That's the beauty of the synergy of
the Infinity Bonus Pools system.
If a visitor, neglects to register for
the Vacation or Gas Voucher, any income from the activity still goes into the
Bonus Pools, thus increasing the value of any Bonus Pool you earn.
So, every time a visitor
anywhere in the ASN network, registers for the Vacation or Gas Voucher, that
member, gets points AND your share of bonus pool is
so your personal Bonuses
Every time a visitor to
your website requests the Vacation or Gas Voucher, you accumulate
points, AND your share of the bonus pools is increased.
If the visitor to your
neglects to ask for the Vacation or Gas Voucher, you
don't get the points, but the infinity pools are still increased, thus
increasing your share of any Infinity Bonus Pool that you've qualified
member's visitor Requests the Vacation or Gas Voucher, that
member, earns points, but, due to the shared nature of the bonus pools,
you've still earned more money.
If another
member's visitor
neglects to ask for the Vacation or Gas
Voucher, due to the shared nature of the bonus pools, you've
still earned more money.
It is because of the unique Shared
Infinity Bonus Pools, that as an ASN member, you actually earn money from every
purchase and every sale of every member and ever website in the entire ASN
Why isn't all of this just automated?
Click Here
Sample Ads and your
Personal Links to the Service Page
For additional Money Making Services see
Free creative financing
course. Learn to buy real estate with no money, no job, no credit, even bad
credit! Click here .[PERSONALID]/allsolutionsnetworknomoneydownrealestatecourse.htm
Repair and Improvement.-- This is an very important and valuable
service. Our services constantly improve people's scores from 20 to 100
points with 45 days. More than enough for them to purchase that home or
care with nothing down. Additionally, the free information given to them
can show how dramatically increase their scores on their own.[PERSONALID]/creditrepair.htm
Free forms and complete pros
and cons of bankruptcy.[PERSONALID]/Bankruptcy.htm
No down home loans, even
with bad credit or bankruptcy.[PERSONALID]/no_down_loans.htm
Proven free tips on lowering
your tax burden.[PERSONALID]/taxes.htm
Free Personals.[PERSONALID]/freephotopersonals.htm
Create a TinyUrl
NOTE: ASN RL's are large and a bit cumbersome.
There are companies ( that can condense these for you into something
like this
Also, you
may want to consider getting a shortened URL for your
promotional link... You can use the companies below to turn this...
into this...
Why do we
suggest that you get a tinyurl?
Because search engines and advertising sites are
not as smart as you might think. When an effective but free site such as sees hundreds of ads pointing to a specific domain, i.e.
ASN, it often thinks it is being spammed and will sometimes
automatically kick out any ads from that Domain. Getting something like a tinyurl avoids this problem.
If you want to market with
TWITTER this is
how to do it.
Below are a few companies that can do
this for you... All Are free. |
All you do is go to
2.paste the long bulky URL like that above, into the form
3 hit the button that says "Make Tiny Url.
4. It will give you a small URL like that above that links
directly to the page of your site that used.
And remember, you can make an individual tinyurl for
each page of your site that you want to promote!
Many other legitimate ads are
possible, the only limitation is your imagination.
There are countless message boards, (msn, aol, yahoo, etc--and many of the
messages are viewed by hundreds of people per day) on a huge variety of
subjects, bankruptcy, divorce, finance, real estate, etc... When you utilize the
message boards, a literal "advertisement" is rarely allowed. But you can
always, give advice, answer a question or direct people who have asked questions
to a site where they can find the answer or useful information.
As with an ad, when someone visits your site
for information, they not only have access to the product or service that you
advertised, but the opportunity to start a profitable no investment business, as
Your website has valuable
free information on many of the subjects addressed by these many message boards,
i.e. real estate, finance, bankruptcy, credit repair, etc...
As an example--in the debt message boards,
one of the common questions re bankruptcy is--"Will
I ever be able to buy a home?", "Where can I find free bankruptcy forms?"
