All Solutions Network

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Whatever the issue-- We have the solution... Free information and services on  a wide range of issues... Health, Finance, More Income, Legal, Real Estate, Family Support, Credit, Bankruptcy etc...  We provide effective, low cost, even free solutions to today's pressing issues, Plus-- a unique business opportunity that allows you to earn from each and every product or service that we provide!

The All Solutions Network   Where Opportunity Always Knocks!

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Realize, when a new member joins and does nothing, that creates zero income for themselves or anyone else. Success is achieved with action; with people who want to accomplish something for themselves and their families; that is the key. An organization of 10,000 members doing nothing, earns nothing; for themselves, their family, for you or anyone else.

But a downline only TENTH the size but with ACTIVE and MOTIVATED members... THAT will change your life!

What is important IS NOT  how large your organization is...

What IS important... Are your members EARNING?  Do they know what to do?

Remember, the more they earn, the more YOU earn...

The better they understand ASN,  the more success they each achieve... and the more YOU earn!

Help them SUCCEED by sending them occasional emails and reminders. It's simple and free. HERE'S HOW!

Remember, the more you share, the more you help... the more you earn!

See the below bookmarks  for an overview of these AUTOMATIC bonuses 

$5,000 for helping your first level members! Overview of bonuses Training Bonuses Bonus Specifics Earn Bigger Commission Overrides!

Then, see our training and mentor bonuses in action

The first step to earning with ASN is that in any particular month, you or any visitor to your site does something that generates even 1 point of business volume.   and that's as simple as getting a free sample!  Do just that and you earn the first level of PROFIT SHARING BONUSES and qualify to start earning from 3 levels of your personal business organization.


Don't stop at ONE point... if you do, are costing yourself money and...

additional Automatic Income Streams!  See Why

Many members often stop at only one point.   Yes, they earn but it pales in comparison to the automatic income streams and bonuses they unknowingly missed that were only a click or two away!   (What are Points and How do they Pay you?)
Think about it, why stop at one point?
More points can always be earned for free and they do much more than just increase the number of your profit sharing bonuses you earn... Thanks to ASN's Auto Income Enhancements, they dramatically and AUTOMATICALLY increase your income in many ways...  See Income Enhancements Overview

Remember, the more points you get, the more you earn and they can always be earned for free!

   IMPORTANT! Understanding what and how important points are and how they pay you!


How 14 points plus sharing can earn over $10,000 monthly  click here

How Start up and Mentor bonuses work

Overview of bonuses

   Start Up Bonuses

   Mentor Bonuses

   Group Bonus Factoring-  to Quintuple Earnings

   Training Bonuses (up to $5,000 monthly)

Step by Step How Bonuses work

 Why These Bonuses are So Powerful!

  New Bonus Samples in action    

  Start Up Bonuses

  Mentor Bonuses

  Group Bonus Factoring

Bonus Overview and True Story of Success

Email Training

Earning is Simple. Communicate!

  Sample Emails and email tools.

How 8 turned into over 5,000!

Tools and Training Provided for Free


See what our most successful members do! click here.


Why These Bonuses are So Powerful!

If you haven't already one so, click here to Claim Your Check  It will take less than 10 minutes.

Then Click Here to see how you can build an exciting career.

The more you help others earn, the more you earn!

That means communicate with your members-  Click Here to See How!

  • Your #1 job is to help your members make money!  Make sure they know what to do... Remember, when they earn, so do you!  And the more they earn, the more you earn!.

    • Example: When they get a free insurance quote, they didn't spend a penny, but they made money... and so did you!

    • When they order or sell an ASN Hosting package, They don't just guarantee a monthly income for themselves... They create a residual income for you!

    • When they purchase that birthday or anniversary gift from their personal site, it not only pays them... it pays you too!  see what earns most.


      True to the ASN system, helping your downline doesn't mean you have to hold meetings or make phone calls (unless you want to).  We have created an array of sample emails that you can send to your new members and then additional emails that you send to your first and/or second level members or even more levels if you choose...

      All you need to do is to provide these occasional reminders of how easy it is to earn with ASN.  Click Here

      Remember, when your  downline earns, you earn.... and the more they earn, the more you earn!

  • The beauty of the ASN system is that  it is a system of people helping people.

    • When your sponsor helps you... they earn.

    • When you help your members, you earn...

    • When your members help their members... they earn and so do you!

      Imagine...the incredible, explosive growth your business will experience when your downline starts doing what you are doing... Namely, sharing and helping!  What happens when you've shared with 10... your 10 becomes 20? Those 20 share with their first 10?  Those 10 start sharing and earning!  And remember... All of this happens for free! We have many members who have built downlines in excess of 100 in their first week!  You can do it too!  Just follow the system and watch your business grow! 

  • ASN is like a snowball rolling down a hill... but instead  of collecting more snow... it earns you more money!  All anyone has to do?  Just follow the the system to  Get it rolling!  Think about how easy it really is...  

    • Anyone can JOIN for free!

    • Anyone can EARN for free!

    • 15 points can always be earned immediately and for free!  A free insurance quote, free credit report, etc... and they just earned the fast start and eagle bonus!  PLUS... commission overrides on 10 levels of their downline!  Realize, they are working for themselves, earning their own money, building their own business, their own futures...  and building yours by doing it!  That's why we always say, the more you help, the more you earn.  How do you help?  Communicate.

  • Click here to see how to communicate and help your downline.

HUGE NEW TRAINING BONUSES- up to $5,000 per month!

To give you and your downline members a powerful incentive to help downline members to become successful and to start earning big money and building strong, powerful downlines, we have created a new set of incentive bonuses that will pay you up to an additional $5,000 per month!  This is over and above your Sales Commissions, Group Bonus Overrides and Guaranteed Profit Sharing Bonuses.  How do you do it?  Just help others to earn.  The more people you help to earn, the more money you make!

  • On this page, we will explain how to begin earning these exciting new bonuses and..

  • We will give you simple strategies to help your downline get moving and earning for themselves and for you!

The more your downline does, the more they earn and the more you make!

  • On the Overview of ASN's Various Mentor Bonuses (see below),  we are going to show how important and profitable it is to help your members.

    This overview of the training bonuses are self explanatory and easy to understand.  However, understanding how powerful and profitable it is in action, is not quite as easy.  Consequently, we provide a few examples below of how it works in practice and a real life example of how the start up and mentor bonuses profited on of our members in the Philippines. If what you see seems redundant, it's because often seeing the same information from a slightly different angle brings more clarity.  Links to the examples are below the Overviews.

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Overview of ASN's Various Mentor Bonuses and Requirements


The section below the following training articles, "What is a Point" and "Example of group bonuses..."  give you complete details of each bonus.    However, the best way to get a clear understanding of how they work together is within the context of a growing organization.  So please read the "What is a Point" and "examples of group bonuses...", then see the complete details of enhancements below.




Let's Take a Moment to Understand Points and their Importance to Auto Enhancements


The Foundation of Group Bonuses and Profit Sharing- 

     A point is the dollar value generated by ANY purchase, sale or ANY FREE quote, trial, sample, survey, etc... from any link or banner on any ASN site.

    Points are also the basis on which you earn Group Bonus commissions. You earn commission override percentages on every point generated in your organization.


     The number of points generated by your site determines how many of ASN's SEVEN Guaranteed Monthly Profit Sharing bonuses you are paid. 100 points always pays you and all members, at least, $100 to $500, plus 10% of every point over 100.   How Your Profit Sharing is Calculated 

You can actually Click Here to earn 100 points right now!  


    Whether you decide to earn by personally getting a few free quotes, (the more you get, the more you earn)  OR are being generated by your site's visitors who get free samples and quotes so they can receive their gifts... they all pay you...   Yes...  you even earn points by just giving away gifts!  See ASN's Unique, Get a Quote, Get a Gift Program, it explodes your point earnings!  Just share this link  Even Members can get a gifts (they all pay you) and then choose a gift!


Example of Point Values How They Pay You:

How Your Profit Sharing is Calculated  Click Here!

How to know the point value of an activity click here.

Example of Group Bonuses, Points and Auto Income Enhancement Overview

    Points are also the basis on which group bonuses are paid.  You earn commission override percentages on every point generated by your organization.



You have 20 people in your first level, and between personal actions giving gifts, etc...   each of their sites generate 100 points for a total of 2,000 points in your first level.  (see Get a Quote, Get a Gift Program that can explode point earnings!  Just share this link )  Because they each generated 100 points, each of your members earn, at least, $100 to $500 or more without having spent a dime... 


What do you earn from those points? 

Group Bonuses

     By default you are paid group bonus overrides of 10% of each point in your first level...

     so 2,000 x 10% pays you $200 dollars. 



     You also earn from an array of highly profitable automatic income enhancement mechanisms that dramatically increase your income... they automatically kick in to explode many aspects of  your income.  All you do is consistently share, give ASN to others who also earn for free!

As we say, the more you give, the more you earn!

So what do you really earn when the bonuses kick in?


Training Bonuses- Up to $5,000 monthly-

    Because you have 20 first level members who had, at least, 15 points each...

    You also earn the Manager's Bonus of $500.  click for training bonuses


Group Bonus Factoring:

    Because you have 20 first level members with 100 points each we multiply by 500% the default percentages you are normally paid on every point in EACH level of of your entire organization through a FULL TEN Levels!

    So, instead of earning the Group Bonus of $200 shown above... it is actually  Quintupled and you are paid $1,000!  Click for Factoring



This $1,000 is based on only your first level of growth, and assumes no one shared or gave ASN to anyone!...   It reflects your earnings due to the activities of only the first of the 10 levels on which you are paid!


   See what happens with a moderately growing organization.  Click Here

FACT, The ASN Group Bonus override system is so powerful that by giving this to just 5 people who give it away to 2, etc... through 10 levels with each averaging only 25 points -- YOUR group bonus overrides are in excess of $7,500 per month. (details shown later)

Click Here to Start Sharing and earning right now!



See some of the countless ways to earn points (Apologies, the page is messy and soon to be  updated).  click here.


In addition to your usual commissions earned from your site's sales of financial services and ASN Merchandise, GUARANTEED profit sharing bonuses, etc... that you earn for just using your site for your normal needs (see claim your check and  Personal Use ), PLUS, Group Bonus commission overrides from every quote, trial, services or purchase made by every member and visitor to every site in your entire downline through a full 10 levels, we also provide an array of automatic financial incentives and bonuses that make it even more profitable for all ASN members to help and train each other.

First we will provide a simple description and then full details of how they benefit you and all members.

For anyone having an problem with the math, don't worry about the numbers... Just Share and Help... the system AUTOMATICALLY takes care of the rest! 


  • Start Up Bonus-

    Remember, as long as your site earns, at least, one point, you begin earning commission percentages on the activities of your downline.

    ADDITIONALLY, as long as your site earns, at least, 4 points, you also given an additional 1 point, for every  member of your first level whose site generated any point producing activity, even if it's just a 1 point free survey.  With this bonus you not only earn commission overrides on every  point, their activities give you additional personal points that automatically increase the number of profit sharing bonuses you earn!... .  Remember, this is important because, the more personal points they get, the more profit sharing bonuses they are paid...  and you automatically earn commission oeverriedes from from all points in your organization. you and THEY earn.  click here.

    • Example:

      Your site earned 4 points.  Plus, you had 20 first level members who started earning by each getting a free survey.  That equals 20 active first level members.  So we add 20 points to your original 4 points so you now have a total of 24 points.

      This pays you the Intro, Fast start , Eagle and bronze Profit sharing bonuses!


  • Mentor Bonuses-

    For anyone having an problem with the math, don't worry about the numbers... Just Share and Help... the system will take care of itself! 

    You also earn 1 additional point for each 7 points generated by your first level members

    For example: 

    • You personally had 30 points (can be done for free). 

    • Let's also assume in your first month you shared with 20 (many members do this their first week By Doing This), and each of them, earned just 20 points.  Because you have 20 members who earned, at least, 1 point, you earn 1 point for each of them thus earning you 20  "start up" points.

      That means you now have a total of 50 points..

    • Now to add "mentor" points...

      Your 20 first level members each had 20 points for a total of 400 points in your first level

      You earn  Mentor points at the rate of 1 point per each 7 points in your first level. 

      • So, 400 points divided by 7 equals an additional 57 points to you.

      • So you personally earned 30 points, plus, you earned 20 start up points, plus 57 mentor points for a total of 107 points!  This pays you all profit sharing bonuses!...

        • Intro Bonus 

        • Fast Start bonus

        • Eagle bonus

        • Bronze bonus

        • Silver bonus

        • Gold bonus

        • Platinum bonus... this Guarantees you earn, at least, $100 to $500 and is often more! 

  • Training bonuses-  Because you had 20 first level members with, at least, 15 points each, you also earn the manager's training bonus of $500! Help more, you earn even more... we pay training bonuses of up to $5,000 monthly!  click here!

    For anyone having an problem with the math, don't worry about the numbers... Just Share and Help... the rest will take care of itself! 


  • Group Bonus Factoring-  Nothing is simpler than building a profitable organization.  Click Here 

    But Now by sharing and helping... Your same group size and the same total points can actually...

    •  DOUBLE or even Quintuple Your Group Bonus Income!  (Increase your group bonus payment percentages, by simply helping your first level members earn!  All it requires is an occasional email click here).  Remember, the ASN philosophy is simple...  "the more you share and the more help, the more you earn"...  this newest bonus, encourages that concept and puts the results on steroids!

    • You already know that by default Group bonuses pay you from 5% to 10% commission overrides on each level of your down line's earnings through up to 10 levels. With Factoring, We increase your group bonuses by applying a positive factor percentage to your group bonus payment.  

    • HOW TO QUALIFY FOR FACTORING? Help... your first level members earn. (all this means is provide an occasional email click here). 

      • When you have just 5 or more first level members who are active in that month (i.e. each earned 1 or more points); and if the total points earned by those first level members is 50 points or more, we increase your  group bonus commission percentages on ALL 10 of your levels by a factor of, at least, 50% to as much as 500%. 

    • What Does that Mean to Your Income?-

      • If this month, you had originally earned $100 from your first level and $60 from your 2nd level, etc...and a total of $400 through your 10 levels of downline.  We apply a factor-up percentage to your entire 10 levels of downline earnings.  If you have, at least, 5 active first level members and a total of, at least, 50 points generated in your first level

      • What You Earn-

        • If the factor were 150%, the minimum it will ever be, Instead of earning $400 you are paid $600!

        • If the factor for that month were 200%, instead of earning $400 you are paid $800!

        • If the factor were 250% instead of earning $400 you are paid $1,000!  

      Remember, this doesn't even include your other Income streams, Profit Sharing, Service Commissions or up to $5,000 per month in  Training Bonuses!

    Remember, the key to ASN, is simple... The more you share, the more you help... the more you earn!

Trainer's Bonuses (up to $5,000 per month)  

Earning with ASN is the essence of simplicity.  Earning 15 points per month can always be earned for free, (get a free credit report and free insurance quote and you're almost there).  15 points always pays you and all members, at least, the Fast Start and Eagle Profit sharing bonuses, PLUS, pays you commission overrides on 10 levels of your downline.  see how profit sharing bonuses are calculated. 

Earning 15 personal points is also the threshold qualifier for the following management bonuses.  (i.e. to earn these bonuses, a member's site must have earned 15 points).  see ways to earn points.


Because ASN is always FREE to join and FREE to earn, we have hundreds of

members with 100 or more members in their first level, in addition to thousands in their downline levels 2 thru 10... they didn't invest a dime to do it!  How?  They followed directions...

See What to Do

Training Bonuses-  Pays You Up to $5,000 per month... over and above commissions, group bonuses and profit sharing.

Earning with ASN is the essence of simplicity.  Earning 15 points per month can always be earned for free and 15 points always pays you and all members, at least, the Fast Start and Eagle Profit sharing bonuses, PLUS, pays you commission overrides on 10 levels of your downline.  15 points should be the minimum point goal per mont.    see how profit sharing bonuses are calculated. 

Earning 15 personal points is also the threshold qualifier for management bonuses.  (i.e. to earn these bonuses, a member's site must have earned 15 points).  see ways to earn points.


Trainer Bonus

Every month that your site earns, at least, 15 points and at least 5 of your personally sponsored (first level), downline members earns, at least 15 points you are paid an additional $30.00 Dollars.

Supervisor Bonus

Every month that your site earns, at least, 15 points and at least 10 of your personally sponsored downline members earn, at least 15 points you are paid an additional $100.00 Dollars.

Manager Bonus

Every month that your site earns, at least, 15 points and at least 20 of your personally sponsored downline members earns, at least 15 points you are paid an additional $500.00 Dollars.

Executive Bonus

Every month that your site earns, at least, 15 points and at least 30 of your personally sponsored downline members earns, at least 15 points you are paid an additional $1,000.00 Dollars.

Diamond Executive.

Every month that your site earns, at least, 15 points and at least 50 of your personally sponsored downline members earns, at least 15 points you are paid an additional $5,000.00 Dollars.

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Details of How These Bonuses Work


Start Up Bonus- For every member in your first level that Completes ANY point producing activity, you earn 1 extra point (even if it was as simple as signing up to take a quick survey), they don't even have to actually take the survey!- They get their point and so do you!...  and the more points they earn, the more points you receive... AND, this is over and above the Group Bonus overrides you earn on those points!   50 point limitation.

Mentor Bonuses- You also earn additional points based on the total number of points produced by your first level members.  These points are earned at the rate of 1 per each 7 points in your downline. No Point Limitation!

  • HOW IT WORKS:  Assume you have 13 personal points which GUARANTEES that you are paid, at least the Fast Start Profit sharing bonus and 6 levels of your Group Bonus activity.  see Profit Sharing Bonuses and How Group Bonuses Work

    • Also assume you just joined and have only 1 person in your downline. 

    • Now, that member then buys a $25 dollar birthday gift for his daughter using any of our ASN merchandise sites.  see what earns most.

    • That $25 purchase earned 8 points.  So, by simply making the purchase from his own site (by spending what he would have spent anyway), he earned, at least, the Fast Start profit sharing bonus.  So for doing what he was going to do anyway he gets paid. see how profit sharing bonuses are calculated.

      • How did that one purchase benefited you-

        • First (Group Bonuses), you earned a commission override on that purchase.  The earnings from Group Bonuses overrides are virtually unlimited. see... ASN Works Lightening Fast- How to Earn $4,872 per month

        • Second- Buying his daughter's gift triggered 2 separate point bonuses for you.