An acceptable answer would
If I file BK, will I ever be able to buy a
home?" --
Many people are unaware
that with today's newest loan programs, a recent BK is not a huge hindrance to
home ownership. You can get an FHA loan, 2 yrs out of BK, and many companies
will lend 100% of the value of the home, in some cases, 1 day out of
bankruptcy. Of course, the interest rate is a little higher, but it is still
much better than renting, not having any tax write off and buying a house for
someone else. If you'd like more information on some of the programs available
you may want to visit--(your free website, or your personal page), You'll find
links to various programs, and more detailed info as to BK and it's effects on
home ownership.[PERSONALID]/Bankruptcy.htm
"Where can I find free bankruptcy forms or
Go to (your free website,
or your personal page), From there you will find links to free bankruptcy forms,
commonly asked questions, and a free bankruptcy manual.[PERSONALID]/Bankruptcy.htm
In the various real estate
message boards a common theme is--
"My credit is so bad that no
one will finance me."
There are now many loan programs available that will
provide No Down financing, even with bad credit, lates payments, collections,
even recent bankruptcy. However, many lenders are still unaware of them, and of
course, even with these programs, some people still will not qualify for these
loans. But even if you don't qualify for these, there are still ways to become
a homeowner, even with the worst credit and no job. Click here for an
absolutely free creative financing course that is filled with methods that
actually work to help you become a homeowner.[PERSONALID]/allsolutionsnetworknomoneydownrealestatecourse.htm
As with classifieds, the use
of the message boards can be an extremely valuable tool. Additionally, by
utilizing them, you are not only building your business,
you are helping provide solutions to these people's
Every time you have a signup,
you should receive an email notification with their email address.
Immediately, send them a quick email similar to the following.
Hi, I'm Joe
and you just joined in my ASN organization.
I just wanted
to welcome you aboard and let you know first, that it's all that it says
it is, and also, if you have any questions feel free to let me know.
For now, the most important thing you can do is log in to your back
office and follow the fast start guide... and take 10 or 15 minutes
to follow the Fast Start Guide. It will help you get off to a
lightening fast start and get you making and saving money right away.
I'm looking
forward to working with you.
ALSO, Have you used our services?
Did you get a no down
home loan? Have your Credit Repaired? Did you find something in the
site that was especially helpful to you, or think would be especially helpful to
your down line? Had satisfactory results with any aspect of the network?
Purchased gifts or nutritional products, etc... Have you done something
special with your marketing that is getting especially good results? Tell
the people in your organization!
Log in to your Personal
Control Panel and email your first level down line.
Share your experiences and your successes. Your successes and positive
experiences will motivate your down line to create their own successes.
And remember, the more successful they are, the more
successful you become.
We said, No Investment necessary. We lied! Just joking. Having said that it
is absolutely in your best interest to
spend about $4 for shipping
for business cards that you can usually get for free, or close to it from vista
print. (one of our corporate affiliates--the link is under Business Supplies).
You actually earn points and money for getting your free cards.
Many additional
sources are coming
A business card that piques
the interest of the person receiving it can be extremely profitable.
On any business cards, at the bottom must be the words--independent
distributor. As an All Solutions member there is no employee
relationship. You are a totally independent distributor.
Your card should highlight the
links to products
and services that
have the most appeal
and will entice the
person to whom it is handed, to take a look
at your site.
Your site will
usually do the rest.
It should, at least
contain your email
address so that if
they have questions
or want reassurance
that this is for
real they can
contact you.
The Solutions Network
John Doe 916 555 2345
Solutions For The Issues
of Today
Make and Save on
$300 Gas, $300 Food,
FREE & Low Cost
Financial Services...
Loans, Credit Repair,
Foreclosure Relief,
Taxes, Bankruptcy, and
Independent Distributor |
Paying your phone bill?
Enclose a card-- Generally, a real person opens your payment.
Buying groceries? Hand a
card to the clerk.
Paying for Gas? Give a card
to the attendant?
Everywhere you go, everyone
you see--give them a card.
You should
have a goal to hand out, at least, 200 cards per month.
You don't have to answer
questions. You don't have to sell.