          • First. It earned you 1 start up point, because a first level member had a point producing activity.  If you had 5 members who had any point activity, you would have earned 5 start up points.

        • Third- His purchase earned 8 points.  You earn an additional 1 point for each 7 points generated in your first level downline.  So, you not only earned a commission override on the purchase (group bonus), you also earned 1 start up point and an 1 additional Mentor bonus.

So that one purchase made by your one member, earned you commission overrides AND added 2 extra points to your original 13 points.

  • Since you already had 13 personal points, when you add the 2 mentor bonuses, that takes you to 15 points.  15 Points is the threshold for earning the Eagle Profit Sharing Bonus. 

  • It also increases your commission overrides from 6 levels to a full 10 levels of your downline  (How Group Bonuses Work).  So now, in addition to the Fast Start Bonus, you now also earn the Eagle profit sharing bonus.  see how profit sharing bonuses are calculated.

    • By having just that one active member, you increased your group bonus overrides, you went  from earning on 6 to earning on 10 levels of your downline and increased your guaranteed profit sharing bonuses from the Fast Start, to the Fast Start and Eagle Bonus!  

      That's the power of sharing... with just one member...

    • Imagine what happens when you have 20, 30 or more first level members!  Many of our members have THOUSANDS in their downline.  You can too!   Just follow the system.  see what to do.

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  • Trainer's Bonuses (up to $5,000 per month)

    Note: Trainer bonuses are not cumulative.  In other words, when you qualify for the manager bonus, you don't also receive the Trainer and Supervisor bonus.

    Remember, earning with ASN is the essence of simplicity.  Earning 15 points per month can always be done for free, and always pays you and all members, at least, the Intro, Fast Start and Eagle Profit sharing bonuses, PLUS, commission overrides on 10 levels of your downline.  see how profit sharing bonuses are calculated. 

    Earning 15 personal points is also the threshold qualifier for the following management bonuses.  (i.e. to earn these bonuses, a member's site must have earned 15 points).  see ways to earn points.

    • Trainer Bonus $30.00

      Every month that your site earns, at least, 15 points and at least 5 of your personally sponsored downline members earns, at least 15 points, you are paid an additional $30.00 Dollars.

      • This is in addition to

        Your normal Group Bonus overrides on those 75 points (5 members x 15=75 points), plus overrides on all additional points generated by your entire downline through 10 levels see Group Bonus Overrides... 

        Plus, in addition to your 15 personal points, you earn an additional 16 points from the Start up and Mentor Bonuses, that were described above

        • (start up points 5 x 1= 5 start up points) plus,

        • (mentor points 5 members x 15 points each = 75 points divided by 7 = rounded to 11 mentor points)

          So your original 15 points plus 16 gives you a total of 31 points.  Which means you also earn the Fast start, Eagle and Bronze profit sharing bonuses.  see how profit sharing bonuses are calculated. 

          So, you earn all of this and all you did was show a few people how to earn... for free!  

          (Many members who followed our system got over 100 members in their first level... their very first month in business!  see What to Do!)

    • Supervisor Bonus $100.00

      Every month that your site earns, at least, 15 points and at least 10 of your personally sponsored downline members earn, at least 15 points you are paid an additional $100.00 Dollars.

      • This is in addition to

        Your normal Group Bonus overrides on those 150 points (10 members x 15=150 points), plus overrides on all additional points generated by your entire downline through 10 levels see Group Bonus Overrides... 

        Plus, in addition to your 15 personal points, you earn an additional 31 points from the Start up and Mentor Bonuses, that were described above

        • (start up points 10 x 1= 10 start up points) plus,

        • (mentor points 10 members x 15 points each = 150 points divided by 7 = rounded to 21 mentor points)

          So your original 15 points plus 31 gives you a total of 46 points.  (because your mentor points are derived from all points in your first level, not just those that earned 15, there would certainly be another 4 points that would put you to 50 points.  50 points pays you the Fast start, Eagle, Bronze and Silver profit sharing bonuses.  see how profit sharing bonuses are calculated. 

          So, you earn all of this and all you did was show a few people how to earn... for free!  

          (Many members who followed our system got over 100 members in their first level... their very first month in business!  see What to Do!)

    • Manager Bonus $500.00

      Every month that your site earns, at least, 15 points and at least 20 of your personally sponsored downline members earns, at least 15 points you are paid an additional $500.00 Dollars.

      • This is in addition to

        Your normal Group Bonus overrides on those 300 points (20 members x 15=300 points), plus overrides on all additional points generated by your entire downline through 10 levels see Group Bonus Overrides... 

        Plus, in addition to your 15 personal points, you earn an additional 63 points from the Start up and Mentor Bonuses, that were described above

        • (start up points 20 x 1= 20 start up points) plus,

        • (mentor points 20 members x 15 points each = 300 points divided by 7 = rounded to 43 mentor points)

          So your original 15 points plus 63 gives you a total of 78 points.  78 points pays you the Fast start, Eagle, Bronze, Silver and Gold profit sharing bonuses.  see how profit sharing bonuses are calculated. 

    • Executive Bonus $1,000.00

      Every month that your site earns, at least, 15 points and at least 30 of your personally sponsored downline members earns, at least 15 points you are paid an additional $1,000.00 Dollars.

      • This is in addition to

        Your normal Group Bonus overrides on those 450 points (30 members x 15=450 points), plus overrides on all additional points generated by your entire downline through 10 levels see Group Bonus Overrides... 

        Plus, in addition to your 15 personal points, you earn an additional 94 points from the Start up and Mentor Bonuses, that were described above

        • (start up points 20 x 1= 30 start up points) plus,

        • (mentor points 30 members x 15 points each = 450 points divided by 7 = rounded to 64 mentor points)

          So your original 15 points plus 94 gives you over 100 points.  100 points pays you the Fast start, Eagle, Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum profit sharing bonuses. (always earns, at least, $100 to $500 Dollars)  see how profit sharing bonuses are calculated. 

    • Diamond Executive $5,000.00 Dollars.

      Every month that your site earns, at least, 15 points and at least 50 of your personally sponsored downline members earns, at least 15 points you are paid an additional $5,000.00 Dollars.

      • This is in addition to

        Your normal Group Bonus overrides on those 750 points (50 members x 15=750 points), plus overrides on all additional points generated by your entire downline through 10 levels see Group Bonus Overrides... 

        Plus, in addition to your 15 personal points, you earn over 100 points from the Start up and Mentor Bonuses, that were described above.  100 points pays you the Fast start, Eagle, Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum profit sharing bonuses. (always earns, at least, $100 to $500 Dollars)  see how profit sharing bonuses are calculated.  

Simply put, the more you share, the more you help and the more you earn.  The more your members help others, the more they earn AND the more you earn...  The end result of these incentives is that your downline will not just continue to earn month after month, each creating their own points, generating their  own income, building their own profitable businesses (which also builds yours!), but they will also continue to help their downline to do the same... and their downline will help theirs, etc... 

It creates a incredible never ending cycle of people helping people.  There really is nothing quite like ASN.

 Back to top




See how the combination of points, sharing, helping and ASN Bonus Enhancements will pay you  THOUSANDS!  



When you share you earn in many additional ways:

For each illustration below, assume that based on your own personal efforts you earned 14 points thus, the intro and  fast start bonus;  You will see how by sharing and helping, your income can explode!  Here's why and how.


Understanding the Start Up Bonuses

         For every member of your first level whose site earns, even ONE point, by any means, (Any member whose site generated, at least, One Point is considered an Active Member who now qualifies to begin earning Profit Sharing and Group Bonuses).  Because that member generated a point, we credit you another personal point i.e. "start up bonus".  So if you had 14 points on your own, and one active first level member, that gives you another point for a total of 15 taking you to the Eagle bonus level.  If you had 10 first level members that earned even one point, you'd earn an additional point for each of those 10 for a total of 24 points.  This lifts you to the Bronze bonus level.   See Start Up bonus (Plus, you earn Group Bonus override on those points in your dowline).  See how and why to share.  


         START UP BONUS- So, for additional clarification, assume you had 14 points, and 2  active first level member sites that earned just one point each, that would earn you an additional 2 point getting you to 16 points for the Eagle profit sharing bonus.


         Mentor Bonus- If those same two members by starting to building their personal business and incomes had, in addition, to earning from personal use, also promoted sales of their many products and services by using our many free marketing methods, viral marketing and banners, etc...  to promote and if they each earned 50 points, (which is not unusual), you earn, not only 2 start up points, but an additional mentor bonus of 1 point per each 7 points earned in you first level.  That would give you an additional 14 points.  i.e. 100 points divided by 7 = 14  See Mentor Bonuses


o   This additional 14 points gives you a total of 30 points ie your personal 14, 2 start up and 14 mentor points.  30 points earn these profit sharing bonuses  profit sharing bonuses:

1.       The Intro bonus

2.       Fast start bonus

3.       Eagle bonus and

4.       Bronze bonus

1.       Plus you earn Group bonus overrides on all those points and anything else in your deeper downline through 10 levels.


Now, assume that instead of sharing with just 2, you have shared and helped 5 people to work and earn with their free business and they also each earned 50 points.  Here's how your income for that month would look:

o   Your personal 14 points.

o   Plus 5 from start up bonus, from 5 active members.

o   Plus another 36 mentor point bonuses i.e. their 250 total points divided by  7 = 35.7 points.

1.       Even though you had only 14 points, you were  awarded a total of 55 points, earning you these profit sharing bonuses:

1.       The Intro bonus

2.       Fast start bonus

3.       Eagle bonus and

4.       Bronze bonus

5.       Silver bonus

1.       Plus you earn Group bonus overrides on all those points and anything else in your deeper downline through 10 levels.

         PLUS- TRAINING BONUSES- See Training Bonuses.

When you have, at least, 5 active members in your first level who have earned, at least, 15 points each, you also earn a Training bonus of $30 dollars.  Training bonuses can pay you up to $5,000 monthly See Training Bonuses.


Because you have, at least, 5 active members in your first level AND, at least, a total of 50 points in your first level you qualify for Group Bonus Factoring.  

o   With factoring, we automatically increase the percentage of points you earn on each level of your downline from 50% to as much as Quintuple!

o   Sample of what Group Bonus Factoring means and does.

Let's say the only downline you have is still those 5 and they have not yet built a downline of their own:

You earn each of these Profit sharing bonuses. profit sharing bonuses:

1.       The Intro bonus

2.       Fast start bonus

3.       Eagle bonus

4.       Bronze bonus and

5.       Silver bonus

 Plus, a $30 Training bonus.

o   Plus, Due to Group Bonus Factoring, instead of earning the default group bonus of $25 i.e. 10% of the 250 points in your first level... Because of Group Bonus Factoring, we pay you 3 times your normal Group Bonus, for  $75! 


o   ANOTHER EXAMPLE How ASN bonus enhancements Dramatically INCREASE YOUR INCOME.

Let's say you decided to help others to start earning for free and your downline now consists of 11 people earning just as your first 5 did with and average of 50 points each.  They are each earning, but not yet sharing.  Here's your income.

         Your personal 14 points.

         Plus 11 points from start up bonus-  because you now have 11 active members.

         Plus another 79 mentor point bonuses because their total of 550 points divided by  7 = 78.6 points.

So you now have a total of 104 points earning you the following profit sharing bonuses:

The Intro bonus

Fast start bonus

Eagle bonus and

Bronze bonus

Silver bonus

Gold bonus

Platinum Bonus 

 These ALWAYS pay you, at least, $100 to $500 normally about $150 or more.

1.       Plus, a $100 Training bonus.

2.       Thanks to GROUP BONUS FACTORING instead of the default group bonus of the $55 i.e. 10% of their 550, we Quadruple it to $220 because you helped, at least, 5 active first level members! 


So in this simple scenario, you earned over  $500 and neither you nor your downline has invested a dime and NOT EVEN ONE of your members has begun sharing his business!  What happens when they start sharing, and build their business even more?  



The Group Bonus override system is so profitable that if you share this with just 5 people and they share with 2, etc... through 10 levels, and each generates only 25 points, (personal use alone can do this)-- YOUR group bonus overrides are in excess of $7,500 per month.   And that kind of organization is not difficult to create!

Following is the downline of one of our newer members. He's been working with us a little over 2 months...

1st LVL Points

2nd LVL Points

3rd LVL Points

4th LVL Points

5th LVL Points

6th LVL Points

7th LVL Points

8th LVL Points

9th LVL Points

10th LVL Points

Mentor Points

Total Active Downline














The fact is, building a downline is incredibly simple and if you take the time to help them understand how easy it is to earn, your income will explode.  And teaching them to so, is as simple as an occasional email Click here.  See an array of sample emails



And why these bonuses are SO profitable.  Click here.

Let's assume the organization above, in which, not even one of your downline had even started sharing but you still earned $450.  When, they see what you are doing and earning, are they going to be content to just earn points?  Or will they want to build a business like you and start sharing for free?   Of course... they start sharing.


What happens:

         Assume your 11 first level members, shared with only 5, (so now 55 in your second level) who shared with only 2 (110 in 3rd level) who shared with 2, etc through your full levels.  As you saw above, that is simple.!

         Also each of those new members instead of being as hard working as your first level was, instead of averaging 50 points per month, they averaged only 10.  What do your think your group bonus income is for that month?    $26,823.50!


Are you guaranteed to earn this kind of money?  Of course not.   What you ultimately earn will depend on your degree of effort, occasional contact and most important of all, consistency.  However, this shows the incredible potential of the ASN system and what can actually be done when properly worked.

See how others have earned, Tens of Thousands per Month.  click here.


What if your downline members got fewer points?

         Obviously, not all members will put in the same amount of effort or have their sites earning the same number of points.  Many will and do earn 100 points or more every month... many will and do earn ZERO.  That's just a fact of life, but their lack of ambition and success is on them. 

          But I guarantee, this can be done successfully by anyone who wants to achieve more.   Let's assume on the low end...  even if we assume that the average number of points per downline member is just 2 points... What is your group bonus income?  You just earned  $5,408.70!    

o   And, remember, you accomplished this without the need for you or anyone in your entire downline to invest on dime!




         Remember, earlier we discussed Group Bonus Factoring?  Neither of the above Group Bonus projections or estimates of income even took into account the automatic factoring bonus we give you for helping to build active First Level members!

o   FACTORING BONUS- Because you had, at least, 5 active first level members, who generated a combined total of, at least, $50 points in your first level... you again, qualified for Group Bonus Factoring!



For the organization above with your 3rd level members and beyond, having shared with only 2 and averaging only 2 points each, instead of the default Group Bonus which would be $5,408.70 it is increased to, at least, $8,000!   


Based on this same organization if for that month the factor is 250% (which is more usual) instead of $5,408.70 it is increased to over $13,500!



Think about it.... You didn't do anything more or different, or spend more, or for that matter, anything at all!  All you did was follow the system... 

 You shared and helped.  The ASN system AUTOMATICALLY did the rest. 


That's the beauty of ASN, USE, SHARE, HELP and your business automatically grows and grows.

 There really is nothing like ASN.  No company provides more ways to earn and no company makes it easier.   Remember, just use and share.



The many parameters that are involved in the calculus of determining exactly what the factoring percentages will be are incapable of full determination until the month has completed and all the factors available for analysis.

However, for those who qualify it is always increased by at least a 50% but is more often doubled or even  Quadrupled!





Group Bonuses.

The most important and most profitable aspect of ASN is your Group Bonuses. The incentive bonuses insure that your downline will continue to grow and grow, and become more and more profitable. Simply put, the more you share, the more you help others, the more you earn! And with ASN, sharing and earning couldn't be easier and is always free!  The potential earnings from your ASN Group Bonuses are virtually unlimited. see... ASN Works Lightening Fast- How to Earn $4,872 per month

But how much you earn is dependent on 2 things...

  • How much you share and

  • How much you help those you have shared the business with. 

  • The more you do of each, the more you earn.

If someone isn't earning enough, they simply are not sharing and helping enough!

No company has ever made building a downline quicker or easier.  That's a fact! see  See what other members are saying.

Because joining is free, building a downline is FREE, Earning is Free... it can be done incredibly quickly.


We have members who have gone from 0 to a downline of over 3,000

without spending one dime on advertising.

How?  They simply followed the system.  see Fast Start and What to Do.

Because ASN is Free, some people don't take the time to read and understand the Incredible Value of this Free business.

Amazingly enough, being completely free actually sometimes creates a problem.  People often confuse the

Value of ASN to its Cost which of course is No Cost, at all!.

That's where you come in. 

If you want to maximize your income, simply help your downline understand the value by helping them to start earning immediately!

Encourage them to prove to themselves that ASN works. 

They don't have to spend a penny.  Just get some free points!

Have them get a free insurance quote.  The just earned their first check and earned you points.  It really is that easy!

see Claim Your Check

They will get paid, they'll know it works, get excited, start building their businesses, start telling others, sharing others, getting active, start earning more...

and that of course earns you more!

How active they become will be determined in large part on

how well you communicate with them.

Earning is Simple. Communicate!


See How to Profit from Personal Use

Back to top



We currently have some members with very large downlines that are earning little.  We have some members with relatively small downlines that are earning a lot.  What's the difference?

It is almost always as simple as communication.  A basic key to success is this simple concept.

  • Learn to EARN.

  • Teach your downline to earn.  Just an occasional email to your first level, letting them know what you are accomplishing, reminding them that getting a simple free quote earns a check.  That 100 points that can always be earned for free ALWAYS earns, at least. $100 to $500, etc...

  • Then Teach them To Teach-  Help your downline to teach theirs to do the same. i.e. You help A to help B, who then helps C, who helps D, etc... your income and their income will skyrocket.

Help your downline.   Do this, you will have an incredibly successful ASN business.  By doing so, not only, do you build your downline, your downline builds their downline and THEIR downline builds their downline, etc...  This simple concept unleashes the incredible power of the geometric growth that the FREE ASN opportunity provides.

One of the most important principles of success is to stay in contact with your downline, through emails.

See how to stay in touch and Sample emails to your downline.


How Profitable is the ASN System?

Remember, if you give away just 2 stores and then they give away 2 stores, etc... through 10 levels, with each store generating only 25 points (personal use alone can generate this)-- YOUR group overrides are in excess of $4,500 per month. 