If they try to ask you any questions, all you ever need to say is--
"I could spend a couple of
hours explaining everything this company does and all the things it can do for
you, and you'd still have questions. All I can say is if you'd like to earn
more money with very little effort and absolutely no investment, just take a few
minutes to go to the website- all the details will be explained there. And if
afterwards, you have questions, then call me."
Realize that this is a
business that is perfect for everyone! Everyone is a prospect. Everyone needs
what you have to offer. More money, lower taxes, no investment, etc... This is a
business, which requires no personal contact, no selling, no
investment, no personal rejection--ever.
Absolutely anyone can
succeed with this system.
The only requirement is that the system is followed. It's not "get rich quick";
it's not a "totally automated do nothing" system. We both know that unless you
are born or married into wealth, getting rich by doing nothing doesn't
exist. You can't even win the lottery without, at least, buying tickets.
Follow the Fast Start
Guide, but even more importantly, use the methods consistently!
One email isn't enough.
One free classified, isn't
One Message board posting
isn't enough.
Passing out one business
card isn't enough.
In a nutshell...
You get paid immediate commissions (paid weekly), from
sales of ASN services or products (,
from your sites.
You get paid overrides on the purchases and sales made by
members of your downline-- Through 10 levels.
You get paid the various "Infinity
i.e. Quick Start, Eagle, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, depending on
the number of points accumulated by a
personal use of our
Thousands of Corporate Affiliates and ASN Services, plus,
2. Points Accumulated by the purchases and sales of ASN and Corporate
Affiliate products and services by
that visit your site,
3. Plus, Points that you are also given based on the sales and purchase
activity of your downline. (1 point per $100 CBV)
Most of it is actually, pretty easy to understand. The
Infinity Fund, is a bit more complicated... but then again, it wasn't that
easy to figure out a way to create a system that would actually be able to
pay people that just joined, and hadn't made any sales, or even developed a
downline, yet.
But with the infinity fund, we are able to do just that!
Long term
financial success and independence comes from consistent effort.
worthwhile takes some effort. Period. The same is true with your
business. But I'll wager that it takes a lot less time and effort than your
current job. And the potential return is so much better. Consider this...
Each and every
active member that you sponsor
who then sponsors just 2 active members who sponsor 2 active members, who
sponsor 2 active members, etc through 10 levels can pay you over $3,500
per month! (Think about it-- most people will sponsor more
than 2 on their very first mailing to their address book)
The following is a mathematical representation of your
monthly earnings assuming the following.
Assume the following:
You open 2
stores. Those 2 stores open
2 each, and then they open 2 stores
each, etc... through 10 levels with each
generating just 15 points each, per month.
Following is what your organization
would look like and what you would
Assume |
15 |
Points per each site. |
You Give Away 2 Stores so now have |
2 |
in your 1st Level. |
x |
$15.00 |
Pnts |
= |
30 |
x |
10% |
= |
$3.00 |
Each First Level member gives away |
2 |
for |
4 |
in your 2nd Level. |
x |
$15.00 |
Pnts |
= |
60 |
x |
5% |
= |
$3.00 |
Each Second Level member give away |
2 |
for |
8 |
in your 3rd Level. |
x |
$15.00 |
Pnts |
= |
120 |
x |
5% |
= |
$6.00 |
Each Third Level member give away |
2 |
for |
16 |
in your 4th Level. |
x |
$15.00 |
Pnts |
= |
240 |
x |
5% |
= |
$12.00 |
Each of Your Fourth Level members give away |
2 |
for |
32 |
in your 5th Level. |
x |
$15.00 |
Pnts |
= |
480 |
x |
6% |
= |
$28.80 |
Each of Your Fifth Level members give away |
2 |
for |
64 |
in your 6th Level. |
x |
$15.00 |
Pnts |
= |
960 |
x |
7% |
= |
$67.20 |
Each of Your Sixth Level members give away |
2 |
for |
128 |
in your 7th Level. |
x |
$15.00 |
Pnts |
= |
1,920 |
x |
8% |
= |
$153.60 |
Each of Your Seventh Level members give away |
2 |
for |
256 |
in your 8th Level. |
x |
$15.00 |
Pnts |
= |
3,840 |
x |
9% |
= |
$345.60 |
Each of Your Eighth Level members give away |
2 |
for |
512 |
in your 9th Level. |
x |
$15.00 |
Pnts |
= |
7,680 |
x |
10% |
= |
$768.00 |
Each of Your Ninth Level members give away |
2 |
for |
1024 |
in your 10th Level |
x |
$15.00 |
Pnts |
= |
15,360 |
x |
10% |
= |
$1,536.00 |
For this minimal amount of
duplicated effort, you will earn per month. |
$2,923.20 |
AMAZING RIGHT? Not Really. The
organization that we just showed could easily have grown much larger AND faster!