How do you help your downline and their downline to do that little bit that guarantees their success and consequently YOUR success?  These incentive bonuses will help you, your downline, and your downline's downline build more active, profitable organizations...

Remember, the key to earning from your downline is to help your downline become active and profitable.

A downline that does nothing earns nothing.


ASN is the embodiment of the truism...

"You can get anything in life you want if you just help enough other people get what they want".




NEW!!-- Start Up Bonuses.

For each member of your FIRST LEVEL, downline (those that you personally referred), that participates in the system. i.e. engages in any point producing activity, you earn 1 point.  These points will be added to any points that you earned on your own, up to a maximum of 50 points.


These points are for the purposes increasing the number of Infinity Bonuses earned and qualifying to earn additional levels of Group Bonuses,

For example:

You personally earned 5 points.

Normally that qualifies you for the Fast Start Bonus and 3 levels of downline.

If you had been sharing the business and had just 10 people in your first level that earned just 1 point each, you would earn 1 additional point for each of those active members for 10 additional points

You would now have a total of your personal 5 points, plus 10 start up points for a total of 15 points.

With the addition of your 10 start up  points you have now earned the...

Fast Start Bonus

Eagle Bonus and

10 Levels of your Downline.

The only requirement for a member to qualify for these bonus points is that the member earned from his personal website, at least, 4 points.    See Ways to earn Points and Commissions.


Example 1You earned 4 points on your own.  Plus, 4 members of your personal downline each earned 1 point from a purchase, free survey or other activity.  You would earn 1 point per each of those members for a total of 4 points which will be added to the 4 that you earned on your own.  So, even though you earned only 4 points on your own, you would be awarded a total of 8 points, thus earning the Fast Start and Eagle Bonus and 6 levels of downline.

Example 2:  You earned 5 points by taking advantage of a free health insurance quote.  10 of your first level downline members got a free trial or quote so that they each earned, at least, one point.  You earn 1 point for each of those active members for a total of 10 points, which are added to your personal point total of 5.  So those 10 points are added to your 5 personal points so that you have a total of 15 points.   So even though, you personally earned only 5 points, you earn the Fast Start Bonus, Eagle Bonus and Group Bonuses on 10 level of your downline.

Example 3:  You earned 4 points on your own.  Plus, 20 members of your personal downline earned, at least, one point from their personal activity.  You will earn 20 points based on the activities of your first level members, plus you earned 4 points from your personal activities.  So, 20 Start up points, plus, 4 from personal efforts gives you a total of 24 points.  So, you earned the Fast Start Bonus, Eagle Bonus, Bronze Bonus and 10 levels of Group Bonus overrides.



NEXT-- Mentoring Bonuses  Back to top



How it works...

NEW!!!  Earn EVEN MORE Points for helping your 1st level personally sponsored members.

(Mentor Points).  You now, earn, not only points from your own site; start Up Bonuses based on the number of "active" first level members, but if you have earned, at least, 4 points, you also earn an additional 1 point for each 7 points personally earned by your first level members. 


A Simple Example

If you earned 4 points and 10 of your first level members had earned 8 points. 

First, you earned 10 start up points for having 10 members that earned, at least, 1 point  You just earned an additional 10 start up points. 


Those 10 members, didn't just earn 1 point each, they each earned 8 points, so you also have 80 points in your first level.

   So, 80 divided by 7 = about 11 points. 

80 points in your first level, divided by 7 equals an additional 11 Mentor Points added to your original 4 personal and 10 Start Up points.


Your 4 Personally earned would normally qualify for only the Fast Start Bonus and 3 levels of downline.

  • However, by sharing ASN and helping your downline to start earning, your bonuses are now as follows:

    •   4 Personal Points.

    • 10 Start Up Points.

    • 11 Mentor Points.

      • Thanks to these bonuses, you now have a total of 25 points earning the...

        • Fast Start bonus

        • Eagle Bonus

        • Bronze Bonus

        • 10 levels of Group Bonus Overrides.

Example 4:  You earned 5 points on your own.  Plus, 35 members of your first level earned, at least, 1 point each from their personal activity.  Plus, the total number of points earned by your first level members is 245 (each of the 35 averaged about 7 points each).  Your point total is as follows:

5 from your personal activities.

35 from your Start Up Bonuses.

35 from your Mentoring Bonus-


So even though you, personally, earned only 5 points your profit sharing bonuses are based on earning 75 points!

So you earned the

REMEMBER-- the beauty of the ASN system is that the more people that you help, the more profitable your business becomes...

Our motto "You can get anything you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want"


  • These Bonuses provide powerful incentives for Your 1st level members to help their first level members earn their first check and get them going.  So their member earns, your member earns... and you earn!  But that' just the start.

  • Your first level's downline members have that same incentive to help THEIR first level members get their members active and earning, etc...  Remember, when they earn, you earn... and the more they earn, the more you earn... and  as more and more members of your organization earn... your income continues to grow and grow!  

  • These bonuses create a powerful organization wide incentive for mutual assistance, for members helping members and guarantees the development of active and profitable downlines.

  • ...And it all starts with sharing and helping.  click here to start sharing

The true power of these performance bonuses is in the impact they have as they ripple through each level of your downline and in the downlines of others.

This amazing domino effect dramatically increases EACH of the infinity pools, training bonuses geometrically increases your Group Bonuses. 

Because the points required for earning income can be acquired in less than 10 minutes by ANYONE, FOR FREE!...  (see claim your check), these simple incentives naturally motivate a much higher percentage of your downline to do the bare minimum to guarantee a check. 

And as they earn more... you earn more;

As THEIR downline earns more YOU earn even more, etc... 

ASN... the more you share, the more you help... the more you earn!

If you haven't already done so, go to


You can earn your Group Bonuses, Eagle and Fast Start Bonuses right now-- with NO INVESTMENT!

Remember... a downline of 1,000 that does nothing... earns nothing for themselves or for you! 

But a downline of 1,000 earning even 4 points each... which can always be done for FREE can change your life!

By creating the incentive for all to do a little... that little, GUARANTEES a lot for ALL!

Remember, if you give away just 2 stores and then they give away 2 stores, etc... through 10 levels, with each store generating only 25 points (personal use alone can generate much more than 25 points)-- YOUR group overrides are in excess of $4,500 per month.  see Group Bonus Overrides...


Simplified Overview of how incentive bonuses work...

Make sure you help your 1st level members and tell them to do the same!

These bonuses were recently instituted and are creating GREAT results! 

You now, earn, not only points from your own site, but if you are an active ASN member (Earn 4 points),  you now earn two additional bonuses...


Start Up Bonus- 

As an incentive for you and for each of your downline to help their members get active, we have created the Start Up Bonus.  It's very simple, as long as you have earned, at least, 4 points on your own, whether by using Claim Your Check, Marketing Services, ASN hosting, Personal use, etc...  As long as you earn 4 points, you now earn an additional point for each of your 1st level members that complete ANY point producing activity... no matter how small.  One of your downline members just gets a FREE online back up service- you just earned a point.  10 sign up for a FREE survey... you just earned 10 points, in addition to whatever points you earned on your own!


Mentor Bonus- 

In addition to Your Start Up bonus, as long as you have earned, at least, 4 points on your own, you also earn an additional 1 point per each 7 points earned from your first level members.

making it easier for you to achieve the higher infinity bonus levels.  i.e. 1 point to your personal total for each 7 points earned by your first level members.


Back to top



Following is a real life example of how these various Incentive Bonuses worked for one of our Philippine members 



The most profitable aspect of ASN.  Simply let others know they, too, can earn for doing what they already do.  ASN is a free, no investment way for anyone to earn.  Like you, for every free quote, trial, survey or purchase they make from their ASN site, they earn!   PLUS, you earn Group Bonus commission overrides from every free quote, trial, purchase, survey they get, Simply put,  earn from everything they do... And you don't just earn from their normal purchases, sales, quotes and trials, you even earn from the trials, quotes and purchases of those they share with... and those they share with!...   up to a full 10 levels.


$7,500 per month

The Group Bonus override system is so profitable that if you share this with just 5 people and they share with 2, etc... through 10 levels, and each generates only 25 points, (personal use alone can do this)-- YOUR group bonus overrides are in excess of $7,500 per month.   And this is not hard to do! 


But it won't happen without Sharing!

Click here to see how!  (before using the links, make sure you are on your ASN page)

Following is the downline of one of our newer members. He's been working with us a little over 2 months...

1st LVL Points

2nd LVL Points

3rd LVL Points

4th LVL Points

5th LVL Points

6th LVL Points

7th LVL Points

8th LVL Points

9th LVL Points

10th LVL Points

Mentor Points

Total Active Downline














As you can see, when you start helping others to earn, the sky is the limit!


The more you help... the more you earn!  See Training bonuses $5,000 Monthly.

That's when our many other bonuses come into play!  See how these training bonuses can increase your income by up to $5,000 per month!  Earn More By Helping Others.



You not only earn commission overrides on the activities of your downline, you also earn additional start up and mentor points that increase the number of profit sharing pools you are paid.  These bonuses are based on the activities of your first level members. 

Start Up Bonus-

For each active 1st level member, who generates any activity, you earn an additional point.  Even if it was nothing but a free survey,  you earn another point, moving you toward more profit sharing bonuses. 