the average Wal-Mart
store (remember, they are effectively, now your
partner so you now make money by buying from them), does about $2,000,000 per day!
that's 2 MILLION in a SINGLE DAY! And they are limited to their
local geographic area. You on the other hand can do business across the entire
nation. No restrictions, no investment-- just follow
the fast start guide and place free ads!
How to earn $20,000 per month!
Get your own ASN website. You've already done that!
Personal Use and Universally Needed Services. Did you need to
go to Wal-mart this week? Amazon, Target? etc...
from yourself!... Remember, if
your site, generates just 4 points--
even if from
your own purchase, you qualify for the Fast Start
Simple NO INVESTMENT Ways to Earn!
See Claim Your Check!
To See
How and Why You Can Earn for Free!
Take advantage of the many free
services contained in the links below.
immediately earns points and locks in your first
paychecks. The more points
you get, the more
Infinity bonuses.
you earn. 4 points earns you the fast
start bonus and 4 levels of Group bonuses; 15 points,
the fast start, eagle bonus, and commission overrides on
10 levels of your downline. see
Group Bonuses.
Think about it... You actually get paid...-
To see how much you can save on insurance, (whether you
buy or not!), for taking surveys, car quotes, free
credit kit, credit
cards, etc... for simply trying exciting products and services FOR
FREE, you get paid!
You don't have to spend a dime... and you still get
But Make
Sure You Know and follow the
"Simple Rules of Earning for FREE!"
Click Here For Rules
a Nutshell...
To assure payment, provide accurate information...
apply only for quotes or
trials specific to your country of
and only one free quote or
trial per company per 60 days.
We suggest that you
immediately get 15 points. You can
do it for free. It will take less than 15 minutes and
that immediately earns you the Fast Bonus, Eagle Bonus,
and Group
Bonuses Overrides.
remember, the more points you earn... the more money you
100 points GUARANTEES, at least, $100 to $500 Dollars.
Personal Use-
No investment, just do what you always
If you were going to do it anyway, why
not get paid for it?
Do you need... school
clothes, school supplies, computer supplies, cheaper
phone service, internet or cable services, health
products, vitamins, gifts, loans, etc... Virtually
anything you need is on your site.
And remember,
every time you make that purchase you would have made,
anyway... do it from your site and you earn points that
earn money!
See some of
ASN's most visited and profitable pages.
Amazing New
Your Services.--
Promote the many products and service that your site offers. You earn
big commissions and points. (See
Marketing Basics for sample ads and links to products and
services). Remember, if your site,
generates just 15 points- whether from sales from
your site or even if from your own normal purchases from Wal-mart,
Amazon, etc, you qualify for the
Eagle Bonus.
So, even if your personal down line organization generated no business whatsoever, the
fact that your store generated just 15 points (even if it was your own purchase)
you would have earned a Eagle Bonus of in addition to
the Quick Start Bonus.
So just shopping from your own
store, buying what you would have purchased anyway, and from the
same store that you would normally have purchased from... would have
earned you, The Fast Start Bonus, The Eagle bonus and any
Group Bonus!
So even if no business was generated in your
Down Line organization, by simply purchasing from your site what you would
have bought anyway, qualified you for, at least, 2 levels of Income.
Click Here to see how the payment amounts
for the various Infinity Bonuses are calculated.