For example, if you had 14 personal points and one of your first level members (to start earning), got just a free survey, you'd earn an additional point, giving you a total of 15 points.  This means you would earn an additional profit sharing bonus; the Eagle bonus.  This is in addition to the Fast Start bonus, you had already earned.


Mentor Bonus-

For each 7 points generated in your first level, you earn another point.  So if there were a total of 14 points in your first level, you would have earned an additional, 2 points.  This is in addition to your personal points and earned start up points.

Because we want your sponsor to have an incentive to help you... we have created many incentives for all ASN members to help each other. With ASN, the more you share, the more you earn.


A real life example of how these bonuses work.

This is a real life example of one of our members in the Philippines after two full months with ASN.

  • Rather than free quotes or samples, this member took advantage of the "Activation Fee" to earn  4 points.   He then shared and made sure his downline knew how easy it was to start earning for themselves.  So they did J   In his second month in business he had 23 first level members who earned, at least, 1 point each.  Actually, in his first level alone, there were 392 points , on which he earned commission overrides.

    • Remember, building this type of organization can be done easily because with ASN, joining and earning can always be done for free.

  • How Sharing and Helping, profited him.

    • Group Bonuses-

      • (Group Bonuses), he earned a commission override on every purchase, sale, trial, quote, survey, etc...  made by every member and every visitor to every site in his downline, through a full 10 levels.  The earnings from Group Bonuses overrides are virtually unlimited.  see... ASN Works Lightening Fast- How to Earn $4,872 per month

    • Start Up Bonus-

      • These 23 active first level members, earned him an additional 23 points (1 point for each first level member that requested, at least, one free sample),  Remember, they weren't getting samples and quotes for him... they were building their own businesses and making money for themselves and their families. And that is one of the best things about ASN, the more you help others earn, the more successful you become!  PLUS...

    • Mentor Bonus-

      • His first level alone had 392 points .  (this doesn't even count the business generated by the other 9 levels, from which he earns).   Because he had personally earned 4 points, he also qualified for the Mentor Bonuses.  This means that he earned an additional 1 point for each 7 points earned in his first level. 

        • 392 divided by 7 =  56 points earned from the Mentor Bonuses.

So this member earned only 4 points on his own.  But thanks to his active downline  (from which he earns commission overrides through, a full 10 levels; a downline that he has and continues to build and help), he earned a total of...

  • 23 Start up points, plus...

  • 52 Mentor points, plus...

  • 4 Personal points, for a total of

  • 79 points.  In addition to his Group bonuses, this paid him 6 of our 7 profit sharing bonuses.   see how profit sharing is calculated



  • By earning, at least, 4 points (see many ways to earn points), he began qualifying for Automatic Income Enhancements.

  • He SHARED (see how to share) to begin building his downline.

  • He helped his new members, (please see earning more by helping others) for ideas on how to help your downline to succeed) he earned the..

  • Intro Bonu

  • Fast Start Bonus

  • Eagle Bonus

  • Bronze Bonus

  • Silver Bonus

  • Gold Bonus

  • So he earned 6 of our 7 profit sharing bonuses.  see how profit sharing is calculated

  • plus Group Bonuses through 10 levels on a very active downline through 10 levels.

  • PLUS... Because he had 5 or more active first level members, we applied a "factoring" bonus, in which we more than tripled his commission overrides for the activities of his downline! 

    • Because he was new and his members had not yet had time to fully build their own organizations, he had points generated in only the first 4 of his 10 levels.   His defalut Group Bonus was $208.  But because he qualified for Group Bonus Factoring his $208 was TRIPLED to $624!

  • And even though, a relatively new member, he was already on his way to qualifying for our monthly $5,000 training bonuses. see earning more by helping others

ASN gives you countess ways to earn, but it is always as simple as Using, Sharing and Helping!



As great as all this is, there is even more, we give you 5 separate "helping" bonuses that will pay you from $30 to $5,000 per month.  see performance bonuses.

With ASN, the sky is the limit, the only requirement?  Follow the system.

  • The beauty of the ASN system is that  it is a system of people helping people.

    • When your sponsor helps you... they earn.

    • When you help your members, you earn...

    • When your members help their members... they earn and so do you!

Imagine...the incredible, explosive growth your business will experience when your downline starts doing what you are doing... Namely, sharing and helping!  What happens when you've shared with 10... they share with 10... you now have 100 in your second level... Those 100 want to earn so they start sharing...  then their people start sharing and earning...   You earn from it ALL!  And remember... All of this happens for free! We have many members who have built downlines in excess of 100 in their couple of days... Thousands in their first couple of months!  You can do it too!  Just follow the system and watch your business grow! 

  • ASN is like a snowball rolling down a hill... but instead  of collecting more snow... it collects more money!  All anyone has to do?  Just follow the the system ...  Get it rolling!  Then an occasional nudge keeps it moving and growing!  Think about how easy it really is...  

    • Anyone can JOIN for free!

    • Anyone can EARN for free!

    • 15 points can always be earned immediately and for free!  A free insurance quote, free credit report, etc... and they just earned the fast start and eagle bonus!  PLUS... commission overrides on 10 levels of their downline!  Realize, they are working for themselves, earning their own money, building their own business, their own futures...  and building yours by doing it!  That's why we always say, the more you share, the more you help, the more you earn.  How do you help? Communicate.  see performance bonuses

Quite simply, there is nothing like ASN. 


And when you think about it, he accomplished and earned all of this for doing what???

For just helping others to earn money immediately with absolutely no investment!  EVER!

Remember, with ASN, the more you help, the more you earn!

And remember, the Group Bonus override system can be so profitable that if you give away just 2 stores and then they give away 2 stores, etc... through 10 levels, with each store generating only 25 points (Between personal use, marketing services, claim your check, ASN Hosting, etc... getting 25 points is simple!)-- YOUR group overrides will be in excess of $4,500 per month.

Moral of the Story?  Stay in touch and help your downline all you can.

Remember, the more successful they become, the more successful you are.

The more active your downline is... the more money you earn.

This new Start Up and Mentor Bonuses provide powerful incentives for Your 1st level members to help their members earn that first check and get them going.  Your first level's downline members have that same incentive to help THEIR first level members to get their members active and earning, etc...  This creates a powerful organization wide incentive for mutual assistance that guarantees the development of active, profitable, successful downlines. for all!

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If you haven't already done so learn to



Is Earning With ASN Really That Easy?  Back to top

In a word, Yes!  Building an ASN business could not be easier.  We provide free advertising, marketing tools, start up strategies, etc...  And every member of ASN has the same system, the same profits, the same free marketing tools, the same incentives, the same ability to make money by simply giving away FREE Websites, FREE OPPORTUNITY...  I truly believe that nothing is easier and nothing is better...


But if you want to maximize the opportunity, you will need to on about a weekly basis remind your downline that they are in business... and of just how easy it is to earn a check.


Earning money is SO EASY that we often pay members, and then get an email from them asking "what's this for?" 


The reality is that without an occasional reminder from you, (their sponsor), your downline might forget that they have a simple way to make money right at their fingertips.  That's not good for them, and it's certainly not good for you!



Email Contact.  Another major key to the success of your ASN business. Back to top

Take the time to be available to your downline and take the time to remind them of the opportunity they have with occasional emails.

Communication is an incredibly simple, but important component of your success. 

  • Learn to EARN.

  • Teach your downline to earn.  Just an occasional email to your first level and possibly second level members, letting them know what you are accomplishing, reminding them that getting a a simple free quote earns a check.

  • Then help your downline to teach theirs to do the same. i.e. You help A to help B, who then helps C, who helps D, etc... your income will skyrocket. 

Help your downline.   Do this, you will have an incredibly successful ASN business.  By doing so, not only, do you build your downline, your downline builds their downline and THEIR downline builds their downline, etc...  This simple concept unleashes the incredible power of the geometric growth that the FREE ASN opportunity provides.


Use What You Already Have to Stay In Touch, for FREE 

Create contact lists and send emails from your personal computer.  Simple and free.

Your computer almost certainly already has a simple email program, such as outlook express.  For most cases,  should be enough.  Just follow the directions that it will proved for setting it up.  Then...

1. Create a contact group, on your outlook or ISP.. (it will tell you how).

2. Then every time that you are notified of a new member of your downline, just enter that email into your contact list...

3. From then on, anytime that you want to send your members an email all you have to do is, choose your member group and select all members and hit send.

Email systems such as yahoo and google, often allow you to do something similar.


How to find your group members?

log into your back office

 Member Login

Enter your ASN ID [PERSONALID] and password.

Click on View your downline.

From there you can  have a download report emailed to your, or directly from the back office copy and paste the email addresses of the first 2 levels of your organization into your computer program's contact list. 

Then about once a week send an email to the entire group.



See terms of use and anti spamming policy.


If you ever have problems logging into your back office, it's virtually always one or both of the following...

  • A cAsE sEnSItiVItY issue or browser issue.

    Remember, URLs, Logins and passwords are all cAsE sEnsiTive

    • For example your ASN login ID is NEVER  mn9486 it would always be MN...

  • Also, AND VERY IMPORTANT- due to added security protocols that have been added you might get an "not found or authorized" message when you try to into the member's area. 

    If this happens,

    • close the login window.

    • REFRESH your browser... 

    • re enter your info

    • then hit submit. 

     99 times out of a hundred you  will then be in!

Use Professional Email Systems


Nothing is more detrimental to your success than emailing to "bad" email lists. Email verifier protects you and your email reputation! 





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Sample emails to increase your success by helping your downline become successful.


Hello Team,


If you have less than 15 points, please let me know how I can help you to reach that point. Remember, you can do it for free and that will always pay you the Fast Start Bonus, Eagle Bonus, and earned Group Bonuses.  As your sponsor I'm hear to help you in any way that I can. If you aren't sure how to get to the points you need please let me know and I will do my best to help you. Remember I'm only an e-mail or a phone call away.  I will response to your e-mail within 24 hours.

  Note: You may want to listen to the new Resource Training audio.  It is very informative and actually cleared up a couple of foggy points that I had.


If you haven't yet seen it please take a look at the new Support and Training page.  It goes a long way to making the ASN system much more easily understood.  see




Jane Doe

(857) 555 7583


Hello Team,


How can I help you reach your goals? as your sponsor I'm here to help you in any way that I can. Please let me know if you need my assistance.

One of the first things you will want to do is to examine the How You earn page.[PERSONALID]/howyouearn.htm  (to have it go to their personal page replace the [PERSONALID] with their ASN ID)


Also: If you haven't already done so, listen to the new Resource Training audio.  It is very informative and actually cleared up a few foggy points I had.




Jane Doe

(857) 555 7583




Hello Team,


As your sponsor I'm here to help you in any way that I can.  I also need help sometimes. If you have suggestions or comments please let me know. Send me an e-mail or call me and I'll get right back to you.


And don't forget to listen to the new Resource Training audio.  It really helped me appreciate the full understanding of this business.




Jane Doe

(857) 555 7583


Hello Team,

As your sponsor I would like to know how I can be of assistance in helping you reach your goals?  If you need help with Earning Points, Marketing Services, Building your downline or anything, please, don't hesitate to contact me.  I consider us a team and am committed to help you in anyway I can.

And don't forget to listen to the new Resource Training audio.  It really helped me appreciate the full understanding of this business.




Jane Doe

(857) 555 7583



Hello Team,


Are you reaching your goals? If not, it might be time to consider a new approach.  As your sponsor I'm here to help you in any way that I can.  If and when you need my assistance please don't hesitate to send me an e-mail and I will do my best to respond within 24hours.


And don't forget to listen to the new Resource Training audio.  It really helped me appreciate the full understanding of this business.




Jane Doe

(857) 555 7583


Hello Team,

I am writing to see if you are ready for the next level? Whatever that level may be, as your sponsor, I'm hear to help you in any way that I can.  The potential of this business is HUGE.  I want to help you realize it.   If you have any questions about anything in your ASN business that I can help you with please don't hesitate to let me know.  If I don't have the answer, I'll find it!

Make sure you've heard the new Resource Training audio.  It really helped me appreciate the full potential of this business and helped me to get really moving.




Jane Doe

(857) 555 7583


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How Often to Contact Your Downline?

You should contact your downline about once a week.  Enough so that they remember you and the business, but not so much as to be a pain :-)

When a new member signs up, they often provide a phone number. 

Upon their joining, it  is a good idea to give them a quick call.  The sooner the better. This way the call is made at a time that they will remember who you and ASN are, and during the time frame that they can still find their Intro email from ASN.


Remember, with ASN

You can get everything you want...

if you help enough others get what they want.


  Spend just 15 minutes a week and great things can happen for you... The leveraging power of our system is Incredible!


Now, we all know that it's easy to spout mathematical calculations that sound great, but so often, in real life, those calculations just don't happen.  Because of the simplicity of the ASN system, what works in theory-- works in reality... Providing, of course, that the member actually works!


How 8 Turned into over 3,000 then over 5,000  Back to top

When we say that with ASN, the only way to fail is to quit, that's not lip service.  It's a fact.

The following is the amazing story of a member worked for about an hour.  She put in place the free steps we teach on your what now page...  then almost immediately lost interest.  She QUIT and it has cost her dearly.


This member (ID BA2384), joined on January 22 of 2005.  She immediately put in place the free steps that are here what now pageWithin a few days she had 8 members in her first level...  She then did absolutely nothing else.  No emails, no quotes, placed no free ads, she did absolutely NOTHING! 


She quickly forgot about her growing business and because she had not provided a phone number and she was either ignoring our emails or they were being blocked...  (don't let this happen to you, click here), we had no way of contacting her to help her grow. THEN for some reason, on 11-08-08, she opened one of the emails we had went to all ASN members.   I would normally think that was a good thing.  Apparently I was wrong.


Upon receiving her newsletter, she immediately wrote back to us, very irate,  accusing us of spamming her, threatening to report us and DEMANDED that  we immediately destroy her information and  delete her from our mailing list.  We, of course, immediately obliged.

Out of curiosity, we decided to take a look at her account to see what was happening with her organization...  We were amazed!


Realize... she had personally done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING FOR OVER 3 YEARS!!!...



As of 12-18-08 7:11pm PST,  her downline totaled 3,324 members! 

We never doubted that the ASN system is the most effective system on the internet... but even we wouldn't have expected that!


As an experiment, instead of deleting the account,  we changed its name and email (for privacy purposes), and we have let it sit there ever since.

We did this just to see what kind of growth an organization could experience from it's own momentum; to see what it could do if left completely to itself. 


Note: The ASN support system remained in place, as it does for all members and their downline. 

Members of her downline, received any support they need from ASN, all questions answered, just as your downline does i.e. normal support channels, training emails and tools, etc... They where not left in the cold.  It's just that their original sponsor took herself totally out of the picture and has done absolutely nothing to build her business or help her members. this business.


What Happened?

We've always said that ASN is like a snowball... just get it started, provide an occasional nudge and it will continue to move and grow on it's own.  We couldn't have been more right!

Even though there was no sponsor, the effectiveness of the ASN system combined with the free tools we provide to all members, allowed something incredible to happen... This person's downline took on an amazing life of it's own.  It has continued to grow on it's own... month after month... even  year after year!  

We provided No marketing, no advertising, no nothing... Other than simply existing in cyberspace, it has been completely ignored!



As of 3-08-2010, this totally ignored account had grown to in excess of 5,500 members!


A member, recently asked us to do an update to see the current size of this "ignored" account... 

  • As of 2-24-14  2:22pm PST,  this "mentorless" downline now totals 8,221 members!






With ASN, the only way to fail... is to fail to try!  click here.

This is a perfect example of the incredible power of the ASN System:

This member did the most important part...  "she started",  Her meager original efforts resulted in a huge organization that has continued to build itself... even though she quit!


With Consistency it would have grown even larger and more profitable... and it would have been hers!... She would still be earning from every free trial, free quote, sale, purchase or survey made by every member and every visitor to each of those over 8,000 sites!

She would be earning the monthly training bonuses that come with an active growing downline (see Bonuses)


Instead, she stopped almost immediately; and because she quit and didn't set up her ASN home page (Click Here) she actually forgot she was in business, when we were finally able to contact her, she was so oblivious to even the existence her business,  she actually accused us of spamming, threatened us with legal action and told us to delete all her information, including even her email...   Her decision to quit, has cost her an untold amount of money!


Remember, what she did?  She joined, sent one email to her contacts and then quit!

Because of that moment of effort, there now exists an 8,000 member downline...

 that could have changed her life. 


If she had paid any attention at all... done anything consistently, followed even a small part of the ASN system... she could be rich!  




What does she have now?  NOTHING! 

ASN was her winning lottery ticket... and she threw it away... 




Instead of the life changing financial independence ASN could have afforded her i.e. 

Monthly Residual Income

Monthly Profit Sharing

Weekly Commissions,

Training bonuses, etc...  


We don't know where she is or what she's doing.  Remember, before we had an opportunity to llok at her business, remind here she was an ASN member or anything else... she threatened legal action and demanded we delete all her information.  What we do know...  she threw away a great opportunity.  She had a Gold Mine in her hands.  All she had to do was do a bit more digging...  just an inch or two more and her life would have changed!  Instead, she quit. 


Remember, with ASN the only way to fail is to quit.

If you do nothing else, put in place the free steps in your What Now training page.  They can change your life!

You have absolutely nothing to lose... and a whole world of opportunity to gain!

THAT IS THE POWER OF THE ASN SYSTEM.  8 turned into over 8,000!

If, the ASN system is so powerful that this can happen for an organization that is being completely ignored... 

What can you do if you actually try?  What if you actually use the free tools and marketing methods we give you to promote and build your site and business?  This "mentorless", organization is growing, and continues to grow, for one simple reason... THE ASN SYSTEM WORKS!.  The tools work.  The incentives work.  Everything works!  It's all here and it's all free!  Even though this member quit, the dreams and aspirations of those in her downline live on and her downline grows and grows and grows as would have, too her income... if she hadn't quit!

How would her life have changed if she hadn't quit?

What if it were you that sent that one email to your email contacts; then instead of quitting you tried?  You continued, you followed the system?  

How would your life be different?

Ask your self;  If she could accomplish all of this after quitting... what great things can you do, by trying?


Remember, the ASN system was created so that anyone... no matter their circumstances had an opportunity for success.  No investment, no sales, no inventory... just do what you normally do and share it with others.  I don't care who you are.  You CAN do this!  Just try!

  • Follow the system and watch what happens!