How is this
possible? Remember, a percentage of every purchase
and every sale from all company sites and every member store in the network,
goes into the Infinity Fund. This
allows us to help you and any member generate, at least, a moderate income
almost immediately and with very little effort.--and with consistent effort,
the Infinity Fund, in combination with your Group Bonuses, can turn a $95 check into $950 and $950 into $9,500!
Earn Group
Bonuses... Give away websites. Let
others have this opportunity. Giving away this opportunity helps them
to not only save, but to earn-- and it benefits you. Remember, you
earn from 5% to 10% of the CBV (commissionable business volume), from every
purchase or sale from any ASN product or service that is made by Their
website-- and by any site that THEY give away, and by any that
Those members, give away.
Through a full 10 Levels
of the great things
about our system is that the infinity fund, combined with the Group Bonus system is,
not only, incredibly easy to earn a check, but...
This combination of systems creates a network wide incentive to do at least the bare minimum
needed to earn a moderate sized Infinity Fund Check. And
because of this synergy, everyone doing the bare minimum
to earn just a moderate check, necessarily and automatically creates larger business volume,
larger infinity fund checks AND larger Group Bonus Checks.
EXAMPLE-- Let's assume that everyone who joined the
Network, had very minimal goals and only wanted to earn $50 to $100 per month.
So they all figured they would do just enough to qualify for the Fast
Start and Eagle Bonuses.
This would mean
that every site you gave away would have the incentive to give away, at least
5 FREE sites, who would give away 5, etc, with each making sure that they
generated at least 15 points.
If this happens in your organization through just 6 levels deep--You
will earn over $15,000 per month in Group Bonuses!
And remember, your group bonuses pay you through a full 10 Levels
see "The System"
for full details of the workings of your Group Bonuses.
The Infinity Funds and Group Bonus Override income
systems work synergistically to create an overall incentive system that
is unequalled.
By making it easy for
to earn a moderate check. We've made it simple for
anyone to earn a huge
It's easy to see why we firmly believe that
No Company makes it easier for you to make money. That's why our motto is
This system
If you are not making the money you expect, I there is little doubt you haven't
really followed our system!
ASN your
income potential is unlimited, but if the system isn't actually worked, it CAN'T
work for you! And if you're not earning enough... you are not implementing
enough of the system. You may be doing something... but is it really
our something? Our way?
Remember it's always as simply as:
* Getting points by
getting free quotes and trials
click here; and using your site for
your normal needs.
click here
* And Sharing.
click here If
you do just that, you will always be earning. But of course, we provide a
plethora of additional ways to earn.
See some of them.
Making sure that each month you use your site to get a few points that get
you into the guaranteed profit sharing pools. Just 4 points guarantees
you earn the Fast Start bonus. That's as easy as getting a free
insurance quote.
click here
Even just 1 point guarantees that you earn commission
overrides on three levels of your organization.
Then, consistently use your site for your
normal shopping. The only things that changes is that now you are paid
to shop.
click here to see how to never
miss a check.
this free
to earn for
free with others,
overrides on
sale, every
every quote, every
loan, etc...
made by them
themselves by
with others,
you earn
from every
member and
visitor to
their sites
from your
downline through a
full 10
Many of our
members have
used the
FREE methods we
give you to
profitable downlines in
excess of
members in 2
months or
This means
every month,
they earn
overrides on
free quote,
trial, survey, purchase and sale made by every visitor to every site in
their downline of over 2,000 members.
By using our simple methods
you will do the same. Just share the opportunity to earn for free and
we proved many ways to do so with absolutely no investment.
click here
Following is
the downline
of one of
after being
with us a little
over 2
Points |
2d LVL
Points |
Points |
Points |
Points |
Points |
Points |
Points |
Points |
Points |
Points |
82 |
149 |
320 |
311 |
88 |
72 |
124 |
84 |
212 |
516 |
29 |
1,958 |
How did he
do so much, so fast? He simply followed the system...