  • Remember, ASN is a real business.  It won't happen overnight... but with consistent effort, it will happen!

What our most successful members do!

  • Make ASN Their Home Page.  Why?  It insures they don't accidentally lose money by making purchases that don't pay them. click here.

  • They put in place these steps click Here.   By implementing these simple, free steps, many aspects of your business growth will be put on auto pilot. Putting them in place takes less than an hour, but only has to be done once!  See How 8 turned into over 5,000!

  • Since they have their myhomepage, every time they go to the internet, they are automatically on their ASN site. So before they "play" they consistently every couple of days they take 5 or 10 minutes to do the following:  (All as simple as copy and paste)

    • They know they are in business so they consistently build their personal brand.  Here's How.

    • On the days they get on internet, since they are already there,  they take a few moments to personally get a free quote, trial or survey.  By doing this, they earn 8, 10, 15, or so free points every couple of days.  Do this consistently and by the end of the month, they always have over 100 points, paying them, at least, $100 to $500!

    • They also spend an additional 90 seconds or so to copy and paste one or two of the sample ads and links located on our viral marketing page.  Make sure you vary the services you promote.  click here to see how.    also see assortment of Banners.

      It's not unusual for members to earn an average of $300 to $500 a week for just this bit of effort...  but the key is always consistency!

  • What are the best products and services to market?  All are great and profitable!  Just make sure you mix them up!  see Banners and Viral Marketing Options.

    Remember this Fact.  A huge part of any company's success is accomplished by building trust and that is done by building your personal BRAND.  see how.

    See the following links that explain how our many services pay you and how simple they are to promote.

    • Share to build your international organization.  click here.

    • TAXES- get paid for helping other reduce taxes and increase incomes!  click here.

    • Earn $300 to $500 for helping save homes!  click here.

    • ASN Hosting to build a consistent residual monthly income-  click here.

    And the above are but a few of the countless ways ASN members earn every day!

IT'S A FACT... If a member isn't earning, they simply aren't following the system...

* How to CHOOSE the number of profit sharing bonuses you are paid!  click here.

* Understanding Profit Sharing and how much it pays you  click here.

* SHARING, the most profitable aspect of ASN... See How and Why Sharing is so Profitable...   click here.

* The fact is, no company makes earning easier.   Even GROCERY SHOPPING pays you!  See How! 



Following is the downline of one of our newer members after being with us a little over 2 months...

1st LVL Points

2d LVL Points

3rd LVL Points

4th LVL Points

5th LVL Points

6th LVL Points

7th LVL Points

8th LVL Points

9th LVL Points

10th LVL Points

Mentor Points

Total Active Downline













We have many members who have been in the business for only 2 months, who now have downlines in excess of 2,000 members... This means that every month, they earn commission overrides on every free quote, trial, survey, purchase and sale made by every visitor to every site in their downline of over 2,000 members. 

Just Follow the System and You Will Do the Same!

Help your downline earn.  The more points they earn, the more money they earn... AND THE MORE MONEY THEY EARN, THE MORE YOU INCOME GROWS!  With ASN, the more you help others, the more successful you become!


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Work This System... It WILL Work for You!

No matter how great the opportunity, nothing happens without the original effort. 


But once you get started, don't stop!  Don't do what BA2384 did!  If you follow this system and get your site "out there" i.e. take advantage of the many FREE advertising sites, the many FREE directory and search engine submission sites  and FREE Marketing Methods that we have provided, your site will soon be on virtual auto pilot.  You will find your self earning money in your in your sleep.  24-7.  But, as you may have guessed, it won't happen by itself. 


Your ASN business is much like a snow ball rolling down the hill.  Once it gets moving it generates a momentum of it's own.  When it's going gravity takes over and you could barely stop it if you wanted to.  But the trick is in exercising the commitment to get it rolling in the first place. 


We've provided every tool anyone could need...  And most of them are free, but it's up to each member member to use them to get that "snowball" rolling.  Give it a good push and then let "gravity" take over.

Please see Free Marketing Methods

This system works...

Remember, Follow the system, Help your downline, AND YOU GUARANTEE YOUR SUCCESS!

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Each Month Be Certain That You Do, At Least, The Following:

1.       1. Claim Your Check  Take advantage of ANY free service.  This earns points and locks in your first paycheck.  The more points accumulated, the more you earn.  4 points equals the fast start bonus, 8 the eagle, 15 the group bonuses which earns you from your downline.  The best thing to do is to each month immediately get your 15 points.  You can do it for free.  It will take less than 15 minutes and you immediately earn the Fast Bonus, Eagle Bonus, and Group Bonuses. 

2.       2. Personal Use, Make a habit of going to your site for your personal shopping.  Buy what you always buy, even get it from the same store you always use i.e. walmart, amazon, best buy, etc... JUST BUY IT FROM YOUR SITE And make sure that you always register your points.  This inputs the activity into our databases to make sure that you get credit and then takes you to get your vacation, gas and grocery vouchers.  Point Confirmation This saves you money and assures that you always accumulate points so that you have checks coming, AT LEAST, every month.  Go to this link and then make ASN your home page.  This way making money will always be but a click away!

REMEMBER-- the beauty of the ASN system is that the more people that you help, the more profitable your business becomes...

Our motto "You can get anything you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want"


Consistently Market Your Services for big points and commissions.


Everything you need for success is provided. Back to top

We are absolutely committed to giving you every product, every service, and every tool.  We will give you and your members everything needed to succeed.  The only thing that we can't provide is commitment.  But of course commitment is the most important ingredient. 


No matter how great the idea or how great the opportunity, without committed, consistent action, nothing worth while is ever accomplished. Some people are going to get a hold of this business, run with it and do great things. Others are going to sit on it and then six months later come to us asking for their login information, telling us this is what they should have been focusing on, all along.

          See what other members say!

If you act today and act consistently, I truly believe your life is about to change.  If you are the latter and choose to wait, we'll be here when you are ready.


Realize, ASN works.   We've been in business helping people since 1998.  We are not a flash in the pan, here today, gone tomorrow company.  We currently have over 300,000 members worldwide and are poised to expand to even greater heights thanks to the inclusion of amazing new technologies and a huge array of additional tools poised for activation.  ASN is the epitome of equal opportunity. It can be run successfully and profitably by anyone anywhere.   It NEVER requires investment and we've made virtually every marketing method and strategy as simple as copy and paste!  We give you a virtual PHD in internet marketing, teaching you not only how to succeed with ASN, but with anything you do. Our goal truly is your success and we provide everything possible to assure it.  


With ASN The Only way to Fail is by Failing to Act.

But Realize, simply because anyone CAN Succeed... Does NOT mean EVERYONE WILL Succeed. 

    We've found stark contrasts between those who have joined on the very same day.  Many have used the system to share and within a few months had over 500 new motivated members in their organization.   Others gave away over 20 free sites in their first 24 hours by doing nothing other than completing the above email and social sharing steps. Still others joined, did little to nothing and complained because they earned only about $20! 

    The fact is, no matter how great a business is, to have any real measure of success requires at least a minimal amount of consistent effort. As you've seen, with ASN it doesn't take a lot... but even we can't provide "push one button" riches.  Success in anything requires consistency. Think about it... Even a free diamond mine is worthless if no one is willing to dig!


ASN is always FREE to Join and FREE to EARN... That equals unequalled opportunity!...

It's important to understand that every time you give this free business to anyone, you've created a new source of income... The more you give, the more you earn. The only question is how much you will earn?

  • Every time any member of your organization earns, even if only from a free quote, trial, sample, or just a normal purchase of any kind (from their site), or a sale is made of any product or service from their site... not only do they earn... So do you.

  • PLUS, every time any member or visitor to any website in your entire organization gets any free quote, trial, sample, survey... or makes any purchase of products or services, no matter how small, you earn from that too!... through up to 10 Full Levels!  

  • This geometric growth and earning combined with the Power of FREE creates an unequalled opportunity!


The below is an accurate mathematical calculation of actual earnings based on the organization below.


The ASN system is so powerful and profitable that by sharing ASN with just 5 people, who then share with 2 each, who share with 2, etc... through 10 levels, with each averaging only 25 points of business volume a month...  What this organization pays you?   Over $7,500 per month!


 And this doesn't even include your profit sharing bonuses, commissions from legal and financial services or any of your many other income streams!


We have members who've been with us for only 5 months, earning substantial incomes with down lines of over 5,000! 

We have others who joined about the same time and informed us they wanted to cancel their business. They say ASN DOESN'T WORK!


Those who take ASN by the horns and consistently follow the system, step by step, accomplish great things... 

On the other hand those who are just curious, who at best just "dabble", will still earn something... but probably not much.

The difference between success and mediocrity always contains the same common thread.  The difference in accomplishment is always consistent ACTION.


This is a great opportunity.  But there's a catch.   Success requires more than curiosity.  It requires commitment.   A commitment to consistently act.  Follow your Fast Start Guide, do a little something everyday.  It doesn't have to be a lot.  But it has to be something and it has to be consistent!

We've done all that we can to provide everything that you and your downline could need.  Products, Services, Incentives, Free Marketing Systems, Easily Attainable Performance Bonuses-- all with NO INVESTMENT REQUIRED EVER!

We have done... and will continue to do all that we can to give you and every member every tool needed for success.  It's up to each member to decide what to do with them.


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Last modified: 08/27/2024