Over and above earning from simple personal use and
sharing, we give you the opportunity to earn additional thousands in commissions
from our many needed low cost financial services. No company gives you
more ways to earn, makes it easier to do so, provides more marketing methods...
and they're all free. Quite simply, there really is nothing like ASN.
The only way to fail to earn is to fail to try!
about it...
Your website
is the equivalent of the world's
largest Super Store.
Every item of merchandise or product
or service imaginable is available. You
earn from each and very one... But YOU have no
overhead. No office expense, no
employees, no merchandise to stock,
no selling or training to do. Every
aspect of your business is taken
care of by us.
success requires little more than
that you refer people to your
website, promote your services (FOR
FREE-- Just Follow this Fast Start
Guide and
What to Do).
Do This and You Will Always Be
You don't have to use all
of the system, Use it and Share it and you will always be earning.
However, the degree of success
and earnings you achieve is
directly proportional to the degree to which you follow the ASN system.
The ASN system is like an
engine. The more of the parts you put in place, the better it runs.
As you can guess...
Like your car's motor, the ASN engine will not assemble
In other words, it requires a bit of effort! Not a lot--But
it's up to you to put the pieces together and then occasionally take it for a
spin! i.e. use the many free promotional methods we provide
Marketing Tools and
Intro to Earning
If you've been a
member for, at least,
2 pay cycles and aren't seeing the organization
and income growth you want...
Review the
training pages;
Intro to Earning,
Start Guide,
and What
ask yourself... HONESTLY...
If your business isn't growing... you
haven't been consistently following the system!
You have left out pieces of the engine.
Realize, no matter how simple or great any system or business plan is...
If you are not
earning enough, ask Yourself, How Many of These Steps Have You Implemented?
Realize, you will earn without implementing all of the below. But the fact is,
the more pieces of the system you put in place, the more you earn. The fewer put in place, the less you earn. That's why with ASN, your success really is in your control.
See What
to Do
these steps in place and just watch what happens! They put many aspects of
your business on auto pilot. Do or Have you...
How many Free quotes, trials or samples have you requested? If it's
even 1, you started earning... not a lot, but at least you got in the game. Remember, consistent
monthly free quotes,trials and normal personal use will earn you, at least, $100 to $500 every month... and that's over and above your many other profit streams.
see how.
using your site for your normal
every day shopping? Remember, you even earn from your grocery shopping!
click here.
Emailed to your
address book contacts?
Made your website your
home page?--to learn of new products,
services, new marketing methods, special discounts, and to
make sure you don't
accidentally miss any checks?... See
how to never miss a check
Created your signature
line so that every email you send, automatically promotes your
click here
Created your email auto
responder or vacation message so that every email you receive is
automatically sent a promotional email?
click here
Social Networking, have
you utilized your own website or personal page? i.e. facebook, google+,
click here
Have you actually marketed
your business with our FREE Marketing Tools?
Marketing Tools
Submitted your site to
search engines?
click here
Utilized Free Message boards?
click here
Consistently passed out
business cards?
click here
Sent a quick welcome
email to each of your new signups? You are notified of each
new signup and given their email, ID, name and a sample email to send them.
Send occasional emails to
your downline? See sample emails and mailing options
click here.
Achievement requires more than
one or two positive actions.
In fact... Doing
exactly the right thing does little, unless it is done repeatedly.
You have to be consistent.
Consistent Action. Do A Little Every Day!... Or, at least,
undertake a positive action every few days.
With the ASN system there
are always a hundred positive actions we can undertake at any moment.
Don't burn yourself out with today's Herculean effort that
leaves you with nothing left for the future.
Choose a few of the th most profitable activities; then every 2
or 3 days, consistently spend 10 minutes doing them.
Do Just this and you will be successful.
See from the ASN blog
Success Key
It's better to do ONE positive thing 100 times, than to do 100 positive things
only ONCE...
You can't create a successful
career by getting a few free quotes or on one day placing a couple of free ads. Nor
can you get rich by ordering
a hosting package... With ASN, each of these activities
guarantees you will
but why earn just a check.. when with simple free consistent
action can build a career?
A few
positive actions Right Now, guarantees a check...
See claim
your check
...but a few simple actions per week, can build a profitable career that you can
operate all over the world, from the comfort of your home... or anywhere in the
world you choose... all you need is an internet connection! And
requires absolutely no investment! As you will soon see,
there is nothing quite like ASN.
It's a real business, just treat it as such. Just put forth consistent effort,
Not a lot... certainly much less time and effort than your
job... but the ASN payoff can be so much greater!
There are fundamental ideas that always
lead to success... no matter your objective...
more difficult?
Working 40 hours a week for a boss you don't respect
and a job you don't like? Or a tenth the time, working from your own home at your own pace following simple
free steps that we give you?
Now Ask
Yourself... How much more will you earn, if you spend an hour a week extra at your job?
Not much...
what if you actually spent that one hour a week following the ASN system?
and earning commissions of $300, $500, $1,500 from our high paying financial services,
mortgage reduction, home loans, etc... See a few samples:
It couldn't
be simpler... You place the ad, we
do everything else!
We answer the phones, make the
sales, provide the services, etc...
you get paid for simply
placing the free ads!
We give you a vast array of free
ways to market and earn. See
Following are links, commissions and
point values for a few of the ASN Services your site
The links are already
coded to you for credit!
Remember, you
don't have to spend
money for advertising
programs or upgrades, all you need to do is to it follow the simple free system as we laid it
out for you. Do just this and you can
WILL accomplish GREAT things! All you have to do is be consistent.
Our goal is to share in your success,
not your wallet.
provide the opportunity, we provide the tools, you provide the most
important ingredient, commitment. Our success depends on your
success, that's why we provide
such a vast array of free money making methods to help you build
your business. We really do make it easy. We give you
detailed steps for doing almost everything. Just implement
them, step by step by step.
Remember, with
ASN, you don't have to code. You don't have to invest anything. You
don't have to pay for a hosted site. Just follow the free steps of our
marketing system you will make money and many aspects of your growth will be on
auto pilot.
to Earning,
Start Guide,
What Now!
You've already taken the
most important step. You've joined.
Now, take the next steps;
actually start following this proven system and watch what happens!
Honestly, even THREE minutes a day, while on Facebook or your other social media
sites can accomplish Great Things for you and your family!
Click Here
to see just one simple example!
Profit Sharing-
to $500 in an hour! Use the ASN system
to get free quotes, trials, surveys, etc... and you
are GUARANTEED, at least, $100 to $500 per month...
over and above, commissions, group
bonuses and training bonuses.
How to
Claim Your Check and How profit sharing works.
Commission overrides
SHARING (Group Bonuses),
Sharing is the Most Profitable Aspect of ASN.
Simply let others know
they can
earn for
doing what
they already
Click Here to see how simple it is!,
When they start earning for free, personal
use or by promoting our many high paying financial services, you earn
Commission Overrides on everything!
Every free quote, free
trial, survey, purchase or sale made by
every member
and every visitor to every site in your
through a
full 10 levels
pays you!
The Group
Bonus override
so profitable that if you
just 5
and they share
of $7,500
Click Here to See How
Profitable Sharing is.
And this
is not hard to do!
us a
1st LVL Points |
2nd LVL Points |
3rd LVL Points |
4th LVL Points |
5th LVL Points |
6th LVL Points |
7th LVL Points |
8th LVL Points |
9th LVL Points |
10th LVL Points |
Mentor Points |
Total Active Downline
82 |
149 |
320 |
311 |
88 |
72 |
124 |
84 |
212 |
516 |
29 |
1,958 |
When you start sharing,
With a little bit of thought
and creativity there is no question that you can think of many additional ways
that you can promote your website and build your business--and you are always
free to do so. And when you do, TELL YOUR DOWN
Remember--helping them become successful, increases your success.
The more "YES"
answers you can give, the more money you will earn.
The more "NO"
answers you have, the more money you are losing.
you consistently using your site for your personal needs?
Best Buy,
Amazon, for your groceries, vitamins or other items that
you normally purchase?
Are you spending
even an 20 minutes a week using our free
methods to:
Share the opportunity to earn for free?
for Details
How easy is sharing
Promote Financial and Legal Services?
See How Simple It Is
Promoting your Promotional Gifts?
Click for Details.
If you ARE
consistently using or following the above simple and free steps...
You are earning
weekly commissions of
from your many financial services.
See How Simple It Is
You are earning monthly
profit sharing bonuses
of $100 to $500 a month, plus...
You are earning monthly
Group Bonus Commission Overrides
just because you showed others how to earn for free.
Click for Details
You are earning monthly
training bonuses
that can be as high as additional $5,000 per month. See
Training bonuses
If you AREN'T ... you are LOSING hundreds
or even thousands of dollars in weekly commissions and
The ASN System Works:
member who is not
earning commissions of $300 to $1,500, monthly profit
sharing bonuses of $100 to $500, Group Bonuses of $50, $500 to
$5,000 or more and their share of our array of Mentor and Training
bonuses, simply is not using the system. They
just aren't.
Earning with ASN, is now as simple as
putting in place the
steps of the What now page
What Now!
. They will put much of your business growth on
auto pilot.
Then every day or so, just pressing a
few of our social sharing buttons to promote your many high paying
products and services!
At the top of each of your legal
and financial services pages
are Facebook and other
Social sharing links.
Just click on the buttons at the
top to
share the page and service!
The page and sharing links
are already coded to
you! So you
automatically earn commissions
on every product and service.
Do this consistently for Big
Weekly Commissions!
click on the service links and
start sharing!
Take a few minutes to put in place the steps of the
What now page
What Now!
. They will put much of your business growth on
auto pilot.
Then remember to
consistently utilize the simple copy and paste
methods of
Intro to Earning.
Then watch what happens!
to Earning,
Start Guide, and
What Now!
I know that ASN isn't for everyone. There is
no such thing as a one size fits all business. That just doesn't exist.
If you
are thinking about moving on to the "next best thing", look inside
yourself and ask "did I really try?" "Did I really do it
their way or my way?".
You see, I know the
answer. I built the system. I know what works and what doesn't work.
ASN is a unique synthesis of proven business concepts.
See why you can't fail. The
ASN system works.
I know this... If you are following the system, you are making money and
your business is growing. If your business isn't
growing... you are not following the system. You may be doing
something... but you're not following
system. If you really want something better out of life
let me make a suggestion... Try it again. But try it our way, put
in place our steps.
to Earning,
Start Guide, and
What Now!
The methods that we suggest
in the Fast Start Guide are those that utilize the speed and technologies
available via the Internet. They are the marketing methods that can be used
successfully by absolutely anyone with no need for sales ability or investment.
It was our goal to create a
business opportunity that could be operated successfully by anyone, regardless
of income, race, sex, education, sales or communication skills, etc. I believe
that we have been successful in achieving that goal.
I again want to congratulate
you on your decision to try something new. You've taken an important step on an
exciting and profitable business adventure. We've done all in our power to give
you every tool that you could need to succeed. The rest is up to you.
Bruce Castro
RIGHT NOW, This Very Moment... If you
haven't already done so, take a few minutes
to follow the "Fast
Start Guide".
Place a couple of FREE ADS
See Free Advertising Sites
Doing the above won't require more than 1 hour.
Then, take a couple of days off. You deserve it,
you've been working hard! :-)
Next, log into your admin panel to see what your efforts have
accomplished. (or just click
on "Member Login")
just login with your ID# i.e. BC1002 and the password that you chose.
Remember-- ID# and Passwords
are Case Sensitive. BC1002, works. bc1002, doesn't.
I can't express strongly
enough the importance of doing this. Please, utilize ALL fast
start steps. Doing so, gets the snowball rolling. It begins
building a down line that generates Business Volume from which you can get
overrides on each and every purchase or sale made from each and very one of
your down line websites.
Remember, You can get
everything in life you want.... If you just help enough other people get
what they want.
what other members are saying!
Certain You See These Vitally Important Resource Links